rss_2.0Acta Scientifica Naturalis FeedSciendo RSS Feed for Acta Scientifica Naturalis Scientifica Naturalis Feed Note: Balkan Mountains – a symbol of liberty – Part III (Western Balkan) analysis of temperature and precipitation changes in the city of Shumen for the periods 1971-1980 and 2013-2023<abstract>
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<p>The main climatic elements and meteorological phenomena in the area of the meteorological observatory in the city of Shumen were studied for the periods 1971-1980 and 2013-2023. A detailed analysis of changes in temperatures and precipitation has been carried out, revealing the trends in their changes. Significant differences in temperature were found between the warm and cold part of the year. For the period 1971-1980, the average January temperatures are from -3.0°C to +2.5°C, and the average June temperatures from +18.4°C to +21.3°C, while for the period 2013-2023 they are, respectively, the average January temperatures from –2.8°C to +5.7°C, and the average June temperatures from +19.1°C to +22.3°C. Temperature analysis reveals warmer months of January and June for the period 2013-2023. The average annual temperature for the period 1971-1980 is +10.73°C., while for the period 2013-2023 it is +12.48°C, i.e. for the second period an increase of 1.75°C is reported. The average maximum monthly temperatures for the city of Shumen for the period 1971-1980 in the summer range from +17.6 to +21.8°C, while for the period 2013-2023 they are from +19.1 to +24.6°C., i.e. for the second period, an increase of about 2°C is reported. The same trend is observed for the average annual temperature amplitudes, which in the period 1971-1980 were from 20°C to 24.4°C, while for the period 2013-2023. are from 19.9°C to 25.8°C. The average annual precipitation for both periods is approximately the same (1971-1980 - 608.64 mm; 2013-2023 - 648.89 mm), but by year in the period 2013-2023 there are very large differences - from 418.4 mm (2019) to 1185.4 mm (2014). Four years of the 2013-2023 period: 2019, 2020, 2022, and 2023 can clearly be identified as years of significant drought. The complex analysis of the climate of the city of Shumen allowed in the final part of the study to draw conclusions about the prevailing types and classes of weather.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Eastern Rhodopes – opportunities for niche products through the development of esoteric and pilgrimage tourism<abstract>
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<p>Any form of tourism that deviates from the mainstream is classified as alternative tourism. In this context, esoteric and religious tourism play a pivotal role in fostering inclusive and sustainable development within the Eastern Rhodopes Destination. Religious tourism, depending on its specific purpose, can be further subdivided into several categories, including missionary tourism (specialized travel aimed at spreading Christian teachings), pilgrimage tourism (travel undertaken to visit sacred sites for spiritual purposes), educational tourism (trips with an academic or scholarly focus), and festival tourism (attending religiously motivated celebrations, often of a mass nature, such as those dedicated to saints or religious events).</p>
<p>Religious tourism is commonly regarded as a subset of cultural tourism, as many religious sites attract visitors who may not necessarily adhere to the religious beliefs associated with those locations. These sites are frequently included in broader tourist itineraries and are visited not only for their religious significance but also for their cultural, aesthetic, architectural, or historical values.</p>
<p>Pilgrimage, in its traditional sense, refers to a journey undertaken for religious reasons, often to a holy place, driven by a deeper, inward spiritual purpose and a quest for inner understanding. Pilgrimages are typically dedicated to sacred spaces such as churches, temples, mosques, holy mountains, and sites of divine visitation. The development of these specialized forms of tourism is crucial for attracting visitors seeking distinctive or alternative travel experiences, contributing to the diversification of tourism offerings. In Bulgaria, places of religious significance, such as holy sites, monasteries, icons, relics, and healing springs, continue to be central to pilgrimage tourism. These destinations often serve as focal points for individuals whose spiritual practices intertwine Orthodox Christianity with a variety of esoteric beliefs.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue rot of grapes ( (Ellis) Viala & Ravaz) in the area of the city of Burgas under the conditions of integrated plant protection<abstract>
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<p>The study of the disease Black rot of grapes was carried out in the village of Galabets, Pomorie municipality. The study was carried out in the period of 2022 - 2023. The vine varieties that were monitored were Dimyat, Pamid, Misquet red, Chardonnay, Misquet Ottonel, Naslada, June Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon. In the village of Galabets, the Misquet Ottonel variety is 2.5/1.4 m apart and the other varieties at distances of 3.2/1.4 m. The vines are grafted onto Berlandieri x Riparia SO4 rootstock. The preplanting preparation of the area includes stock fertilization with 40 kg of P2O5, 50 kg of K2O (active substance) and 3 t of stable manure per decare, harrowing, discing and leveling. The vines are planted in pits of 60/60/70 cm. According to McKinney's classification (1923), slightly sensitive /class 1/ are June Blanc and Naslada (0.1-25%), moderately sensitive is the variety Pamid (25-50%). Misquet Otonel, Misquet Red, in fourth variant compared to the other variants and the lowest, are sensitive. This is due to the application of green pruning operations combined with the use of chemical preparations with a proven effect against black rot.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue healthy lifestyle score and healthy behaviour of adults in Bulgaria<abstract>
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<p>The positive impact of numerous healthy behaviours on human health and wellbeing is well known. This study is the first to provide a comprehensive single healthy lifestyle score for a heterogeneous adult population in Bulgaria. The aim of this study is to make single healthy lifestyle score of the adults in Bulgaria. The survey was carried out with 714 randomly selected participants. A relative lifestyle score (RLS) was based on smoking status, alcohol consumption, physical activity, diet and BMI of respondents. The RLS ranged from 0 to 5, and a higher score representing a healthier lifestyle. The relationship between respondents’ healthy behaviours and demographic features was determined via the Pearson correlation coefficient. We found that the healthy lifestyle score of the participants is 2.98 of 5.00. The relatively lifestyle score of halves (45.94%) of them is in the range of 3.9-4.29. Regarding smoking and alcohol consumption, respondents' behaviour is the healthiest: 63.31% nonsmokers and 68.63% abstainers. Low physical activity and mixed diet patterns are the main risk factors for optimal healthy lifestyle achievement. We identified the demographic groups that are most vulnerable. Our study provides a possibility for reliable comparisons of healthy lifestyle levels among populations across countries. The RLS is a reliable tool for assessment a healthy lifestyle both of individuals and the community.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue issues as an object of study in higher education in Bulgaria<abstract>
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<p>The main objective is to study the presence of geo-global issues as a subject of study in the curricula of the higher education institutions in Bulgaria that have geography majors - University of Sofia, University of Veliko Tarnovo, Southwest University in Blagoevgrad and University of Shumen. In order to achieve the set goal, a comparative analysis of the curricula is being implemented as a basic part of the study documentation. The presence of compulsory, elective and optional courses, which are meaningfully related to the geo-global issues, is established.</p>
<p>On the basis of the content analysis, conclusions are drawn about the need to strengthen the presence of geo-global issues in the curricula and to seek opportunities for their expansion in the curricula of geography majors.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue development, pandemics, and tourism – intersections<abstract>
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<p>This paper aims to comprehensively examine the interrelationships between sustainable tourism, diseases, and tourism. In several previous publications, the authors explore the connection between pandemics and their impact on socio-economic development, including the tourism sector. Such an approach is crucial, as the pursuit of sustainable development (in its various aspects) requires analyzing and forecasting the influences of pandemics and tourism, both individually and interdependently. In this context, the paper represents an attempt at a theoretical examination of these interrelations, with the authors supporting their arguments with relevant examples where appropriate.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue and biodynamic cultivation of wheat<abstract>
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<p>The aim of this study was to determine the influence of fertilization with organic and biodynamic preparations and their combined influence on the elements of grain yield under organic farming conditions. The experiment includes one variant of wheat treatment with biodynamic preparations 500 + preparation Fladen + preparation 501; one treatment with organic preparations: Heliosulphur + Free N; one combined variant between biodynamic and organic preparations and one control variant without treatment. The plant height, spike length, number of spikelets per spike, number of grains per spike, grain weight per spike indicators were recorded. The IBM SPSS Statistics software using the method of variational statistics and Student's test was used for evaluation was used to process the obtained results. It was found that the variants treated with organic preparations have the highest level of evidence of differences compared to the control with 2.67 number of spikelets per spike, 7.59 number of grains per spike and 0.37 grain weight per spike (g) at P < 0.05. The methods of biodynamic and organic cultivation of soft wheat without the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticide can be successfully applied by farmers on soil type calcic chernozem.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue record of the freshwater sponges (Spongilla) in the inland rivers of Bulgaria<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>Records from freshwater sponges on Bulgarian territory are scarce. Only two exist in the scientific literature, one from the Zhrebchevo Dam and one from the Bulgarian part of the Danube River near the border with Serbia. Inland lotic ecosystems such as channels, streams, and rivers, as well as lentic ecosystems, were not studied for this potential biological indicator. Due to the existing knowledge gap, studies of entire rivers and other aquatic ecosystems focused on the monitoring of biological or physicochemical quality elements should be vigilant for Spongillidaе family representatives since even their random discovery and identification could be of great importance. Such records can be considered interesting for gaining knowledge of their distribution, species richness, habitat preference and particular environmental variables dependencies. We investigated macroinvertebrates and macrophytes from 16 sampling sites in a river with a length of about 200 km and a watershed of 1600 km2 to register two Spongilla lacustris individuals at two sites without any significant hydro-morphological pressure from big dams. Our results could serve for monitoring program optimization that aims to investigate rare protected species dependent on freshwater sponges and on seeking more localities with established Spongilla populations. This can be achieved by directing sampling efforts on sampling sites that have similar habitats and have a hydraulic connection with the found specimens.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue of some quality indicators for wheat grown under biological conditions<abstract>
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<p>On soil type calcic chernozem, in the period 2018-2022. an experiment with common winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) variety "Venka 1" was carried out. The experiment was set up in 4 replications in a randomized block design. The size of the experimental plot is 10 m-2. In October, the sowing was carried out after the predecessor sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.), with 500 germinating seeds/m-2. Treatments in 4 variants are applied in the appropriate periods according to Maria Thun's calendar. The first variant is an untreated Control; the second was treated only with biodynamic preparations: VD (biodynamic preparation) 500 + VD 501 + Fladen preparation; The third option is treated only with biological preparations: Free N + Heliosulfur, and the treatment in the fourth option is a combination of the above two options: VD (biodynamic preparation) 500 + VD 501 + Flaten preparation + Free N + Heliosulfur. Growth phases indicated are according to the Zadoks scale. Data were processed using SPSS using the method of variance statistics. Student's criterion was used for assessment. It was found that wheat treated variants performed better in terms of some biochemical parameters.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue implementation of digital technologies in teaching a foreign language to future teachers of natural sciences within the context of successful communication and intercultural interaction<abstract>
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<p>The article describes the variety of approaches, perspectives and experiments in the field of foreign language teaching within the context of successful communication and intercultural interaction. The knowledge of the language and the evaluation of the degree of its command is inevitably linked to the knowledge of history, culture, and moral issues of people who speaks this very language.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue debate - an opportunity for the formation of ecological culture in Biology and Health Education<abstract>
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<p>The present study is part of a didactic experiment, which aims at establishing the application and effectiveness of the school debate, as an interactive method of teaching in Biology and Health Education in XII grade in order to form an environmental culture among students. The application of school debate as a part of interactive methods corresponding to the objectives of environmental education and upbringing of a selected methodological unit of the ‘Sustainable development - strategy for preserving life on Earth’ is presented, and options for its application in a specific stage of the macro structure of the lesson are proposed. The results of a questionnaire, conducted with students to explore their opinions on the application of the debate as a teaching method, are presented. The analysis of the results shows that students are motivated to actively engage in the process of learning Biology and Health Education, accept the debate as an interactive form of learning because they believe that it increases their environmental awareness and develops key skills such as, critical thinking; skills to support sustainable development; teamwork; making decisions on various environmental topics; improves the ability to analyze and evaluate the relationship between man-society-nature.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue skills for a healthy lifestyle by using interactive methods in teaching Biology and Health Education<abstract>
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<p>The aim of the article is to present the results of using interactive methods in the teaching of Biology and Health Education to 7th grade students for developing skills for a healthy lifestyle. The discussion is based on the topics: “The role of prokaryotic organisms in nature and their importance for man”, “The role of unicellular eukaryotic organisms in nature and their importance for man”, and “Talus plants. Seaweed”. The discussion is supported by fragments of lessons in which interactive methods are used – the method of associations through creating mind maps, discussion, case study, and role play. As a result of using of interactive methods, students develop key competencies for maintaining their own health and the health of society as a whole.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Note: Balkan Mountains – a symbol of liberty – Part II (Central Balkan) Influence of Soil Physico-Mechanical Properties on Plant Growth and Subsoil Water Movement<abstract>
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<p>Within the cutting-edge realm of Geotechnical Biology, the interplay between soil mechanics and biological systems has unveiled profound insights that align with the rural sustainability, forestry and agroecosystems. This inquiry, encompassing the role of soil characteristics and parameters in shaping plant behavior and root growth, creating a suction effect that draws water towards them and underscores the intricate relationships that govern soil-plant interactions. A numerical simulation was expertly dissected using Plaxis 2D software, particularly focused on understanding the complex behavior of root water uptake over time and the changing level of groundwater and its dynamics rhythm affected by the evolution of plants. The output results in our study have important implications for understanding the soil-plant system and the role of geotechnical processes in biological analyses. Our findings suggest that the stability and behavior of geotechnical systems can have a significant impact on plant growth and distribution, underscoring the importance of considering geotechnical processes in biological analyses.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue plants collected by visitors in protected areas in Bulgaria<abstract>
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<p>This survey is a part of a broader ethnobotanical research conducted amongst visitors of protected areas in Bulgaria. The aim of the present study was to find out which herbs are collected by the visitors. Two types of interviews were conducted – among visitors of the Shumen Plateau Nature Park and among users of social network Facebook. Only small proportion from both groups collected medicinal plants from the visited areas. On the other hand, their answers revealed the knowledge about the most used medicinal plants in Bulgaria. Notably, most of them specify, that they comply with legal requirements and that the collected herbs are for personal use only. There are some differences between two groups – a smaller proportion of the online group collected medicinal plants from natural habitats, but demonstrated a greatest knowledge than the visitors of the Shumen Plateau Nature Park. Reported medicinal plants by the respondents are widely distributed in Bulgaria. Two endangered species have been mentioned: Aesculus hippocastanum L. and Sideritis scardica Griseb. Four medicinal plants were cited from both groups: – Hypericum perforatum L., Thymus sp. div., Tilia tomentosa Moench and Rosa canina L. Results revealed also the major disadvantages of the online surveys – skewed respondents, as only people interested in using herbs participate in the survey.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Soil-Plant and Soil-Insect Interactions: A Mathematical Modeling Approach<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>The Pev and Rv functions were introduced as a way of summarizing the mechanical phenomenon of root-soil interactions and the effect of root growth on soil volume. The Mohr-Coulomb criterion was applied to the Rv function to demonstrate the relationship between root morphology, soil mechanical properties, and soil stability. The theory of elasticity and plasticity was applied in the analysis of the Bio-Geo Interface, which showed that the force F generated by the roots increased with time due to the growth of the roots and the increase in their volume. The forces acting on the Bio-Geo Interface were represented mathematically through the use of vector arithmetic, which helped to calculate the direction of the forces acting on the system. The Pev function was used to study the evolution of the plant and how it affected the Rv function. The results showed that the interplay between plant growth and soil mechanics is crucial in understanding the behavior of the Bio-Geo Interface, and can provide valuable insights into the interactions between plants and soil in natural and engineered systems. In the study of soil-insect interaction, a mathematical function, Iev, was proposed to represent the insect’s evolution in the soil environment. The function takes into account factors such as food sources and void ratio, which are important indicators of the biological and geotechnical aspects of the soil respectively. Despite the potential impact of insects on the soil environment, it has been concluded that their force resulting from their movement and behavior is negligible according to theories of elasticity and plasticity. This means that the impact of insects on the soil is minimal and does not significantly affect the soil’s mechanical properties. However, the biological aspects of the soil, such as food sources, remain important factors in the study of insect evolution in the soil environment.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue elements of grain yield in triticale (х Wittmack) grown under organic farming conditions<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>During the period 2018-2020 in the experimental field of the Agricultural Institute, Shumen, on calcic chernozem soil type, a field experiment with triticale (x Triticosecale Wittmack) was conducted. The experiment was based on the block method, in four replications with a size of the experimental plot of 10 m<sup>2</sup>. Sowing was carried out in October with a sowing rate of 500 germinate able seeds/m2 after the predecessor sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). In the appropriate periods treatments were made in 4 variants: 1) Control-untreated variant. 2) Treatment with biodynamic preparations: Preparation 500 (5% solution) + Fladen preparation (1.5% solution) + preparation 501 (1.5 g for 300 l H<sub>2</sub>O/ha). 3) Treatment with biological preparations: Heliosulfur (500 ml/ha) + Free N (500 ml/ha). 4) Combined treatment with the same biodynamic and biological preparations. The following indicators were studied: plant height, number of spikelet’s per spike, number of grains per spike, grain weight per spike. After the statistical analysis for the first year of the study, a proven positive difference was found in all indicators in the combined biodynamic + biological method of cultivation, as well as in the stand-alone biological. In the second year of the study, a proven positive difference was obtained in all studied indicators in the variants treated with biodynamic preparations and the combination of biodynamic + biological preparations, with statistical significance for p<0.001. A positive correlation was found between all variants of the observed indicators at p<0.05.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue medicines for treatment of socially significant diseases in current Bulgarian society<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>Socially significant diseases are defined as widespread diseases causing great economic, social and demographic damage. Nowadays traditional health practices have gained increasing interest. The aim of this online survey was to establish the knowledge of a random sample of Bulgarian people about traditional medicines in order to find out: 1) the knowledge about the use of medicinal plants for some socially significant diseases; 2) the attitudes of respondents towards the medicinal plants safety; 3) the statement whether the herbs can replace conventional drugs. In present survey the most used medicinal plants reported was Crataegus monogyna Jacq., Zingiber officinale Roscoe, Allium sativum L., Valeriana officinalis L., Sambucus nigra L., Cinnamomum verum J. Presl and Curcuma longa L. Current scientific studies proved appropriate use reports of these plants. One of the reasons for the renewed interest in phytotherapy is the assumption that anything natural is safe, but there are data that herbal chemical constituents could exert toxic effects. The demographic features of our respondents revealed the importance of the level of education for the self-health care. So, more efforts should be focused on the spread of disease prevention information in low educated populations.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue competency-bazed approach in the environmental education of the students - future biology teachers<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>The contemporary trends of globalization and enhanced international cooperation, as well as the aim at building a knowledge-based society, have put higher education institutions in an ever-increasing public interest. The fast-developing digitalization, the implementation of artificial intelligence and especially the generational characteristics of the learners determine the need for new approaches in teaching and learning tailored to individual needs. One of them is the competence approach, which represents one of the leading pedagogical concepts of the 21st century and is the basis for the formation of ecological competence. Its application in pedagogical practice is a serious challenge for both teachers and students – future Biology teachers. The article analyses on a structural and functional basis the components of environmental competence. A theoretical model for the formation of ecological competence in the discipline “Forms and methods of ecological education and upbringing in Biology education”, included in the curriculum of Master degree students is presented. The model is aimed at updating the vision of the learning process in the relevant discipline, the main part of which is environmental education.</p>