rss_2.0International Journal of Health Professions FeedSciendo RSS Feed for International Journal of Health Professions Journal of Health Professions Feed of an Entrustable Professional Activity for interprofessional patient handover for nurses - an interview study<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Background</title>
<p>Interprofessional patient handover between physicians and nurses is considered one of the most important professional activities for ensuring patient safety. Errors in interprofessional patient handover are a major cause of preventable patient harm. For this reason, nurses and physicians are expected to be competent in patient handover at the end of their training or studies. However, the topic of interprofessional patient handover is hardly addressed in German medical and nursing curricula. The concept of Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA), which guarantees a high degree of theory-practice transfer, seems to be a promising teaching-learning approach in this context. An EPA for interprofessional patient handover already exists for the medical profession. However, this EPA is not transferable to the nursing profession and therefore needs to be defined for mono- or interprofessional nursing education.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methods</title>
<p>Qualitative guided interviews were used to identify the structural and procedural conditions of an interprofessional patient handover situation for nurses. The interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis. The results of the analysis were integrated into an EPA structure and validated by consensus.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Results</title>
<p>A total of 20 guided interviews were conducted with nurses (N = 9) and physicians (N = 11). Based on the results of the analyses and a consensus round, the EPA „Interprofessional patient handover and/or reception” for nurses could be defined.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Conclusions</title>
<p>Our findings provide a detailed picture of interprofessional patient handover in nursing. Furthermore, the EPA we presented for nurses, in conjunction with the EPA for interprofessional patient handover for physicians from the National Competence-Based Catalogue of Learning Objectives 2.0, enables the comprehensive recording and review of interprofessional patient handover in a clinical context.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue and empirical testing of a questionnaire-based algorithm to evaluate physical and psychosocial health status in performing artists / Entwicklung und empirische Testung eines fragebogenbasierten Algorithmus zur Erhebung des körperlichen und psychosozialen Gesundheitszustands darstellender Künstlerinnen und Künstler<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Background</title><p>Health care providers like physiotherapists should address the needs of performing artists for a specific health care derived from physical and psychosocial (performance-related) complaints. The aims of this study were (1) to compose an algorithm including subjective outcome measures in order to suggest how to evaluate the physical and psychosocial health status of performing artists in its complexity in a manner as targeted and detailed as possible, and (2) to test the feasibility of applying this algorithm.</p></sec>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methods</title><p>Questionnaires regarding different health dimensions were searched and assembled to an algorithm. The survey was applied to performing artists in order to test feasibility. The respective questionnaires were scored and interpreted in comparison to cut-off values.</p></sec>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Results</title><p>Performing-art-specific and body-region-specific standardized questionnaires in German with the highest possible psychometric quality were selected. The algorithm covers a series of questionnaires on health-related quality of life, complaints in physical matters—especially musculoskeletal and voice-specific—and in the psychosocial area. Based on specific predefined decision criteria the artist was guided individually through the survey. This was illustrated by the participants' flow through the survey. Profiles of physical and psychosocial complaints for subgroups of 103 participants were built based on multiple scores and showed problems in both dimensions.</p></sec>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Discussion</title><p>It is possible to illustrate the physical and psychosocial health status of performing artists in a multidimensional way using the novel algorithm. It could be used both for groups and individuals to build complaint profiles for research and clinical purposes.</p></sec>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue keeps mobile in ageing? A comparison of balance, physical activity and social integration between 60- to 80-year-old healthy people who regularly dance, do sports or are active in everyday life – a cross-sectional study / Was hält im Alter mobil? Gleichgewicht, körperliche Aktivität und soziale Integration im Vergleich zwischen 60- bis 80-jährigen gesunden Personen, die regelmäßig tanzen, Sport betreiben oder im Alltag aktiv sind – eine Querschnittstudie<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Background</title>
<p>Physical and social activity can influence positively the effects of ageing. This study examined differences in balance, physical activity and social integration between everyday active, sportive or dancing 60- to 80-year-old people in Lower Austria.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Materials and methods</title>
<p>We recruited 50 seniors with a mean age of 66.8 ± 4.2 years for this cross-sectional study. 13 people were active everyday, 21 were sportive on a weekly basis and 16 were “Seniorentanz” dancers. We blindly assessed balance (MiniBESTest), mobility (Timed Up and Go), and muscular endurance of knee extensors, hip abductors, and plantar flexors. Questionnaires identified physical activity (IPAQ-SF) and social integration (LSNS-6). The analysis of group differences was carried out descriptively and via ANOVA or the Kruskal-Wallis H test.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Results</title>
<p>People who were regularly active in senior dance showed 5.5 points significantly higher balance ability in the MiniBESTest than those who were otherwise sportive (<italic>p</italic> = .002), and 7.5 points significantly higher balance than people who were active in everyday life (<italic>p</italic> = .006). According to the IPAQ-SF, athletes were by 4515 MET-min/week significantly more physically active than people who are only active in everyday life (<italic>p</italic> = .003). Social integration or other parameters did not differ between groups.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Conclusion</title>
<p>The small sample, the heterogeneity of the participants and differences in the contextual conditions of the measurements limit the validity of the results of this study. The results of this Lower Austrian sample could indicate differences in balance and physical activity between everyday active, sportive or dancing ageing people.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue of a telerehabilitation program for patients with musculoskeletal or oncological diseases: A mixed-methods evaluation / Benutzerfreundlichkeit eines Telerehabilitations-Programmes für Patient*innen mit muskuloskelettalen oder onkologischen Erkrankungen: Eine Mixed-Methods Evaluation<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Purpose</title>
<p>Telerehabilitation may stabilize the results of a previous phase 2 rehabilitation program through remote rehabilitation sessions. We evaluated a new telerehabilitation service (PV RehaTRAIN<sup>®</sup>) during its initial implementation, focusing on its usability both from the perspective of patients with musculoskeletal or oncological diseases and the interdisciplinary treatment team.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methods</title>
<p>The evaluation followed a convergent mixed-methods design. After separate qualitative and quantitative analyses of the multi-perspective findings from interviews, focus groups and questionnaires, we interpreted the results collectively and equally.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Results</title>
<p>Overall, the results indicate high acceptance of and satisfaction with the new telerehabilitation service, especially from the patients’ perspective and regarding educational and individual counselling sessions. However, the treatment team identified a need for further didactic training to enable them to realize their full professional potential in a telerehabilitation setting.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Conclusion</title>
<p>The new telerehabilitation service PV RehaTRAIN<sup>®</sup> may bridge gaps in health care for patients who do not have access to conventional phase 3 rehabilitation infrastructure or prefer remote services that are readily integrated into their everyday lives. Members of the interdisciplinary treatment team offering telerehabilitation for the first time need adequate technical and especially setting-specific didactic training. Increased participation of treatment teams when refining telerehabilitation systems may minimize problems in early implementation phases and contribute to the quality of care.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue literacy of patients with chronic diseases – quantitative results of a mixed methods study in primary healthcare / Gesundheitskompetenz von Menschen mit chronischer Erkrankung – quantitative Ergebnisse einer Mixed-Methods-Studie in der Primärversorgung<trans-abstract xml:lang="en">
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Hintergrund</title>
<p>In der Forschung und Praxis zur Förderung von Gesundheitskompetenz stellen Menschen mit chronischer Erkrankung eine zentrale Gruppe dar. Sie sind mit komplexen Herausforderungen im Krankheitsverlauf konfrontiert und nutzen häufiger das Gesundheitssystem. Die Patient:innen sind dabei oft auf die Unterstützung der Gesundheitsprofessionen angewiesen. Die bevölkerungsweiten Studien aus Deutschland zeigen, dass die Beurteilung von Gesundheitsinformationen mehrheitlich am schwersten fällt. Als Voraussetzung zur Verbesserung von Kompetenzen in der Bevölkerung heben die Studien den Ausbau professioneller Gesundheitskompetenz, z. B. in der Pflege, hervor. Um eine niedrigschwellige und bedarfsgerechte Versorgung von Menschen mit chronischer Erkrankung zu erzielen, hat ein Projekt in Norddeutschland ein pflegegeleitetes Konzept entwickelt und angeboten.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methode</title>
<p>Im Rahmen dieses Projektes wurde als Teil einer Mixed-Methods-Studie die selbsteingeschätzte Gesundheitskompetenz von chronisch erkrankten Patient:innen eines Stadtteil-Gesundheitszentrums mittels einer standardisierten quantitativen Befragung erhoben und analysiert.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Ergebnisse</title>
<p>Die Analyse zeigt, dass mehr als die Hälfte der Befragten, unabhängig vom Geschlecht und Alter, ihre Gesundheitskompetenz als unzureichend beurteilt und in jeder Ebene der Informationsanforderungen- und Bereiche, Schwierigkeiten angegeben wurden.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Fazit</title>
<p>Es braucht die Einbeziehung von Betroffenen, um passgenaue Strategien zur Stärkung von Gesundheitskompetenz bei Menschen mit chronischer Erkrankung zu etablieren. Die Förderung professioneller und organisationaler Gesundheitskompetenz ist dafür maßgeblich.</p>
</trans-abstract>ARTICLEtrue impact of course design features, gender, and academic level on student attitudes towards “Introduction to IPE” course: Mixed-methods analysis / Der Einfluss von Kursgestaltung, Geschlecht und akademischem Niveau auf die Einstellungen der Studierenden zum Kurs „Einführung in IPE: Mixed-Methods-Analyse”<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Introduction</title>
<p>Interprofessional education (IPE) has been increasingly emphasized as a potential factor in high-quality health care. Despite a rising trend in online IPE courses, less attention has been given to how interactional formats intersect with learner characteristics. This study was to examine the impact of the introductory IPE online course on student attitudes about IPE and identify students’ perceived value of specific instructional course components, such as Student–Student (SS) and Student–Content (SC) aspects, with respect to different academic levels and gender.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methods</title>
<p>A mixed-methods design was used and involved quantitative data about the attitudes measured by the SPICE-R2 survey and qualitative open-ended questions about students’ opinions. Participants completed the pre- and post-survey, before and after completing an online course.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Results</title>
<p>2,373 students completed the online course and consented to have their responses in this analysis. The two-way ANOVA showed significant effects of academic levels on all three subdomains (Roles, Teamwork, and Outcomes; all p < 0.001), highlighting varied gains across levels, and the qualitative data were confirmatory or confirmatory plus expansive. Students preferred SC more than SS interaction.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Conclusion</title>
<p>This online course was an effective learning activity for improving students’ attitudes toward IPE. Learning components focusing on real-life patient experience was the most valued and thus impactful course component. Mixed method findings highlighted important awareness of the impact of learner characteristics on the perceived value of course components. Tailoring IPE course content and delivery to meet diverse learners’ learning needs and expectations would be more impactful.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue cooperation in the outpatient practice: results from a focus group interview with occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and physiotherapists / Gestaltung der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit in der ambulanten Therapie: Resultate eines Fokusgruppeninterviews mit Ergotherapeut*innen, Logopäd*innen und Physiotherapeut*innen<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>The complexity and diversity of healthcare conditions, as well as the financial and personnel challenges requires effective interdisciplinary collaboration (IDC) among various healthcare professionals (<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="j_ijhp-2024-0001_ref_028">Robert-Bosch-Stiftung, 2011</xref>; <xref ref-type="bibr" rid="j_ijhp-2024-0001_ref_030">Robert Koch Institute, 2015</xref>). In contrast to the inpatient practice, IDC has not established yet in primary care settings. There is a lack of concrete solutions that illustrate how IDC can be implemented in outpatient practice (<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="j_ijhp-2024-0001_ref_034">Schmitz, Atzeni & Berchtold, 2020</xref>).</p>
<p>The study aims to present realization possibilities of the IDC among occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and physiotherapists based on case examples from outpatient neurorehabilitation practices. Necessary framework conditions and support factors should be identified from successful applications.</p>
<p>In an online focus group, five therapists from three outpatient therapy centers were interviewed about the interdisciplinary measures taking place at their workplace. The therapy centers implemented interdisciplinary team meetings, collaborative target setting and therapy planning as well as co-therapies in their everyday primary care practice. Digital communication channels and the use of digital practice software represent support measures that enable communication independent of location and time. Educational policy changes are needed to impart the corresponding attitudes, knowledge and skills to the healthcare professionals during the vocational training/study.</p>
<p>The results of the study show that IDC can be implemented in the outpatient setting under appropriate conditions. Legal requirements are needed to enable the application of interdisciplinary measures through adequate remuneration systems and available time slots. Further calls address content in vocational trainings/studies to provide a basis for readiness and competencies for IDC.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue laboratory technicians’ job satisfaction in Generations X, Y, and Z: Findings from an online survey in Austria / Arbeitszufriedenheit österreichischer biomedizinischer Analytiker*innen in den Generationen X, Y und Z: Ergebnisse einer Online-Umfrage aus Österreich<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Goal</title>
<p>Medical laboratory technicians (MLTs) play an essential role in health care, and the profession has to deal increasingly with staff shortages. Consequently, retention of employees has become a crucial issue. So far, little attention has been paid to generational differences in factors regarding job satisfaction of MLTs, and comparatively few studies have included the youngest cohort of Generation Z. The aim of this study was to analyse aspects of MLTs’ job satisfaction from a generational perspective and to identify potential for improvement according to the different generations studied.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methods</title>
<p>A cross-sectional online survey study design was used. A total of 382 MLTs completed the online survey of which 371 met the eligibility criteria and were assigned to one of the three generational cohorts. The analysis focused on several aspects of job satisfaction, the gap between the perceived relevance and realization of these aspects, and factors influencing job satisfaction by generation.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Principal findings</title>
<p>For all aspects of job satisfaction, and across all generations, realization was rated worse than importance. Recognition represents the most important influencing factor for job satisfaction, but other aspects are specifically relevant to one of the three generations, such as relationships for Generation X, meaningful contribution for Generation Y, and income for Generation Z.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Practical applications</title>
<p>The various aspects of job satisfaction show commonalities and differences between the three generations. Employers and professional associations can draw on these findings to positively influence job satisfaction through generation-specific interventions to support this essential healthcare workforce.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Ten Years International Journal of Health Professions Education in the Therapeutic Healthcare Professions: Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech and Language Therapy: a Scoping Review / Digitale Ausbildung in den therapeutischen Gesundheitsberufen Ergotherapie, Physiotherapie und Logopädie: Ein Scoping Review<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>Against the background of increasingly complex healthcare needs, well-trained healthcare professionals are urgently needed. New technologies in the field of digital education can both improve access to education and support the development of transformative skills. This raises the question of the didactic use of digital education in the healthcare professions, which acquire professional knowledge, practical skills, and analytical skills as part of their training. Therefore, a scoping review was conducted to investigate what is known in the literature about digital education in occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech and language therapy. Following a systematic literature search, 100 studies in the past ten years were identified. After prescreening, 16 studies were identified to answer the research question, and for this summarized numerically and then analyzed in a qualitative synthesis. The results provide evidence of positively evaluated teaching concepts and techniques, analytical and practical skill acquisition, and proven technologies. In addition, the results highlight the diversity of digital training options and provide evidence of their effects.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue literacy and the role of therapeutic professionals: A scoping review / Gesundheitskompetenz und die Rolle der Therapieberufe: Ein scoping Review<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Background and aim</title>
<p>Health literacy (HL) describes people’s knowledge, motivation, and competences to access, understand, appraise, and apply health information. Limited health literacy can clearly negatively impact health outcomes and therapeutic professionals are potentially important contact persons for patients and their relatives to address health literacy.</p>
<p>The aim of this scoping review is to summarize the current literature regarding HL in the selected therapeutic professions (occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech and language therapy).</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methods (incl. inclusion criteria)</title>
<p>We conducted an electronic database search in PubMed and CINAHL (EBSCO) up to September 2022. Two authors independently selected studies using the following inclusion criteria: (1) addressing the topic HL and (2) explicitly integrating therapeutic professionals. After extracting relevant information, the included articles were qualitatively analyzed using a narrative synthesis.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Results</title>
<p>We identified 39 research and non-research articles. The content analysis revealed the following 5 themes: (1) HL–related knowledge and skills, (2) Education and training regarding HL, (3) assessment of HL of their clients, (4) Preparation and communication of health-related information, and (5) HL in organizations.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Discussion</title>
<p>Most therapeutic professionals were familiar with the term HL, but a lack of deep understanding is described. However, therapeutic professionals are aware of the importance of addressing the needs of clients with low HL. An integration of HL-related issues in professional training and further research regarding concepts to screen and address HL in therapeutic practice are needed.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue of barriers and facilitators of successful interprofessional education (IPE) – a scoping umbrella review / Identifizierung der Einflussfaktoren für die interprofessionelle Ausbildung (IPE) – ein Umbrella Scoping Review<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Objective</title>
<p>The study aims to provide an overview of factors influencing interprofessional education (IPE).</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Method</title>
<p>A systematic literature search was performed using the databases MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Embase, and Cochrane Library. Two reviewers conducted the study selection and data analysis. Subsequently, the factors influencing IPE were summarized through qualitative narrative synthesis.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Results</title>
<p>The search yielded 1,040 results, of which 10 studies were ultimately included. The influencing factors that were identified were clustered into three dimensions: learners, educators, and institutions. Reviewing the selected studies, it became evident that all influencing factors are closely interdependent. In the learners’ dimension, the construct of diversity, related to group formation and the strengthening of their sense of belonging, was identified as a facilitating factor for IPE. Thus, it appears that the formation of an interprofessional identity has a positive impact on the constructs mentioned. Moreover, the competence of the educators, and the combination of teaching methods, were crucial factors for sustainable IPE. Institutional support plays a facilitating role.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Conclusion</title>
<p>The overview results of this study can be used to identify areas for improvement and changes in IPE. Crucial for institutions is the support through management and leadership, along with the implementation of effective faculty development concepts. Further research on IPE is needed to extend understanding of the constructs of diversity, team efficiency and interprofessional identity, as well as the respective relations between them.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue service user participation in interprofessional collaborative learning — a systematic review on the use of digital solutions / Die Teilnahme von Gesundheitsdienst-Nutzenden an interprofessionell kollaborativem Lernen — ein systematischer Review über den Gebrauch digitaler Lösungen<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Background</title>
<p>Interprofessional collaborative learning is the interaction of health and/or social care professionals and/or students who are learning from service users’ clinical data. Digital solutions in primary care facilitate interactive communication. This systematic review aims to identify which digital solutions can facilitate the participation of health service users in collaborative learning for interprofessional service providers, and how service users can participate with the use of digital solutions.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methods</title>
<p>The databases CINAHL, Cochrane Trials, PubMed, Science Direct and Scopus were searched for original studies in October 2022 using keywords related to health, functioning, interprofessional relations, learning, digitalization, communication and collaboration. Studies chosen had to involve one service user and service providers from at least two health and social care professions.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Results</title>
<p>Eighteen qualitative and quantitative studies published between 2000 and 2022 met all of the inclusion criteria. Studies were situated in educational (<italic>n</italic> = 7), outpatient (<italic>n</italic> = 7), and home-based settings (<italic>n</italic> = 4) and involved two to 10 professions. Digital solutions provided service-user information via video or digital records, and supported simulated encounters via videoconferencing, virtual reality and avatars, or high-fidelity simulation. In this way, these methods and others facilitated the participation of service users in interprofessional learning, via either collaboration on data or general communication.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Conclusion</title>
<p>Several types of digital solutions facilitate active participation of service users in interprofessional collaborative learning, while some facilitate indirect participation. Overall, there is potential to increase the use and implementation of digital solutions in collaborative learning. In future research, the usability of digital tools could also be evaluated.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue taxonomy of “digital health interventions” and their subgroups in the therapeutic rehabilitation of stroke patients – A scoping review / Die Taxonomie der “digitalen Gesundheitsinterventionen” und ihrer Untergruppen in der therapeutischen Schlaganfallrehabilitation – Ein Scoping Review<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Background</title>
<p>Stroke is a leading cause of impairment and death. Many survivors suffer from motor, sensory and speech impairments and require ongoing rehabilitation. Digital health interventions have the potential to overcome barriers such as distance between patient and therapist. However, there is a lack of clarity in terms and definitions used in research and practice. Therefore, the aim of this scoping review is to provide a comprehensive overview of the definitions and terms used in publications by healthcare professionals (occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech and language therapy) related to digital stroke rehabilitation.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methods</title>
<p>We did a scoping review of all publications related to stroke survivors who received synchronous technology-based distance therapeutic rehabilitation services in physical, occupational therapy, as well as speech and language therapy (PT, OT, SLT). Services were image-based, sensor-based, virtual environment and/or virtual reality-based, and publications were published worldwide in English, French or German between the year 2000 and December 2022, including elaboration of a concept map of the terms and definitions used.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Results</title>
<p>There is a lack of consistency in terminology and definitions in the field of digital stroke rehabilitation across different countries, languages and professional groups. A preference for the term ‘telerehabilitation’ could be found, as well as a definition.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Discussion</title>
<p>Although the WHO taxonomy aims to provide a ‚bridging language’ to ensure understanding between different actors, exchange and networking among the therapeutic professions would be necessary to reach a common term for ‚consultations between remote clients and healthcare providers’ in stroke rehabilitation.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue of innovations theory in German physiotherapy - A qualitative study of the innovation-decision-process among German Early Adopters / Diffusionstheorie in der Physiotherapie - Eine qualitative Untersuchung des Innovations-Entscheidungsprozesses bei deutschen «Early Adoptern<trans-abstract xml:lang="en"><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>Die Verbreitung einer evidenzbasierten Praxis in der deutschen Physiotherapie wird durch vielfältige Barrieren wie Zeitmangel oder Mangel an wissenschaftlicher Kompetenz behindert. Dennoch gibt es Physiotherapeut_innen, die eine evidenzbasierte Praxis erfolgreich umsetzen. In dieser Arbeit wurde mithilfe des Innovations-Entscheidungsprozesses der Diffusionstheorie, die Implementierung einer evidenzbasierten Praxis bei deutschen ‚Early-Adoptern‘ rekonstruiert, um Einblicke in die Strategien zu gewinnen mit denen deutsche Physiotherapeut_innen die genannten Barrieren überwinden.</p>
<p>Anhand eines kriterienbasierten Samplings wurden in dieser Arbeit Early Adopter in der deutschen Physiotherapie mithilfe des Evidence-based Practice Inventory und der Innovativeness Scale nach Hurt identifiziert. Fünf Teilnehmer_innen wurden ausgewählt und in semistrukturierten Leitfadeninterviews befragt.</p>
<p>Über die Strategien ‚Austausch‘, ‚Umweltgestaltung‘, ‚Wissenschaftskonsum‘ und ‚Selbstorganisation‘ gelingt es den Teilnehmer_innen eine evidenzbasierte Praxis erfolgreich in ihr therapeutisches Handeln zu implementieren. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit geben Einblicke in die besondere Bedeutung von Early Adoptern bei der Verbreitung der evidenzbasierten Praxis, stellen die hohe Individualität von Implementierungsstrategien bei Therapeut_innen heraus und liefern damit vielfältige Ansatzpunkte für zukünftige implementierungswissenschaftliche Forschung in der deutschen Physiotherapie.</p>
</trans-abstract>ARTICLEtrue through everyday life. Interprofessional intervention approaches for dealing with long-term outcomes of fatigue after moderate and severe traumatic brain injury / Erschöpft durch den Alltag. Interprofessionelle Interventionsansätze im Umgang mit Langzeitfolgen von Fatigue nach mittlerem und schwerem Schädel-Hirn-Trauma<trans-abstract xml:lang="en"><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Hintergrund</title><p>Eine häufige Langzeitfolge von mittleren und schweren Schädel-Hirn-Traumata (SHT) ist Fatigue. Bis anhin gibt es zwar Interventionsansätze für Fatigue nach einem SHT, jedoch nicht spezifisch für Fatigue nach mittleren und schweren SHT im poststationären Setting. Gemäss Forderungen von diversen Studien soll spezifischer auf die Schweregrade und die Zeit seit dem Ereignis eingegangen werden.</p></sec>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Ziel</title><p>Mit dieser Arbeit soll eine Übersicht über Möglichkeiten für interprofessionelle Interventionsansätze bei Fatigue nach mittlerem und schwerem SHT im poststationären Langzeit-Setting erfolgen. Anhand der Internationalen Klassifikation der Funktionsfähigkeit, Behinderung und Gesundheit (ICF) sollen die Interventionsansätze dem interprofessionellen Team zugänglich gemacht werden.</p></sec>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methoden</title><p>Die Fragestellung wurde anhand eines systematischen Reviews beantwortet. Es wurden die Datenbanken CINAHL, Pubmed, Medline, Cochrane Library, PsychINFO, Web of Science, AMED und OTseeker genutzt. Die inkludierten Studien wurden mittels <xref ref-type="bibr" rid="j_ijhp-2023-0013_ref_027">Law et al. (1998)</xref> kritisch gewürdigt.</p></sec>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Resultate</title><p>Fatigue nach mittlerem und schwerem SHT kann zu Einschränkungen im Alltag und der allgemeinen Produktivität führen. Ebenso zeigt sich ein signifikanter Zusammenhang zu Schlafstörungen, Depressionen, Angst und Vitamin-D-Mangel. Zudem bleibt Fatigue bei über der Hälfte der betroffenen Personen über mehrere Jahre bestehen. Die tägliche Lichttherapie mit blau angereichertem weissem Licht ist eine Möglichkeit zur Reduktion von Fatigue nach SHT.</p></sec>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Schlussfolgerungen</title><p>Interventionsansätze bestehen im Bereich von Schlafmanagement- und Coping-Strategien. Schlafstörungen, Depressionen, Angst und Vitamin-D-Mangel sollten ggf. behandelt werden. Aufgrund der begrenzten Evidenzlage sind die Implikationen für die Praxis limitiert.</p></sec>
</trans-abstract>ARTICLEtrue Size and Structure of the Swiss Occupational Therapy Workforce. A Survey Study / Anzahl und Struktur der Ergotherapie-Arbeitsplätze in der Schweiz: eine Online-Befragung<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Background</title>
<p>As in other health professions, there is a shortage of skilled labour in the field of occupational therapy in Switzerland. To plan and implement effective measures to counter this shortage, empirical data on the size and structure of the Swiss occupational therapy workforce are needed.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Method</title>
<p>We conducted an online survey aimed at employers of occupational therapists, team leaders and self-employed occupational therapists in Switzerland. We collected data on the size and structure of the workforce in terms of sociodemographic characteristics, regional distribution, areas of work, and related topics. To analyse quantitative data, we used descriptive statistics and regression analysis. Qualitative data were narratively described.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Results</title>
<p>We collected data from 968 respondents pertaining to 3,022 Swiss occupational therapists, with a response rate of 73.6% for medical institutions and 58.2% for occupational therapists in private practice. Women make up 90.1% of the Swiss occupational therapy workforce. Swiss occupational therapists most often work with clients who have difficulties in connection with injuries or illnesses of the upper limbs, neurological illnesses or injuries, or challenges with mental health. The ratio of occupational therapists per 10,000 inhabitants in Switzerland is at least 3.2. Swiss occupational therapy provision is least dense in Central Switzerland. The average reported turnover rate among occupational therapy teams was calculated to be 20% (SD=27.9).</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Conclusion</title>
<p>The results illustrate the persistent lack of gender diversity in the profession. They also show some disparities in geographical distribution and area of practice, which will be analysed in more detail in subsequent publications.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue education: the attitude among students of health science bachelor's degree programmes at universities of applied sciences in Austria / Interprofessionelle Ausbildung: Die Einstellung der Studierenden gesundheitswissenschaftlicher Bachelor-Studiengänge an österreichischen Fachhochschulen<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Introduction</title>
<p>Interprofessional collaboration is a strategy to meet the challenges of increasing complexity in the health system. The basis for cooperation in professional life must already be established in the context of interprofessional education (IPE). Students’ attitude towards IPE is a crucial factor in the development of interprofessional competences.</p>
<p>The aim of this study is to investigate the attitude towards interprofessional education among students of health science bachelor's degree programmes at selected universities of applied sciences in Austria.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Method</title>
<p>An empirical, quantitative, non-experimental approach in the form of a cross-sectional study was chosen, with the survey being carried out online using the questionnaire <italic>University of the West of England Interprofessional Questionnaire</italic> © (<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="j_ijhp-2023-0006_ref_017">Pollard et al., 2004</xref>) in its German translation von <xref ref-type="bibr" rid="j_ijhp-2023-0006_ref_011">Mahler et al. (2017)</xref>, as a self-assessment measuring instrument to investigate the students’ attitude towards communication and teamwork, interprofessional learning and interprofessional interaction. The data evaluation was both descriptive and analytical.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Results</title>
<p>505 students from nine different health science degree programmes participated in the survey. 79 % (<italic>n</italic> = 504) rate their communication and teamwork skills positively and 76.6 % (<italic>n</italic> = 505) have a positive attitude towards interprofessional learning. However, only 8 % (<italic>n</italic> = 396) have a positive opinion on interprofessional interaction. In the group comparisons, significant differences are observed between the various study programmes, semesters of study and previous professional experience.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Conclusion</title>
<p>The knowledge of the attitude towards IPE should be considered when designing interprofessional activities during the course of studies in order to influence the students’ attitude positively.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue role of lecturers in interprofessional education – a survey of lecturers in Germany / Die Rolle von Dozierenden in der interprofessionellen Ausbildung – eine Befragung von Lehrverantwortlichen in Deutschland<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Introduction</title>
<p>Interprofessional education (IPE) at universities, universities of applied sciences and technical colleges has been offered increasingly for some time. The focus often lies on the students. However, it is rarely questioned whether the teachers have interprofessional skills. Yet they are the ones who (should) impart these skills to the students. This requires certain framework conditions that must be met in order to be able to offer good interprofessional teaching.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Research question</title>
<p>The study focuses on the question of what is important to teachers in IPE teaching, what competences are associated with it and whether they see themselves as a role model for cooperation between different professions.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methodology</title>
<p>Interprofessional courses in Germany were identified with regard to the three professions: physicians, nursing and physiotherapy. By means of 76 completely filled out quantitative surveys, the respondents’ views on interprofessional teaching, competences as well as qualification courses were determined.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Results</title>
<p>IPE is currently seen as important and necessary, whereas the structured acquisition of competences in this regard is not.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Discussion</title>
<p>In order to offer good teaching, several factors are necessary: interest in the subject and being a role model. In order to promote exchange between students, learning tasks should be formulated precisely. IPE teachers should be motivated to undergo regular and targeted further training in order to be and remain open to good cooperation with other professions.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Conclusion & Outlook</title>
<p>IPE teachers should make use of opportunities for further training in pedagogy and didactics as long as no comprehensive interprofessional qualification concepts are available.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue palliative care services from the perspective of family caregivers: an evaluation of the Integrated Palliative Care model in Tyrol / Häusliche Palliativversorgung aus der Sicht der pflegenden Angehörigen - eine Evaluation des Modells Integrierte Palliativversorgung in Tirol<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Background</title>
<p>Palliative care has always been a field of healthcare in which interprofessional and interdisciplinary cooperation of various healthcare professions is of enormous importance. Home-based palliative care services aim to support family caregivers caring for terminally ill patients at home. Previous studies showed that the quality of collaborative work with palliative services strongly influences the caregivers’ perception of provided services.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Purpose</title>
<p>This study aimed to investigate how family caregivers experienced the home-based palliative care services “Integrated Palliative Care” (IPB) model in Tyrol.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methods</title>
<p>Using a problem-centred interview, 14 former family caregivers were interviewed about their experiences in caring for terminally ill patients supported by IPB services. Interviewees were adult (21+) partners (spouse), daughters/sons, daughters-in-law/sons-in-law or parents of the adult cared-for person living in Tyrol. The transcribed material was subjected to qualitative content analysis.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Results</title>
<p>The identified overlapping categories were “organization of care”, the “function of professional support as experienced by family caregivers”, “family caregivers’ perception of the quantity and quality of professional help”, and “around death and dying”.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Conclusion</title>
<p>Our study highlights the importance of efficient collaborative work to enable high standards of palliative care and to decrease caregivers’ burden. Interviewees emphasised the importance of flexible models of palliative care that can address patients’ as well as family caregivers’ needs. Using the avoidance of hospitalization at the end of life and dying in the desired place as criteria to assess the success of home-based care, one can say that the IPB model was successful in the present sample.</p>