rss_2.0Germanistische Beiträge FeedSciendo RSS Feed for Germanistische Beiträge Beiträge Feed in den Volkserzählungen der Zipser aus der Maramuresch und der Südbukowina:<abstract>
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<p>Childhood as a theme has often been addressed in various works, but in this case, it is outlined through the stories handed down from generation to generation by the Zipser Saxons from Maramuresh and Southbukovina, who have had a similar path and development over the years. Folk tales are a source of cultural identity and collective memory, especially for ethnic minorities such as the Zipser Saxons, often offering deep insights into the history, traditions and values of their community. This raises the question of how the childhood memories of a generation shaped by destiny are conveyed through the stories.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrueäniens Beitritt zum Schengen-Raum: Eine pragmalinguistische Untersuchung zu den österreichischen, bundesdeutschen und rumänischen Schlagzeilen in der Online-Presse<abstract>
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<p>Media linguistics, an interdisciplinary research field, extensively engages in the analysis of language in the media and its impact on society. An interesting application case in media linguistics concerns the analysis of headlines in online press. Headlines in the media play a crucial role in information dissemination and significantly influence public opinion formation. When it comes to political events or international developments, headlines serve as powerful tools to shape the perception of the news and thus steer readers’ attitudes in a desired direction. In this article, I refer to the Austrian, German and Romanian online press regarding Romania’s accession to the Schengen Area. It is noticeable that the coverage in German media often appears more distant, while Austrian media adopt a critical tone in their headlines. This particularity could be linked to Austria’s geo graphical proximity to Romania, raising interesting questions about media linguistics and the cultural imprint on media coverage. In addition, the analysis also employs a pragmalinguistic perspective, which explores how linguistic elements in headlines are used within specific communicative contexts to convey meaning and achieve pragmatic goals.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrueänisch-deutsche Interferenzen in Herta Müllers Collagen<abstract>
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<p>Herta Müller outlined several times the differences between the German and the Romanian languages. The presence of the Romanian language in the texts of Herta Müller has already been analysed in various publications. The present paper focuses however on the German-Romanian linguistic interferences in her collages. The paper investigates both the Romanian interferences in the collages of the German volumes and the German interferences in the collages of the Romanian volume <italic>Este sau nu este Ion</italic> by providing concrete examples. A German-Romanian collage is also highlighted.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Literaturen und die Globalgeschichte der deutschen Literatur Zur rumäniendeutschen Literatur vor und nach 1989 in Rumänien und in Deutschland<abstract>
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<p>The aim of the essay is to formulate approaches towards a global history of German-language literature from Romania and to discuss them using examples. To this end, the concept of minor literature according to Franz Kafka is utilized and linked with the concept of a global history of German literature. Emphasis is placed on the continuity in this literature despite the changes resulting from engagement with the communist system in Romania before 1989 and through the 1989 revolution in Romania. Many of the authors have emigrated and live today in Germany. Nevertheless, their works remains part of the minor literature in Germany as well.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Übersetzten zwischen Mensch und Maschine<abstract>
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<p>Artificial intelligence is changing our world and will change it ever more profoundly in the future. As a result, numerous areas of work are also changing, professions and jobs are disappearing, while others must change and adapt to survive. These transformations also affect the translation market and the work of translators. Machine translation (MT) transfers entire texts from one language to another in a matter of seconds, enabling communication on a scale and at a speed that could never have been dreamed of in the past. However, these MT systems have been around for over 70 years and are still not able to deliver the perfect translation or make human translators superfluous. So how should aspiring translators deal with these technologies, how should they use them to make their work more efficient and therefore more profitable?</p>
<p>These are questions that we, as trainers of these future translators, should address in our teaching in order to prepare our students for the labour market of the 21st century. This article wishes to discuss some theoretical aspects of MT to address some concrete elements that I believe could and should be introduced into translation courses and that are intended to stimulate discussion and reflection.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Stand des Fachs an rumänischen Universitäten<abstract>
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<p>Culture and civilization is probably one of the most discussed areas in foreign language didactics. It is taught both implicitly in the teaching of German as a foreign language and as an independent subject in university teaching. It is also offered at many Romanian universities as part of German-language degree courses. Especially in subjects in which prospective teachers and translators are trained, culture and civilization occupies a special position because it plays the undisputedly important role of imparting cultural knowledge about the target language country, which is seen as the second component in foreign language acquisition alongside linguistic knowledge. While foreign language lessons usually deal with everyday cultural topics, university courses on culture and civilization tend to focus on geography, history, politics, media, art and/or economics, usually according to the respective focus of the department where the culture and civilization course is offered. This article deals with academic research on the subject of culture and civilization at Romanian universities after 1995, specifically with the objectives and methods for teaching culture and civilization, the organization of encounters in culture and civilization lessons and possible subject catalogs.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue und spielerischer Gebrauch standardsprachlicher Wendungen und Sprichwörter in der Werbung<abstract>
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<p>The process of advertising is a technique used to draw attention to a product or a service. It is an indispensable method of the marketing strategy. To ensure that clients are thus interested in the product, the advertisement must be original, attractive and creative through the use of stylistic instruments, such as linguistic games or idiomatic expressions.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Donau als Lebensader in Harald Grills Reisebuch (2018)<abstract>
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<p>Harald Grill is a German author from Eastern Bavaria who predominantly writes poetry and travel books, as well as travel features for radio and television. He became known due to his project of a ‘returning home twice’, when he walked back on foot to his hometown of Regensburg, on the river Danube, two times, in 2000 starting from the North Cape, and in 2001 starting from Sicily. In 2015, he travelled to Southeastern Europe and wrote a book based upon the experiences and reflections during this voyage. In the following, it shall be demonstrated how the river Danube, to which Grill since his childhood has had close biographical ties, structures the text of this travel book and moreover serves as a medium of self-reflection and therapeutic remedy following the author’s loss of his mother.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrueältigung auf dem Sessellift, der zum Philosophieren einlädt in Klaus Eckels Komödie<abstract>
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<p>The present paper aims to analyze the five stages of overcoming problems in the one-man comedy <bold><italic>Ruhe da oben. Après Ski</italic></bold> by the Austrian cabaret artist and author Klaus Eckel, which ultimately lead to acceptance of the situation through desperation, anger, disappointment and resignation. The double title of the piece should also be explained and the production at the DSTT will be discussed.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Frauenbild im Sozialismus. Eine exemplarische Untersuchung der Tageszeitung der rumäniendeutschen Minderheit (1950)<abstract>
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<p>This study focuses on the image of women in socialist society, as it appears in several articles on International Women’s Day in the Romanian-German newspaper <italic>Neuer Weg</italic> in the 1950s. The political authorities of the time would use Women’s Day to draw attention not only to problems specific to women, such as the protection of mother and child, women in the family and at work, but also to discuss political issues such as equal rights for women, universal, equal, secret and direct women’s suffrage and securing peace.</p>
<p>The author takes the standpoint of sociolinguistics and pragmalinguistics in analysing and evaluating the linguistic data, whereby the language material points out particularities on a lexical, morpho-syntactic and pragmatic level.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue ist Silber, Publizieren ist Gold. Publikationsverhalten im Wissenschaftsbetrieb<abstract>
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<p>As the current higher education system also ranks the performance of individual researchers through quantitative methods, i.e. according to scientific productivity and the citation of publications in relevant journals, the article critically examines the effects of common evaluation procedures of scientific practice, which have led to a change in publication practice. Since publications abroad and in English-language journals are considered proof of internationally competitive science and academic education, the accumulation of credit points from such types of publication is gaining in importance to fulfill the formal requirements for a career at universities. In this context, not only the publication behavior of young scientists after their doctorate is considered, but also the publication practice of experienced researchers.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Lexem „Austage“ im Siebenbürgisch-Sächsischen; damit belegte nordsiebenbürgische Wortbildungskonstruktionen<abstract>
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<p>The lexem „Austage“ is a word that is attested in Transylvanian Saxon in the sense of t h e l a s t days of winter and the first days of the be -ginning of spring, also as an older term for s p r i n g in general, which covers the period from about 21 March to 21 June. In the article, the dates for the above-described period „Austage“ are initially given as dates in legal documents from the 16th to and including the 18th century, followed by selected vernacular examples. Subsequently, based on certain peasant expressions as well as peasant rules and proverbs, the most important agricultural work is discussed, which is carried out by the farmer in those „Austage“ days awaited with longing and impatience. Furthermore, northern Transylvanian word formation constructions using with the lexem „Austage“ are analysed stating their meanings and their word formation process, whereby reference is made to corresponding specialist literature <italic>on word formation in contemporary German</italic>. The vernacular examples documented in the article are taken from the <italic>Transylvanian-Saxon Dictionary</italic>, the <italic>North Transylvanian Dictionary</italic> and <italic>Transylvanian-Saxon specialist and vernacular literature</italic>.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Umbruch der Zeit: Richard Wagners Romane und rumäniendeutsche Bezüge<abstract>
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<p>This paper is dedicated to the Romanian-German author Richard Wagner, who died in Berlin in March 2023. The purpose of the article is to analyse the novels of Richard Wagner, who, as mentor of the literary group „Aktionsgruppe Banat”, became one of the most important contemporary German-language authors. Most of his novels are largely autobiographical and deal with the political events of the time and with live in poverty during the oppressive regime of Ceaușescu. Wagner‘s writings focus also on the political, cultural and linguistic challenges that immigrants from East-Central European countries face in West Germany. This article aims to shed light on central aspects of the Romanian-German influences in Richard Wagner‘s novels.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue zu: Andrei Corbea-Hoișie/Rudolf Gräf (coord.): . Bd. I: 696 S. (978-973-46-9531-7), Band II: 728 S. (978-973-46-9532-4). Iași: Polirom 2023.<abstract>
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<p>The publication of a comprehensive account of the historical development of Romania’s cultural past must be acknowledged as an editorial event. This overview work on Romanian cultural and intellectual history in the inter-war period is impressive in terms of the quality of its content and typographical design, the breadth of its topics and the interdisciplinary combinations that document the formative influence of the German language and culture on Romanian cultural and intellectual history in a period marked by upheaval. Published in late summer 2023, the three-part handbook in large format, which is available in two volumes and an equally impressive 1,400 pages, explores the relationship between language, culture and identity from different perspectives.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue des Schriftstellers Wulf Kirsten zur rumäniendeutschen Literatur<abstract>
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<p>The poet and prose author, reviewer, and not least editor Wulf Kirsten (born June 21, 1934 in Klipphausen – near Meißen, also close to Dresden –, died December 14, 2022 in Bad Berka, south of Weimar) was a connoisseur of Romanian-German Poetry and its Bukovinian, Bucharest, Banat, and Transylvanian renditions. Throughout his life, he came in close contact with poets, prose authors, and literary scholars within this field. Family connections owing to his wife’s origins (whose parents came from the Hermannstadt/Sibiu area), constant travels to Romania and consistent contact with this literary phenomenon established and consolidated his knowledge and understanding of the country’s German-language literature. This is evident from statements made by the writer and cultural mediator, who was mostly based in Weimar, as well as from correspondence conducted with authors from southeastern Europe.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue bleibt: das Vertrauen in die Sprache. Franz Hodjaks neue Gedichte<abstract>
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<p>This paper examines the persistent evolution of themes and motifs in Franz Hodjak‘s poetry since his literary beginnings, focusing on his latest collection of poems. Hodjak‘s recent works delve into familiar themes such as freedom, existential emptiness, and the absence-defined concepts of identity, homeland, illusions, and freedom. Additionally, these poems address core life aspects like transience, farewell, hope, love, grief, dreams, and happiness. While these themes echo in his earlier works, Hodjak‘s unflinching perspective unveils the interconnectedness and impermanence of the world. The focus of this analysis lies in the enduring trust in language that permeates Hodjak‘s work.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Äquivalenzbeziehungen und falsche Freunde Rumänisch – Deutsch<abstract>
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<p>Phraseologisms are meaningful in everyday language use and reflect the culture and world view of a people. This work has the following objectives: On the one hand, Romanian somatisms are pointed out and their German equivalents are presented; on the other hand, the focus is on a comparison of Romanian and German phraseologisms under semantic and structural-lexical aspects. This present article is focused on analysing equivalences and false friends between Romanian and German phraseologisms with the lexeme head. The head is the most important part of the human body, as it houses the brain - the organ known for its cognitive functions. The phrasemes of the two languages are analysed according to the three types of equivalence: full equivalence, partial equivalence and semantic equivalence. Among the analysed equivalence types, false friends also appear as a transversal phenomenon. In the analysis section, which is based on idiomatic dictionaries and an internet corpus, these phenomena are analysed in German and Romanian native speakers and verified by examples on the internet.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Walachenbild in den siebenbürgischsächsischen Urkunden<abstract>
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<p>This is not a new topic, but this article aims to systematize what is already known and to add new information from unpublished documents. It deals both with the image of the Wallachians in Transylvanian Saxon documents and with the linguistic forms in which the ethnonym “Wallachian” appears in different periods and sources. In addition to historical documents, one of the important sources is the Dictionary of the Transylvanian Saxon Language, “Siebenbürgisch-Sächsisches Wörterbuch”.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Dreißig Jahre (1993–2023)<abstract>
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<p>The present article is dedicated to the articles of the journal <italic>Germanistische Beiträge</italic>, which celebrated its 30<sup>th</sup> anniversary in 2023, since its first issue in 1993 and has been published continuously for three decades under the editors-in-chief Prof. Dr. Horst Schuller and Prof. Dr. Maria Sass. The article outlines the specifics of the journal: its themes (language, literature, German culture, inter-culturality, etc.), structure, evaluation issues and indexing in international databases. The journal <italic>Germanistische Beiträge</italic> publishes studies and articles by authors from all centres of Germanic philology in the country, but also has contributors from abroad. It is a nationally and internationally recognised scientific journal.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue„Was denkst du, gibt es Orte, die uns in die Vergangenheit blicken lassen und uns gleichzeitig die Zukunft zeigen?“ Zur inneren Auseinandersetzung mit der Vergangenheit in Iris Wolffs Roman „Halber Stein“ (2012)<abstract>
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<p>The article looks at the novel <italic>Halber Stein</italic> (2012) by Iris Wolff and focuses on the inner transformation of the protagonist. In contact with the memory space of Transylvania and the history of the Transylvanian Saxons, she overcomes the break in her biography, which is brought together by the image of the “Half Stone”. Against the background of historical turning points, the Transylvanian-Saxon world is presented as a landscape of memory, changing identity discourses are presented, which are linked to the overall political climate and different places of memory. The search for identity and the repressed memories find their counterpart in grandmother’s winding house.</p>