rss_2.0Journal of Intercultural Management FeedSciendo RSS Feed for Journal of Intercultural Management of Intercultural Management Feed Success Really Hurt? Impostor Syndrome Among Managers of Polish Enterprises – Results of a – Preliminary Qualitative Study<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Objective</title>
<p>The aim of the study presented in this article was to examine how people in independent senior management positions (exposed and highly placed in the organisational structure), who are perceived as <italic>successful people</italic> in the social space, perceive themselves and the achieved professional success, and to what extent the attitudes adopted, perceptions and evaluation regarding themselves can be identified with impostor syndrome. Successful people, especially in the context of professional success, are usually defined as those who, in the professional and social dimensions, have achieved above-average results expressed in social, financial, economic, and job status.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methodology</title>
<p>This article presents the results of a preliminary qualitative study conducted among 32 senior managers, directors, and business owners employed in large Polish organisations and in subsidiaries of foreign companies located in Poland. The research used Rosenberg’s SES self-assessment scale and individual in-depth interviews (IDI).</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Findings</title>
<p>The research showed to what extent the problem of impostor syndrome actually affects people who seemingly should not be affected by it (managers).</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Value Added</title>
<p>Research shows how diverse the perception of professional success is among people holding prestigious managerial positions.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Recommendations</title>
<p>Further in-depth research should be conducted to explore additional, individual psychological aspects related to the sense of professional success among managers.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Associated with Risk Management and Linked to Management Control<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Objective</title>
<p><italic>Due Diligence</italic> is considered an internal practice that analyzes and identifies the actual situation of an organization. Having a strategic relevance and impact on Mergers and Acquisitions, it provides a solid foundation for the final decision or negotiation. Given this relevance, it is considered an <italic>input</italic> for Management tools to have information precisely collected and oriented.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methodology</title>
<p>The aim of this article is to confirm, through empirical research, namely a case study, conducted in Portuguese enterprises, the importance of <italic>Due Diligence</italic> and its role in Risk Management, assessing its usefulness as a management control tool and its potential impact on the performance of Portuguese SMEs.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Findings</title>
<p>Managers recognize that there is a lack of empirical research in this area, especially in terms of its impact on SMEs.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Value added</title>
<p>Few studies relate to the practices of <italic>Due Diligence</italic> associated with Risk Management and linked to Management control in SMEs in order to increase transparency and performance.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Recommendations</title>
<p>This study confirms the contribution <italic>Due Diligence</italic> can have to Risk Management and the consequent impact on performance when used linked to a Management control tool.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Corporate Social Responsibility: Development of a Measurement Scale Unveiling Organizational Citizenship Behaviors in Culturally Diverse Environments<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Objective</title>
<p>The modern concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is increasingly becoming integrated into the practices of organizations. One of the distinctive individual competencies in CSR is the ability to work in a multicultural environment. This study proposes a suitable empirical measurement tool that facilitates understanding organizational citizenship behaviors focused on cultural diversity (OCBCs).</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methodology</title>
<p>To validate the OCBC measure, 980 participants completed the questionnaire (n = 980). An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted on one part of the sample as a prerequisite to a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) on the other part of the sample.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Finding</title>
<p>This tool enabled the identification of two main types of OCBCs: cultural initiative and cultural helping. These actions enhance organizational practices for integrating cultural diversity and promoting diverse cultural values.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Value Added</title>
<p>This study furthers the understanding of OCBCs and the role of individuals in culturally diverse contexts. This study contributes to international human resource management research and practice by developing an instrument for use in expatriate contexts or in those associated with organizational cultural diversity. It provides a deeper look at OCBs and contributes to the scientific literature on the role of human resources in promoting sustainable development in organizations.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Recommendations</title>
<p>The OCBCs measurement tool could assist human resource managers seeking to encourage and facilitate the performance of appropriate OCBCs in the workplace. This performance will allow OCBCs to facilitate informal learning.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Path Analysis of Goodwill Impairment – Does Corporate Governance Matter?<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Objective</title>
<p>This paper examines the extent to which different corporate governance mechanisms affect the recognition and measurement of goodwill impairment, considering that these decisions are affected by a complex set of factors such as variables associated with corporate governance, economic/financial variables, and the market.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methodology</title>
<p>We used data from 110 companies, both Spanish (75) and Portuguese (35), with listed securities, in the period 2010–2016 (unbalanced panel), and the path analysis method to infer financial and non-financial data relationships.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Findings</title>
<p>The results support the hypothesis that attributes linked to management and internal and external control mechanisms, as well as economic/financial, market and location variables, are directly and indirectly associated with the recognition of goodwill impairment.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Value Added</title>
<p>This paper outlines a company behavioral profile where opportunity seems to prevail over timely recognition and measurement of goodwill impairment. Big bath practices appear to be well founded, as well as the alignment of this strategy with market signals.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Recommendations</title>
<p>To foster the adoption of accounting practices close to the interests of all stakeholders, regulators should be encouraged to incentivize corporate governance models that promote the periodic rotation of the chief executive officer/chairman, the independence of all members of the statutory audit board, and training in economic and financial areas.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue the Attitude of Pakistani Females toward Mobile Phones’ Perceived Innovation<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Objective</title>
<p>Perceived innovation is considered a significant predictor of purchase intention. This study explores the influence of perceived innovation on purchasing intention and the mediating role of perceived quality, especially for female consumers. The impact of four dimensions of perceived innovation on purchase intention is studied separately.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methodology</title>
<p>A survey of 227 female respondents revealed that female attitudes toward innovation have changed. The hypothesized relations were tested with a sample of 227 respondents by applying different statistical tests. Mediation analysis was conducted by using process macro.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Findings</title>
<p>The study results show that four dimensions of perceived innovation positively influence purchase intention. Perceived quality significantly mediates all relationships. There exists partial mediation in all relationships.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Value Added</title>
<p>The study analyses a valuable part of the growing cell phone market in Pakistan, and the methodology can be used for broader research.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Recommendations</title>
<p>The study suggests that marketers can develop innovative marketing and service strategies to attract more females. Further, the focus should be placed on product innovation and technology innovation.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Remote Working Effective in the Public Utility Sector? The Perspective of Resource Allocation in Administrative and Civil Services<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p><bold>Objectives</bold> (1) assessing the effectiveness of resource allocation in the public utility sector groups during remote work, (2) examining the efficiency of remote work compared to stationary work from the entire public utility organization point of view.</p>
<p><bold>Methodology</bold> To operationalize the research aim, ten research questions (RQ1-RQ9) and a research hypothesis (H1) were prepared for the identification of the effectiveness of resource allocation (Table 1).</p>
<p><bold>H1.</bold> If remote work improves time management effectiveness for daily tasks, employees are willing to invest their resources to work remotely.</p>
<p><bold>Research</bold> question RQ10 was prepared to achieve this goal, and the second hypothesis (H2) was formulated.</p>
<p><bold>H2.</bold> Remote working reduces public utility sector institutions’ resource consumption (utility expenses).</p>
<p><bold>Findings</bold> (1) remote work requirements do not occupy a significant portion of annual budgets for public utility services, (2) remote work allows reducing the fixed costs of maintaining stationary working in the short term, (3) even if remote work is a cost-effective method for public utility services and decreases indirect employee costs, it has yet to be incorporated successfully.</p>
<p><bold>Value</bold> added: Consequently, remote work saves resources and is cost-effective for employers. It lowers indirect employee costs (real tax deductible costs) in terms of utility expenses because employees work out of their institutions’ premises in civil and administrative services. In addition, the employer does not finance the psychological and physiological needs of employees adapting to remote work in both services.</p>
<p><bold>Recommendations</bold> Future research will be essential to assess whether remote work applications have improved in the public utility sector in this regard. Additionally, it would be best practice to conduct a study with a similar research concept in the private sector to compare findings and implementation strategies and offer solutions to the challenges caused by remote work.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Education and Banking Inclusion during the Pandemic Period<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Objective</title>
<p>The aim of this publication is to present the importance of financial education as it relates to influencing the level of banking inclusion during the COVID-19 pandemic. The individual sections of the article will characterize financial education as a driving force for improving financial literacy and highlight the link between financial literacy and the level and extent of use of financial products. The paper will consider the current situation on the financial markets, which is characterized by the COVID-19 pandemic.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methodology</title>
<p>The first part of this paper is based on the systematic literature review, including scientific papers related to financial education, derived from the Web of Science databases, mapping analysis and bibliographic coupling using the Voswiever. The second part presents the results collected through an interview designed and disseminated to a sample of banking advisors.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Findings</title>
<p>The majority of interviewees encountered the concept of banking exclusion/inclusion, and in terms of characteristics that predispose one to remain excluded, advisors emphasized economic considerations. In various extracts from the interviews, banking advisors emphasized the importance of addressing the ability to afford banking services, their innovativeness, as well as understanding how banking products work, the benefits of entering into a relationship with a bank, and the prudent use of banking products on the basis of financial literacy.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Value Added</title>
<p>The value added is a multi-approach that combines the theoretical aspects of financial exclusion and financial literacy with the actual opinions of banking advisors.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Recommendations</title>
<p>Increased financial education is needed due to the complexity of financial products and their dynamic changes. The increased frequency and scope of use of financial products has increased the risk of cyber-attacks, against which financial literacy and risk awareness are needed. The development of modern technology in banking has increased the risk of banking exclusion for the digitally excluded. Financially well-educated consumers are more likely to be included in the banking system, as they are better able to understand and use financial information to make financial decisions, and to choose products and services that are more appropriate to their needs and risk profile.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Machine Learning for Short-term Capital Investment in the Polish Stock Market<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Objective</title>
<p>The main purpose of this article is to assess the potential implications of machine learning in making investment decisions when investing capital in stock markets. The analysis carried out focuses on the so-called day-trading, i.e., investing for very short periods of time, covering only one stock market session. The hypothesis adopted by the authors is that the use of machine learning can, under certain conditions, effectively contribute to attractive rates of return for players making short-term investments.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methodology</title>
<p>The study used Microsoft Machine Learning Studio’s Azure tool to enable machine learning-based computing. Thanks to this publicly available computing platform, any potential interested investor can create a model and test it. An important assumption of the described study is the adoption of a short investment horizon for the calculation. The calculations used data from five stock market sessions, so that the most recent data is taken into account.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Findings</title>
<p>Based on the calculations, the authors observed that the methodology adopted for applying machine learning to investment decision-making can be a valuable tool to help make short-term investment decisions.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Value Added</title>
<p>The research made can be used in a practical way by investors when they transact in the stock market.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Recommendations</title>
<p>It should be noted that the presented method requires updating the data on which the predictions are made every time. Further in-depth research is also needed to determine the impact of the number of financial instruments on the effectiveness of the learning process.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Children, Growing Children – How Does Their Presence in the Family Affect Time Allocation Decisions for Men and Women?<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Objective</title>
<p>This paper attempts to examine the influence of selected characteristics of household members on how they manage their time as an economic resource.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methodology</title>
<p>In order to account for the interpenetration of different spheres of people’s activity and preferences regarding their choice, a multiple-equation model, in the form of structural equations, was used.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Findings</title>
<p>Among the potential determinants of individuals’ time allocation, the following were identified: gender, age, labor force participation, wage rates, the presence of children, education level, and the structure of the household itself, including the presence of a partner. The conclusions, formulated on the basis of the findings, focus on gender inequalities in terms of the time devoted to work and the role of children in shaping the daily activity of adults.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Value Added</title>
<p>While the presence of a young child primarily results in a decrease in paid-work time and an increase in household work for women, older children tend to help with housework, which mainly results in a reduction in housework for men. It was also observed that taking care of a child by a single person, irrespective of gender, is associated with a significantly greater increase in total domestic work time compared to the situation in households formed by two adults.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Recommendations</title>
<p>The traditional version of the neoclassical theory describes the demand for market goods and services separately. The new household theory breaks with this dichotomy and shows that consumption decisions cannot be interpreted without also considering the supply of labor, or the time allocation of individuals in general. Work on time allocation is important not only in the context of understanding the determinants of non-market activity and leisure time, but also in research on the valuation of working time. Time use databases combined with monetary budget data are used in analyses of the economics of human resource use and in new methods for estimating consumption among household members. Research on Polish households in this area is the next stage of research work that will be undertaken in the near future.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Concept of Public Trust-Based Leadership – An Outline<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Objective</title>
<p>The issue of trust in leading public organisations continues to inspire growing confidence among management researchers and practitioners. The characteristics and organisational behaviour of leaders are analysed from various angles. The subject of the research is one of the newer approaches, namely trustbased leadership (TBL). The aim of this paper is to identify characteristics and the roles of public trust-based leadership (PTBL). This is the type of leadership that most fully incorporates trust as the basis of organisational behaviour in vertical and horizontal relationships and consequently as organisational cooperation.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methodology</title>
<p>The primary methods used in this article are a critical review of research on organisational trust, leadership and public trust contained in the academic literature and in surveys of trust in leadership conducted in recent years by consultancies and made available on line.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Findings</title>
<p>The study confirmed that an inalienable role of leaders is to shape their own organisational credibility in both internal and external relations. Achieving a high level of this credibility allows to earn trust.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Value Added</title>
<p>Demonstrating that a key differentiator of the trust-based leadership concept is that TBL is centring trust-based relationships throughout the entire organisation.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Recommendations</title>
<p>Further research on trust-based public leadership should support its presence in contemporary organisations.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Perspective on the Use of Advertising Tools in the Catholic Church in Poland<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Objective</title>
<p>The purpose of the article is to explore the use of commercial advertising by the Catholic Church in Poland to attract the faithful and build her own brand.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methodology</title>
<p>The use of advertising by religions provokes resistance due to skeptical attitudes toward marketing and criticism of advertising which employ ethically questionable strategies. The study applied quantitative methods, including descriptive statistics of a gender- and age-weighted sample, as well as parametric and non-parametric statistical tests.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Findings</title>
<p>More than 55% of the respondents believe that the Church should advertise her activities. Catholic advertising should focus on charitable and social goals. Nearly half of those surveyed think that the Church advertising can help improve her image; however, opinions prevail that advertising activities undertaken by the Catholic Church will not translate into an increase in the number of believers.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Value Added</title>
<p>The results of the research contained in the article may serve to develop new strategies for communication of the Catholic Church in Poland.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Recommendations</title>
<p>The literature recognizes considerable gaps associated with the possibilities of using advertising in the life of religious communities. Wishing to positively mark their presence in the life of society, churches should consider the possibilities of using advertising in their activities. A theological reflection is necessary in this regard, which would support the postulates derived from the marketing approach to the issue.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue in Building the Brand Image of Family Businesses through Social Media<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Objective</title>
<p>The subject of this article is the marketing aspect of familiness related to building the image of a family business brand. The aim of the article is to analyze the impact of familiness in the activities connected with building the brand image of small and medium-sized family businesses.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methodology</title>
<p>Qualitative and quantitative methods have been included in the conducted research.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Findings</title>
<p>The research has shown that Facebook is used by the vast majority of companies. This research has also demonstrated that a large percentage of companies do not emphasize the familiness of their company in their activities on social media. This is surprising because the analysis of the literature shows that emphasizing the family character brings definitely more benefits than risks.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Value Added</title>
<p>This article presents a research of how family-owned companies use familiness in the brand image. The results of the research can be used to guide companies on how to use familiness in their social media marketing campaigns.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Recommendations</title>
<p>It is recommended that family businesses make greater use of the potential of their family strengths. It would be advisable to conduct research explaining why the family nature of companies is so rarely emphasized in social media activities. We also suggest conducting similar research in other countries, which would allow for more general conclusions and capture cross-cultural differences.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Activity of Public Higher Education Institutions in Poland Corresponding to the Idea of Sustainable Energy Development – Results of a Cluster Analysis<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Objective</title>
<p>The aim of the article is to present the involvement of public Higher Education Institutions in Poland in popularizing the idea of sustainable development within the framework of their publishing activities.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methodology</title>
<p>In this study, agglomerative clustering approach, which is a representative of the hierarchical method, was used. The distance between selected public Higher Education Institutions in Poland was determined based on the Squared Euclidean Distance. In turn, to estimate the distance between clusters, the Ward method was used. The study used three parameters, constructed from data taken from <italic>SciVal</italic>: (1) total number of publications, (2) citation count, and (3) field-weighted citation impact.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Findings</title>
<p>Three groups of Polish public HEIs were distinguished as a result of the cluster analysis that was performed (based on: the total number of publications, the citation count, and the field-weighted citation impact). The most publication-productive were seven technical universities, i.e., Warsaw University of Technology, Gdansk University of Technology, Silesian University of Technology, AGH University of Science and Technology, Lodz University of Technology, Poznan University of Technology, and Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. The publications prepared by the employees of the universities of technology were also characterized by the highest number of citations.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Value Added</title>
<p>This article is one of the first to present (in quantitative terms) the involvement of universities in popularizing sustainable energy development concept. The methodology used in it can be applied to the other Sustainable Development Goals.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Recommendations</title>
<p>Given the increasing importance of the concept of sustainability in the functioning of universities, it seems necessary to create tools to measure the degree of their involvement in popularizing this idea. Among other things, universities are obliged to share their knowledge in this area. Bibliometric data provided by the <italic>SciVal</italic> system may be helpful in this regard. It is necessary to conduct research taking into account both domestic and foreign universities.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue of Academic Ethos: The Scientific Community’s Response to the Ostracism of Russian Scientists Following the Invasion of Ukraine<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Objective</title>
<p>The primary aim of this article is to understand how contemporary scientists from the Polish academic community perceive the scientific ethos in the context of ostracism within the scientific community, which emerged following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The article focuses on analyzing the epistemological and ethical implications of this ostracism in the academic context, considering Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methodology</title>
<p>For this purpose, in-depth interviews were conducted within the Polish scientific community (11 participants), with respondents with degrees (full professors, Ph. D’s, associate professors, assistant professors, and professor emeritus), and literature review was carried out.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Findings</title>
<p>Based on the discussion, the research findings illuminate diverse approaches within the Polish academic community regarding the ostracism of Russian scientists following Ukraine’s invasion, shedding light on the intricate interplay between personal beliefs, scientific ethos, and educational values while also highlighting the multifaceted ethical challenges faced by scientific research, especially within military and political contexts.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Value Added</title>
<p>The study suggests the necessity for academic institutions to establish clear protocols for knowledge dissemination and crisis management that respect the ethos of scientific work while being adaptable to the shifting geopolitical landscape. It is also recommended that there should be a concerted effort to create forums for international scholarly dialogue to ensure that ostracism does not stifle academic collaboration and knowledge advancement.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Recommendations</title>
<p>This article contributes to the existing literature by providing empirical insights into how the academic community navigates the ethical dilemmas posed by geopolitical conflicts. Moreover, it underscores the importance of maintaining the integrity of the scientific discourse amidst external pressures, offering a nuanced understanding of the interplay between political events and academic practices.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Role of Education in the Development of Human Capital: A Bibliometric Analysis of Literature Outputs in 1990–2023<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Objective</title>
<p>Comprehensive overview of the most relevant topics, trends, and scientific products in the field of the relationship between education and human development.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methodology</title>
<p>Bibliometric (VOSviewer v.1.6.10) analysis were used to describe thematic, temporal patterns, clustering of concepts and research networks (geographical and institutional aspects).</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Findings</title>
<p>The study provides a comprehensive overview of the state of research on education’s role in human capital development, offering summarized insights into global trends, thematic shifts, and key contributors to the field.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Value Added</title>
<p>The article contains quantitative methodological approach to studying current topics and developing research on the impact of education on human development, which is interdisciplinary and covers a large volume of publications. The article defines research thematic and evolutionary-temporal patterns, carries out clustering of research networks according to the affiliation of scientists (geographical and institutional aspects), and identifies leaders of scientific opinion in this field.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Recommendations</title>
<p>Future research may focus on developing a list of measurable indicators suitable for evaluating the role of education in human development, and social and economic determinants to avoid cognitive biases or irrational and distorted decision making by mainstream agents.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue for the Aviation Market Related to Decarbonization and Sustainability in the Context of LOT Polish Airlines Operations<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Objective</title>
<p>In this article, the authors described the regulation on decarbonization and sustainability in the aviation market. Formal implementations of de-carbonization and sustainable development in aviation were indicated, taking into account mainly the guidelines of the European Union, IATA, and ICAO. These regulations are important from the point of view of the dynamics of air transport market growth, what is the basis of economic theory. In addition, it is part of the fight against climate change, to which Poland is obliged (inter alia by the Paris Agreement). The purpose of the study is the understanding of the perception of decarbonization and sustainable development revealed by the young customers and the evaluation of practices in this field of the LOT Polish Airlines PLL LOT company analyzed in this case study.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methodology</title>
<p>The authors used a case study of LOT Polish Airlines and an empirical survey of 190 students to verify to what extent the issues under regulation are important according to young customers and how they evaluate the sustainable activities carried out by LOT.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Findings</title>
<p>Despite LOT’s significant commitment to sustainability, in the perception of students, these activities are not sufficiently communicated.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Value Added</title>
<p>The main contribution of the proposed article is to support airlines by presenting key conclusions on decarbonization. The attitudes of young student respondents towards airline sustainability and the recognition of LOT’s airline activity in this area were also verified.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Recommendations</title>
<p>Airlines, in parallel with their sustainability activities, should develop a pathway for passenger education and clear communication about pro-environmental changes.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue and Fast Fashion from the Executive Perspective – the Case of LPP S.A.<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Objective</title>
<p>This article aims to examine what the CEO of LPP S.A. discloses about sustainability and how sustainability topics vary over time in his communication with the stakeholders.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methodology</title>
<p>We use a machine learning-based topic modelling analysis, specifically latent Dirichlet allocation and keyword analysis, to scrutinize the sustainability disclosure in the sustainability letters to the stakeholders of one of Poland’s biggest fast fashion companies, LPP S.A.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Findings</title>
<p>The findings of this study suggest that more attention should be placed on sustainability topics in the letters to the shareholders. The information disclosed is selective and mainly aimed at transmitting a positive message. It lacks a comprehensive and holistic disclosure of information concerning sustainable activities that substantially impact environmental and social matters. Comparing the variation of topics year to year, there is a clear shift from dedicating the majority of space in CEO letters to the stakeholders to social topics toward a broader discussion about the environment and responsible energy consumption in the most recent letter.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Value Added</title>
<p>The study contributes to the sustainability communication literature by identifying specific sustainability topics disclosed by the analyzed company in its direct message from the CEO to stakeholders that have been very limited and selective, thus underscoring the limited importance assigned to this topic by the CEO, thereby questioning the transparency concerning one of the most critical areas of fast fashion impacts.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Recommendations</title>
<p>To keep the stakeholders informed and maintain the transparency of actions and accountability of the disclosure, it is necessary to present the information holistically and comprehensively in the message directed by the CEO to the stakeholders.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue of the Outcomes of Purposive and Intuitive Decision – Making in Crisis Situations<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Objective</title>
<p>The aim of this paper is to determine the role of the mode of crisis situation solving in the process of institutionalization of new practice Achieving this goal required attempting to answer two research questions: 1) How can a crisis situation in an organization lead to change? 2) Does purposive and intuitive decision making differentiate the process of new practice emergence?</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methodology</title>
<p>Based on the literature review, the considerations of selected authors regarding crisis situations in organizations, the concept of institutionalization and managerial decision-making (purposive and intuitive) were presented. The empirical section presents the results of qualitative research. A comparative case study, illustrating the thesis that intuitive and purposive decision-making stand as important categories that differentiate the outcomes of emergent practice, was carried out. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with managers in the area of decision-making in problematic situations in the logistics industry (with analysis and sub-summary of the results).</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Findings</title>
<p>The research shows how managers (leaders) respond differently to crisis situations. It was registered that even though decisions can be made in apparently opposite modes, they can initiate the emergence of new practice and its institutionalization.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Value Added</title>
<p>Elaborating on the notion of institutionalization, the concept of new practice emergence offers a promising approach within crisis management.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Recommendations</title>
<p>Perceiving crisis management through the processes of decision making and new practice institutionalization offers a new opportunity to understand crisis outcomes.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Resource Management in Poland and Israel – Similarities and Differences<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Objective</title>
<p>The study explores water resource management, including identification of similarities and differences, in Poland and Israel, countries with divergent geographical histories — Poland, historically rich in wetlands, and Israel, originating from a desert landscape. The article presents the current state of research on the level of water resources in both mentioned countries, as well as water resources management systems and who is responsible for this area.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methodology</title>
<p>The analysis is firmly grounded in data sourced from reputable secondary publications. This work draws extensively from scientific literature, including books, papers, and reports. In addition to data-driven insights, it incorporates comparative data analysis, which allows for a nuanced examination of trends and patterns. Furthermore, the inclusion of literature analysis and deductive reasoning provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the multifaceted aspects of the subject matter. This approach not only bolsters the credibility of the analysis but also enables a more robust and informed perspective on the topic at hand. The comparison between Poland and Israel was chosen due to our specific interests and the ongoing scientific collaboration of the authors. Additionally, both countries serve as intriguing case studies given their distinct approaches to water resource management. Poland and Israel hold a special significance as our homelands, affording us a deeper understanding of the local context and water-related challenges. On the other hand, Israel stands out for its reputation for efficient and innovative management of water resources, which piqued our research interests. The comparative analysis aimed to extract best practices and potential areas for further scholarly investigation in the realm of water resource management. Through this comparative examination, we hoped to derive insights that could be valuable, contributing to sustainable water resource management practices.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Findings</title>
<p>Poland is currently struggling with periodic and local water deficits, which will deepen due to ongoing climate change (Rączka et al., 2021, p. 8). This requires an immediate and coordinated action. Drawing on the experience of a nation like Israel, which has historically struggled with water scarcity, can provide invaluable insights needed to address this pressing crisis.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Value Added</title>
<p>A comparison of the practices of both countries, in this case Poland and Israel, as well as a comparative analysis of water resource management systems, will allow us to list practices that can be initiated to manage water resources more effectively.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Recommendations</title>
<p>The subject of water resource management is wide, especially as it belongs to many scientific fields. A broader research context is recommended; the authors made a comparative analysis considering selected reports on the management of water resources. It is a limiting perspective of the research; therefore, to approach the topic holistically, it is necessary to consider other research fields, as well as to deepen the analysis with other countries.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue the Global Context of Functioning and the Need for Innovation Openness<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Objective</title>
<p>The presented work is part of the discussions on evaluating the organizational surroundings, which, in the context of an increasingly globalizing world, is becoming regarded from a global perspective. Considerations of the environmental perception are supported with reflections on innovation and, in particular, startups’ innovation. Businesses, which are characterized by the ambition of dynamic scalability, are able to accomplish this dynamism precisely through innovative intensity, which in turn can also be associated with openness to knowledge and solutions coming from the surroundings, not only the closest – local or regional but also international or even global. Striving to develop toward smart enterprises, startups should concentrate on the digitalization of their processes, entering the path of Industry 4.0. The purpose of the work is to contribute to the perception of the environment by startups and the perception of open innovation.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Methodology</title>
<p>In order to meet the objectives of the work, in addition to considerations based on the existing results available in the literature, the results of an analysis of data from a questionnaire survey conducted among future startups were also used. To achieve the objectives of the study, research questions were formulated referring to the general view of future innovation openness, then the view of the propensity to share knowledge, that is, openness from the enterprise side, and finally also the view of the need for openness of the organization at different stages of its development. In the context of organizational openness, the broadest geographically possible context of the organization’s environment, namely the global context, was also considered.</p>
<sec><title style='display:none'>Findings</title>
<p>As a result of the analysis, a relationship emerged between perceptions of innovative openness and the global environment of companies. The greater geographical scope of operations is accompanied by a higher demand for innovation, the more globally the enterprises would like to operate, the more innovation intensive they should be. Future entrepreneurs are strong advocates of open innovation, and they are also strong advocates of viewing the environment in an increasingly global dimension.</p>