rss_2.0Hacquetia FeedSciendo RSS Feed for Hacquetia Feed morphometric and morphological study of the pollen of , and subsp. (Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae APG IV)<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Pollen morphology of <italic>Beta trigyna</italic>, <italic>B. vulgaris</italic> and <italic>B. vulgaris</italic> subsp. <italic>maritima</italic>, last of those studied for the first time, was investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy, based on 10 herbarium specimens. The aim of the study was to provide detailed data on the pollen characteristics of these taxa to identify similarities and differences between them. Pollen grains are pantoporate, spheroidal, circular in outline; small- and medium-sized. Exine sculpture is nanoechinate, tectum is psilate or psilate-perforate. Pore membranes are nanoechinate. Diagnostic relevance of the characters of pollen grains is discussed (pollen and pore diameters, distance between pores and between pore centres, nanoechini size and density, number of nanoechini on pore membranes, structure of columellae). UPGMA dendrograms based on palynological data support the differentiation of <italic>B. trigyna</italic> (section Corollinae), <italic>B. vulgaris</italic> and <italic>B. vulgaris</italic> subsp. <italic>maritima</italic> (section Beta). The obtained characteristics of pollen grains of <italic>Beta</italic> species can be used in spore-pollen analysis, especially in identifying the impact of human economic activity in the past.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue checklist and the Red list of the hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) and liverworts (Marchantiophyta) of Slovenia<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The new Checklist of hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) and liverworts (Marchantiophyta) of Slovenia within current political boundaries comprises 181 species, additional 4 subspecies and 2 varieties. Additional 5 species are denoted by a question mark since reports are considered questionable. An alphabetically arranged tabular presentation of genera, species and lower taxa shows their presence in the phytogeographical units of Slovenia. The records from the periods before and after 1958 are marked with different symbols. Each species also has a new Red List status in Slovenia. The checklist includes the data from the literature and Herbarium LJU. Annotations to selected species give a critical evaluation of the literature and herbarium data. A list of taxa that should be excluded from the flora of Slovenia, the synonyms and the used literature with floristic data not cited in this article are also added.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue development of shrub-woody vegetation on natural river banks along certain watercourses in the Julian Alps and their foothills (western Slovenia and northeastern Italy)<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>We conducted a phytosociological survey of pioneer shrub and shrub-wood (brushwood) communities on river banks at the contact of gravel bars and rockfall, slope debris or colluvium in the spring area of the Nadiža River, in the gorge of the Soča River between Srpenica and Kobarid (Log Čezsoški and Magozd), in the Tolminka valley, and in certain other locations in the hills of western Slovenia. We identified a successional sequence of two grey willow and hop hornbeam communities, which we classify into the associations <italic>Salicetum eleagno-appendiculatae</italic> (<italic>Salicion eleagno-daphnoidis</italic>) and <italic>Peucedano verticillari-Ostryetum carpinifoliae</italic> (<italic>Fraxino orni-Ostryion</italic>). Both are indicators of natural river banks that have not been artificially stabilized. We expanded the knowledge of hop hornbeam communities in the pre-Alpine–northern-Dinaric part of Slovenia with a description of a new association <italic>Scopolio carniolicae-Ostryetum carpinifoliae</italic>. Its sites are characterised by slightly moist soil, and its stands by a higher proportion of species of the alliance <italic>Tilio-Acerion</italic>.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue family Bignoniaceae in Tunisia, first survey including new floristic records to North Africa with nomenclatural notes<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Botanical surveys carried out during the last 13 years throughout central and northern Tunisia (North Africa) allow to find first national and continental N-African records of non-native taxa belonging to Bignoniaceae. The genera <italic>Catalpa</italic>, <italic>Podranea</italic>, and <italic>Tecomaria</italic> are new for N-Africa (<italic>Catalpa</italic> is new for the whole Africa). <italic>Tecomaria capensis</italic> is here considered as a naturalized alien species, whereas <italic>Campsis radicans</italic>, <italic>Catalpa bignonioides</italic>, <italic>Jacaranda mimosifolia</italic>, <italic>Podranea brycei</italic>, <italic>P. ricasoliana</italic>, and <italic>Tecoma stans</italic> are casuals. Distribution in Tunisia, phenology, and original photographs are provided for each species. A diagnostic key for Tunisian Bignoniaceae is also given. Moreover, the name <italic>Tecoma ricasoliana</italic> (basionym of <italic>Podranea ricasoliana</italic>) is lectotypified on a specimen preserved at K (isolectotypes at FI), whereas the holotype indication of the name <italic>Bignonia capensis</italic> (basionym of <italic>Tecomaria capensis</italic>), made in <italic>Flora of Tropical East Africa</italic>, is here corrected according to the Art. 9.10 of <italic>Shenzhen Code</italic> (lectotype at UPS; isolectotype, here reported for the first time, at LD).</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue moss novelties in the flora of North Macedonia<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Three moss species are recorded for the first time in the Republic of North Macedonia. These are <italic>Brachytheciastrum dieckei, Kiaeria starkei</italic> and <italic>Orthotrichum schimperi.</italic> Details on records are given including distribution, georeferences and ecology.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue hidden treasures: unveiling a new population of the narrow endemic Guss. (Asteraceae) on the Mounts of Palermo (NW Sicily, Italy)<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The authors discovered a new population of <italic>Hieracium lucidum</italic> Guss., a species hitherto considered strictly endemic to Monte Gallo. Useful elements for the ecological characterisation of the new population are provided. The stretch of carbonate coastline between the Egadi Islands and the western portion of the Province of Palermo displays a very high wealth of valuable floristic elements and represents an unicum in terms of both phytogeography and ecology. Considering the extreme fragmentation of the distribution pattern of many endemic and exclusive species that characterise this district, as in the case of <italic>H. lucidum</italic>, the authors suggest upgrading the strategies to protect the local botanical heritage, going beyond the species approach and thinking on a wider territorial scale.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue habitat preference found in a rare, regional endemic species: Prodán (Iridaceae Juss., subgenus Limniris, series Spuriae) in Romania<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p><italic>Iris brandzae</italic> is one of the most threatened plant species in Romania. The current distribution of this species is very fragmented, and the population size has been reduced in the last 30 years. Information on the habitat preferences of the species has not been summarized yet. In this context, this study aimed to identify the habitat preferences of the species <italic>I. brandzae</italic> in Romania. The study was carried out in the NE (Moldova) and SE (Muntenia) regions of Romania. For the vegetation analysis, a total of 46 relevés were used. To classify the vegetation, we applied the hierarchical agglomerative clustering method, using the ß-flexible algorithm with ß = -0.25 and the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity. The data were represented as mean percentage values, according to the the Braun-Blanquet scale . Relationships between floristic composition and environmental variables were analyzed with Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). The vegetation analysis showed that <italic>I. brandzae</italic> grows in xerophilous, mesophilous and halophilous grasslands and ash-alpine alluvial forests. The species occurs in the communities of the <italic>Stipion lessingianae</italic> alliance, of the <italic>Festucetalia valesiacae</italic> order, mainly. The results of the CCA analysis indicate that the variation of the floristic composition of <italic>I. brandzae</italic> is influenced by the annual mean temperature (BIO1).</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue on the life and contributions to vegetation science of Lojze Marinček (1932–2023) (), a wetland species new to the Bulgarian flora<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p><italic>Dipsacus gmelinii</italic> is here reported as a new addition to the vascular flora of Bulgaria. It was recorded on Belene Island, in the Danube River. In the present paper, the species is described morphologically with an emphasis on carpomorphological characters. The distinctive differences from related species of the genus are also highlighted. Additionally, ecological conditions and floristic composition at the localities of the species, and phytosociological relationships of the communities in which it participates are discussed.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue diversity and morphological variability of Iranian populations inferred from nrDNA ITS sequences and morphological analysis<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>We conducted a comprehensive study on the diversity of <italic>Silene aucheriana</italic> Boiss. populations by analyzing both morphological data and nrDNA ITS sequences. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian methods on representative material from 15 populations throughout Iran demonstrated that they did not form a monophyletic group. Strong positive correlation occurred between epipetalous filaments length to claw (EFLC), basal leaf length (BLL), basal leaf width (BLW), and plant height (PLH) with elevation. While negative correlation achieved between anthophore length (AnL) with the average air temperature and rainfall. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) showed that most morphological traits were more correlated to elevation than to average rainfall and temperature. Multivariate analysis of morphological traits with ITS analysis displayed a slight divergence between two types of regions based on their elevation.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Checklist and the Red list of the mosses (Bryophyta) of Slovenia<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The new Checklist of mosses (Bryophyta) of Slovenia within current political boundaries comprises 669 species, 6 subspecies and 18 varieties. Additional 13 species are denoted by a question mark since reports are considered questionable. An alphabetically arranged tabular presentation of genera, species and lower taxa, also shows their presence in particular phytogeographical units of Slovenia. The records from the periods before and after 1959 are marked with different symbols. Each species has also new Red List status in Slovenia. The checklist includes the data from literature and the Herbarium LJU. Annotations to selected species give a critical evaluation of the literature and herbarium data. A list of taxa that should be excluded from the flora of Slovenia and the synonyms used in the floristic literature for Slovenia are also added.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue very early-succession herbaceous vegetation in the ‘Vaia’ windstorm clearings within the Italian southeastern pre-Alpine mountain belt (Veneto and Trentino)<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The very early herbaceous vegetation which established in the clearings following 2018 ‘Vaia’ storm was investigated in some pre-Alpine areas of Northeast Italy, on calcareous as well as acidic substrata. Sixty-two original vegetation-plot records were executed in spruce or mixed beech-silver fir-spruce blowdown forests, within two years after the salvage logging had been completed. According to different origin and degree of soil disturbance, different communities were recognised. <italic>Galeopsis pubescens</italic> and <italic>G. tetrahit</italic> rich stands develop as ephemeral annual associations at the beginning of the regeneration succession where partially decomposed coniferous needles and twigs have accumulated in the litter. Soils with altered profiles due to forestry machineries harbour dominance of perennial herbaceous species (especially <italic>Senecio nemorensis</italic> agg., <italic>Atropa bella-donna</italic>, <italic>Epilobium angustifolium</italic>) which origin as many already recognised associations or vegetation types we ascribed to community level. All coenoses belong to <italic>Epilobietea angustifolii</italic> class, with the exception of <italic>Calamagrostis arundinacea</italic>-rich stands on undisturbed base-rich as well as base-poor soils, whose syntaxonomic positions are unclear.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue records of coniferous species (Gymnospermae, Pinidae) for the non-native woody flora of Tunisia and North Africa<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Ten new taxa of gymnosperms are added to the non-indigenous woody flora of Tunisia, after almost two decades of botanical surveys. Four of them (<italic>Cryptomeria japonica</italic>, <italic>Pinus brutia</italic> var. <italic>pityusa</italic>, <italic>Pseudotsuga menziesii</italic> var. <italic>glauca</italic>, <italic>Taxodium distichum</italic> var. <italic>distichum</italic>) are also new for the flora of North Africa. <italic>Pinus coulteri</italic> is here first reported for the Mediterranean Basin. Three genera (<italic>Cryptomeria</italic>, <italic>Pseudotsuga</italic> and <italic>Taxodium</italic>) are firstly recorded for the non-native vascular flora of Africa whereas two genera (<italic>Cedrus</italic> and <italic>Platycladus</italic>) are reported for the first time only for the woody flora of Tunisia. Brief descriptions together with filed photographs, global distributions and habitats at national scale are provided. Some taxonomic comments on their distinguishable features as well as updated keys are also presented.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue and conservation status of subsp. (Rech.f.) Greuter & Burdet<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p><italic>Scutellaria rupestris</italic> subsp. <italic>cephalonica</italic> (Rech.f.) Greuter &amp; Burdet (Lamiaceae) is a perennial herb endemic to Mounts Ainos and Roudi on the island of Cephalonia. Until now, information about the taxon’s distribution has been sketchy: two fairly localized populations on Mt. Ainos have been reported, one of them extinct, and two on Mt. Roudi, without specifics. Because we thought that the taxon is much more common, we designed a survey along contours encircling the two peaks totaling 80 km. We recorded 112 locations of the taxon. We found that <italic>S. rupestris</italic> subsp. <italic>cephalonica</italic> prefers sunny clearings within fir forest as well as crevices among limestone rock on somewhat flat terrain. On Mt. Roudi, the taxon grows above 800 m, and is rather uncommon. On Mt. Ainos, the taxon is quite common above 1100 m; below that altitude it has not been confirmed. The findings were more abundant on the NE slope of Mt. Ainos which is wetter and possibly cooler than the SW slope due to being shaded and more forested, less eroded, and with a deep organic layer. The main threat to the survival of the taxon is illegal grazing. The proposed Red List assessment according to IUCN is EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii).</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue analysis of the Sidi Boughaba Biological Reserve, Kénitra, Morocco<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The biological reserve of Sidi Boughaba has a unique plant biodiversity, with many animals, including birds, finding refuge there. Data on this biodiversity is old and incomplete. This phytosociological study was carried out to define the vegetation structure of the area. Stratified sampling was carried out and 124 relevés were recorded. Multivariate statistical analyses (correspondence factorial analysis and hierarchical ascending classification) used to process the relevés revealed the presence of 9 plant groups, including 4 plant associations and 5 subassociations, which belong to 3 phytosociological classes (<italic>Ammophiletea</italic>, <italic>Quercetea ilicis</italic> and <italic>Querco roboris-Fagetea sylvaticae</italic>). <italic>Quercetea ilicis</italic> is the most widespread in the area, showing several successional stages on grey and consolidated dunes. Vegetation of <italic>Ammophiletea</italic> can only be found on mobile sand. Vegetation of the class <italic>Querco roboris-Fagetea sylvaticae</italic> occupies an inter-dunar depression on hydromorphic soil. The association <italic>Pterido aquilinum-Populetum albae</italic> is newly described as five subassociations of <italic>Clematido cirrhosae-Juniperetum lyciae</italic>.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue habitats on the territory of the National Park “Central Balkan” Bulgaria<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Identification and characterization of forest habitats on the territory of the “Central Balkan” National Park in Bulgaria was carried out. The national park is one of the most valuable and largest protected areas in Europe – second category according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Based on 786 phytosociological relevés, a total of 17 different habitat types, according to EUNIS were identified and mapped. The habitats were ecologically characterized by Ellenberg indicator values and their area was determined. A comparison was made with the areas determined in previous works. The applied method is suitable for the purposes of managing protected territories and zones, for monitoring the status and especially the conservation status of the habitats. The results and especially the established new habitats support this point of view.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue shady chasmophytic habitat communities (8210) in Ukraine<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The characteristics of shaded chasmophytic habitats on calcareous rocks in forest conditions are described, where the forest canopy primarily acts as a shading factor that determines microclimate, humidity and light levels. These communities can be found in deciduous forests of the <italic>Carpinion betuli</italic>, <italic>Fagion sylvaticae</italic> and <italic>Tilio-Acerion</italic> alliances, where they are confined to steep calcareous rock faces and cliffs. Syntaxonomically, these communities belong to the <italic>Polypodietea</italic> class (<italic>Ctenidio-Polypodietalia vulgaris</italic> order, <italic>Ctenidio-Polypodion vulgaris</italic> alliance) and to four informal communities: <italic>Isothecium alopecuroides-Polystichum braunii, Porella platyphylla-Asplenium ruta-muraria</italic>, <italic>Pseudanomodon attenuatus-Chrysosplenium alternifolium</italic> and <italic>Pedinophyllum interruptum-Polystichum aculeatum</italic>. We evaluated indices of environmental parameters according to the synphytoindication method using Didukh’s scales. An assessment of the threat impacts and indicators of sociological significance shows that the habitat belongs to a rare type (II class), and therefore requires specific conservation measures.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue and Annex I habitats of a suburban river in southern Tuscany (central Italy): remnants of plant diversity or need for restoration?<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Using vegetation as a bioindicator in urban and degraded areas is an effective way to assess the status of the environment. In this work, we present the results of a phytosociological investigation of a suburban river and of its surroundings in southern Tuscany (Bestina river and its tributary Bestinino in Asciano, Province of Siena). By means of 94 phytosociological relevés, we identified 34 plant communities belonging to the 17 classes. Six habitats included in the 92/43/EEC Directive, plus two habitats recently proposed for inclusion, were identified, as well as one habitat of regional interest. The study revealed that, despite the high levels of human disturbance, aquatic and herbaceous riparian vegetation is still well-preserved, though mostly represented by stress-tolerant communities. On the contrary, most of the vegetation types not being directly linked to the river dynamic are in poor conservation status. Despite this, some habitats of community interest were detected even in non-riverine sites. Our work provides the basic knowledge for future restoration of the Bestina river and of its surroundings, wished by the Tuscany Region.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue of (L.) Crantz () pollinators and visitors in conditions of Kyiv city (Ukraine)<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p><italic>Epipactis palustris</italic> (L.) Crantz is a protected species in Ukraine. In order to organize optimal protection measures comprehensive studies of various aspects of its biology are necessary. The aim of this study was to determine the pollinators and visitors of <italic>E. palustris.</italic> The study was conducted in Kyiv city (Ukraine) between 2020 and 2022. The research focused on arthropod visitors in two human-made populations. Specimens of 31 families and 48 genera from 9 arthropod orders were identified and established. The greatest number of species represented <italic>Hymenoptera, Coleoptera</italic> and <italic>Diptera</italic>. Evaluation of visitor activity show that <italic>Hymenoptera</italic> were the most frequent visitors. <italic>E. palustris</italic> in the conditions of Kyiv is mainly characterized by entomophily. <italic>Halictidae</italic>, <italic>Apidae</italic> and <italic>Coccinellidae</italic> played an important role in <italic>E. palustris</italic> pollination. It was found that populations of <italic>E. palustris</italic> in the conditions of the Kyiv city form a unique self-regulating biocenosis that provides shelter and food for 53 identified species of arthropods.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue to the syntaxonomy of plant communities with insular endemic species of genus (southern Croatia)<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Communities with constant presence of two insular endemic species of genus <italic>Brassica</italic> (<italic>B. cazzae</italic> Ginzb. et Teyber, <italic>B. mollis</italic> Vis.) were studied on the small southeastern Adriatic islands and islets (South Croatia), following the Braun-Blanquet approach. From a total of 51 phytosociological relevés, mostly collected in the period from 2020 and 2022, eight associations and three subassociations belonging to seven alliances and six classes were identified. <italic>Brassica cazzae</italic> and <italic>B. mollis</italic> occur in a variety of habitat types (i) in bare or very shallow soils on which halophilous and halotolerant communities of the <italic>Limonion anfracti-cancellati</italic> and <italic>Anthyllidion barbae-jovis</italic> mostly thrive, (ii) on rocky crevices and cliffs with rupicolous chasmophytic vegetation of the <italic>Centaureo cuspidatae-Portenschlagiellion ramosissimae</italic>, (iii) within woody vegetation of the <italic>Pistacio lentisci-Pinion halepensis</italic>, maquis of the <italic>Oleo-Ceratonion siliquae</italic> and garrigues of the <italic>Cisto cretici-Ericion manipuliflorae</italic>, and (iv) grasslands of the <italic>Chrysopogono grylli-Koelerion splendentis</italic>. Two associations (<italic>Plantagino holostei-Limonietum cazzae</italic>, <italic>Brassico mollis-Anthyllidetum barbae-jovis</italic>) and one subassociation (<italic>Centaureetum ragusinae limonietosum cazzae</italic>) are described for the first time.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue