rss_2.0Mining Revue FeedSciendo RSS Feed for Mining Revue Revue Feed and Technical Means for Electrosorption Leaching of Gold From Flotation Tailings of Resisting Sulfide Raw Materials<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <sec><title style='display:none'>Relevance.</title> <p>The problem of expanding the raw material base of the gold mining industry is becoming more pressing due to the depletion of explored reserves, rising production costs and the costs of minimizing the man-made impact on the environment. With the depletion of oxidized gold-bearing ores, finely disseminated ores are increasingly being involved in processing. An increase in gold production volumes can be achieved by improving the beneficiation process. An alternative to traditional beneficiation technologies is electrotechnologies that use the phenomenon of energy impact on mineral raw materials. Among them, the range of application of the resin-in-pulp electrosorption leaching technology is expanding.</p> </sec> <sec><title style='display:none'>Objective.</title> <p>Justification of technologies and technical means for electrosorption leaching of gold from flotation tailings of refractory sulfide raw materials. This will increase metal production and strengthen the mineral resource base of gold mining enterprises and reduce damage to the environment.</p> </sec> <sec><title style='display:none'>Methodology.</title> <p>A comprehensive method was applied, including analytical studies using the fundamentals of system analysis and mathematical statistics, technological experimentation using mathematical planning of experiments, economic and mathematical modeling, technical and economic calculations and pilot industrial implementation. Laboratory studies were modeled on the tailings of flotation enrichment of gold from the flotation tailings of refractory sulfide raw materials. The application of electric fields was provided by two parallel electrodes.</p> </sec> <sec><title style='display:none'>Scientific novelty.</title> <p>Theoretical and technological experimentation, substantiation of fundamentally new technologies and technical means of electrosorption leaching of gold from flotation tailings of refractory sulfide raw materials.</p> </sec> <sec><title style='display:none'>Results.</title> <p>The efficiency of using technogenic resources is achieved by combining traditional enrichment technologies with the capabilities of hydrometallurgy and electrochemistry. Flotation tailings of ores with gold content from 1.0-1.5 g/t are leached according to the scheme: granulation to a size of 15-30 mm with the addition of 1 g/l of cyanide, sulfuric acid removal of metals, alkaline treatment to pH 10-11, cyanidation with an irrigation density of 20 l/m<sup>2</sup> per hour, gold sorption on anion exchanger, anion exchanger regeneration and regenerate electrolysis. Gold leaching from refractory sulfide raw materials is possible after the destruction of sulfides upon reaching an oxidation potential of 1000 mV, it effectively proceeds in a solution of 20-30% sodium chloride upon application of direct electric current with a density of 800-1200 A/m<sup>2</sup>, pH of the medium 2.0-4.0 and a temperature of 60-800 C with the extraction of up to 70-80% of gold into the solution with an electric power consumption of 120-220 kW/t. The results of the experiment confirm the efficiency of the technology of electrosorption leaching of gold from gold-bearing pulps. The leaching rate increases by 25-30%, the sorption capacity of the anionite AM-2B increases by 2.5-3 times. An increase in the capacity of the sorbent and a decrease in the amount of gold in the liquid phase shifts the equilibrium of the system towards gold dissolution and intensifies the volume and completeness of its extraction.</p> </sec> <sec><title style='display:none'>Implementation.</title> <p>The technologies of electrosorption and electrochemical leaching of gold from ore flotation tailings have been tested and recommended for industrial development at the Aksu, Bestobe, Zholymbet deposits and implemented in the practice of ABS-Balkhash, Kazakhaltyn JSC (Republic of Kazakhstan) and can be recommended for other developed mining and gold mining countries of the world.</p> </sec> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Web Application for Lidar Data Visualization and Metric Inspection<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Lidar data is difficult to access for regular users due to the very large memory volume required and the need to handle it with powerful computers and quite expensive specialized software. The presented web application is offered for free in the LidarTools version and at a low cost in the LidarMap version, which combines shape-type vector data with the Lidar point cloud. The application uses a POTREE structure adapted for rapid visualization functions but enhanced with functions for measuring in the point cloud (distances, areas), visualization functions, profile extraction, statistical functions, semi-automatic vectorization functions of linear objects (power lines), coordinate transformation functions, as well as other functions specific to users of such data. It is also presented here the project for stereo vectoring module in LidarMap application.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue and Radius of Curvature Variation in the Characterization of an Area Affected by Anthropogenic Mining Activities<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>This study analyzed the curvature and radius of curvature in order to characterize an area affected by anthropogenic coal mining activities. The study took place in an area located in Jiu Valley, Romania. 16 control points were considered (CP1 – CP16), for which the quota values were determined (X,Y,Z system) at the moment of analysis (T1) in relation to a reference moment (T0). The differences in quota were calculated (XYZ) between moments T1 and T0. Curvature (Curv) and radius of curvature (RadC) values were calculated. Strong correlation was recorded between Curv and Z(T1-T0), r = -0.847***, between Curv and Dg (diving the ground), r = 0.847***, and between Curv and Ls (land slope), r = 0.891*** (*** p &lt; 0.001). Weak correlation was recorded between RadC and Y(T1-T0), r = 0.586***. Spline type mathematical models described the variation of curvature, and Radius of curvature in relation to the control points (XYZ values), under conditions for curvature, respectively for radius of curvature. According to the multivariate analysis, the PCA diagram resulted, in which PC1 explained 50.737% of variance, and PC2 explained 49.263% of variance. The cluster analysis generated the dendrogram in which the control point CP16 was positioned separately, and the other control points were grouped in a cluster based on similarity (Coph.corr = 0.998). The ranking of the control points, in relation to the values recorded for the Curv and RadC parameters, was done in the form of Scaling dendrogram.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue the Efficiency of Titanium-Iron ORE Enrichment Through Using New Type Separators<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The object of the research is technologies and technical means for selective destruction of mineral matrices of complex multicomponent titanium ores of primary deposits and beneficiation of minerals with altered magnetic properties. The aim of the work is to increase the efficiency of enrichment of titanium-iron ores by preliminary high-temperature treatment using new-type separators. This is achieved by substantiating the targeted selective destruction of mineral complexes and changing the magnetic properties of ore minerals as a result of temperature-controlled oxidation reactions. Methods of complex generalization, analysis and evaluation of practical experience and scientific achievements in the field of creation and introduction of new technologies and technical means for increase of efficiency of enrichment of titanium ores on the basis of separators of new type by substantiation of the directed selective destruction of mineral complexes and change of magnetic properties of ore minerals are described. It was found that for ilmenite, the main titanium component of raw materials, a low mass fraction of titanium is typical - no more than 30.0%, and ilmenite has lamellar-thin nano inclusions of hematite - 31.53 vol. %, which are difficult to remove from the ilmenite matrix. It is proved that in titanium-containing ores selective opening of splices occurs due to recrystallization of grains due to previous reduction, strengthening of bonds in hematiteilmenite contact zones and non-ore inclusions and creation of a network of germinal cracks inside nano splices due to exposure to mineral matrix. C. It is shown that the use of magnetic separation of raw materials after high-temperature treatment reduces the mass fraction of harmful elements such as silicon, aluminum and calcium oxides from 11.89 to 1.2% in the concentrate product and allows to increase the mass fraction of titanium oxide from 32.3 up to 37.6%, and total iron from 33.86 to 42.29%; The technology of complex ore beneficiation has been developed to provide concentrates used for the extraction of titanium slag (mass fraction of titanium oxide - 80-81.84%) and high-purity metallic iron Fe with an average chemical composition of Fe 0.993 Ti 0.006. The results of development and implementation of new generation technologies and separators in the enrichment and processing of titanium ore were obtained in the laboratories of the State Higher Educational Institution (KVUZ) "Kryvyi Rih National University" (Krivoy Rog, Ukraine) and implemented at the Public Joint Stock Company (PJSC) » (Zaporozhye, Ukraine) and the State Institute for the Design of Mining Enterprises SE" Krivbasproekt "(Krivoy Rog, Ukraine). The developed technologies are also the basis for the feasibility study of ore processing technology of the Abu Galaga field (Egypt), in the design of the industrial complex and can be useful for other enterprises in developed mining countries. Research and implementation of new technologies and technical means using dry magnetic separation will allow for the stable production of high-quality concentrates, as well as the reduction of the grinding and enrichment front by at least 15–20% of the original, which will reduce operating and capital costs by more than 30% and will become a powerful technological reserve for the development of mining production.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue of Measurement Errors on Underground Topographic Bases<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Underground topographic bases are of particular importance in the design and management of underground mining works. They can be dependent on the geodetic and topographic system on the surface, but they can also be independent in relation to a particular reference system. In the case of dependent topographic bases, it is preferable, from the point of view of the precisions required for the drawing of mining works in safe conditions, that they are related to two points known by their x, y (fixed) coordinates. The quantities measured in such situations are angles and distances. Measurement errors are transmitted to the determined quantities and consequently it is necessary to analyze the factors with which such a process can be evaluated. The necessary scientific approach is presented below.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Deformations in the E36 Mining Pillar at Salina OCNA DEJ Using UAV Equipment<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Monitoring deformations in mining pillars in salt mines is crucial for detecting spalling, cracks, and distortions caused by internal pressures, with the aim of preventing mining accidents and maintaining structural integrity. At Salina Ocna Dej, annual measurements have not utilized drone technology, which was recently introduced in Romania. The measurements conducted with the DJI Phantom 4 Pro Plus drone in 2020 and 2024 provided essential data on changes in the mining pillar. In 2020, difficulties caused by air currents slightly affected the measurements, but by 2024, improved conditions allowed for more accurate results. The horizontal sections taken at various elevations revealed significant spalling and distortions, particularly on the eastern and western sides, with substantial rupture in the northwest corner and displacements on the northern side. Comparing the data from the two measurement sets showed a significant difference in precision, highlighting the need for regular inspections to prevent premature erosion and avoid accidents.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Sense of Sensemaking in Safety Culture Development: A Romanian Company Experience<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Safety culture is a topic that has been debated for too little time in Romania. Especially in multinational companies, there are numerous programs implemented in order to develop the safety culture among employees. Since in Romania a framework, a culture, which favors the full understanding of the concept of safety at work is not developed, still, in most companies, the term safety at work is assimilated to the set of cumbersome laws and government decisions, instructions and procedures, inspections, helmet and boots. Romania is at the bottom of the list of countries in terms of the number of occupational accidents with incapacity for work, but it is at the top of the list of countries with the most fatal accidents. A paradox, a reality concealed by economic operators by not reporting work accidents with work incapacity, which means that an investigation of the root causes is not carried out, thus leading to accidents that result in death. Accident reporting shows the maturity of the safety culture. The following article discusses the steps taken by Port Operator CHIMPEX to make the transition from a company based on indicators, systems and profit to a company based on people, in this case during implementing and developing an organizational culture based on leadership.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Planning and Cadastre in Mining Areas. Case Study of the Former Baia Borşa Mining Zone, Maramureş County<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Some relationship between the cadastre and urban planning regulations can be detected since the second half of the 19th century, together with the introduction of the stable cadastre in Maramureș County and later in Transylvania. With the introduction of the cadastre, the first functional zoning of the territory of the cadastral localities was also carried out, which involved the cadastral registration of all parcels and the recording of the use categories, together with the delimitation of the intravilan or built area and extravilan lands grouped in fields according to the local toponymy. Both before the First World War and in the interwar period, town planning regulations paid little attention to the cadastre introduced in the second half of the 19th century, which is still in force today. During the communist period, urban planning, called also systematization, had a political purpose, especially in rural localities, when through the systematization sketches, the political authorities aimed to group within the intravilan area as narrow as possible to the advantage of agricultural surrounded areas and to standardize the built environment. Also during this period, delimitations of industrial zones, including mining areas, are introduced, as well as the first urban planning considerations regarding the planned evolution of these areas. In the post-December period, there are some regulations regarding urban planning, made concrete by several laws, especially the Law no. 350/2001 regarding territorial development and urban planning. The general and mining cadastre for mining or former mining areas does not find the place it should occupy in urban planning. The purpose of the paper is to follow through the chosen case study – the case of former Baia Borșa mining area, the particular situation of urbanism-cadastre relationship, with a focus on the relationship between the urbanism of mining areas - mining extractive cadastre. The working hypotheses are described based on the analysis of available working materials: archival documents and General Urban Plans. GIS analysis methods are adopted as work methodology. The results and conclusions will serve as a basis for the formulation of proposals that can be incorporated into future urban planning policies for mining areas.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue by Standardized Test Methods of the Drum Friction Resistance Performance of Conveyor Belts Use in the Underground and at Surface<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The field of use of conveyor belts is varied, they can be found both in the composition of installations operating in normal environments as well as in environments with the danger of potentially explosive atmospheres. The use of conveyor belts in environments with the risk of potentially explosive atmospheres requires the fulfilment of those safety requirements aimed at preventing sources of initiation of explosive atmospheres. In order to ensure the highest level of security, in these spaces with the danger of potentially explosive atmospheres, the conveyor belts used must have adequate protection properties against sources of ignition that may appear during their operation. At the same time, in this context, the application of test methods that allow determining the specific performance of conveyor belts, such as, for example resistance to friction on the drum, resistance to flame propagation, electrical resistance, is also important. The paper essentially aims to deal with the issues related to the application of standardized test methods, developed in the laboratory, necessary to determine the performances regarding the friction resistance on the drum of the conveyor belts used in the underground and at surface.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue for a Quick Method for Choosing Plant Species to Accelerate Pedogenesis on Waste Dumps<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Mining is one of the activities that require large areas of land for the storage of sterile rocks resulting from the extraction of useful mineral substances. Waste dumps are wide-spread, are unpleasant components of the landscape causing a negative visual impact, the modification of ecosystems and their functions, environmental pollution (depending on their content, it can result atmospheric pollution by entrainment of dust particles and powders by winds, generation of acid waters, land and soil pollution with trace elements, etc.), and may present risks for the objectives in the area as a result of the sliding potential. The waste dumps consisting of inert rocks like sands, clays, and dust in different mixtures, which present various degrees of aeration and permeability and which lack the fertility given by organic matter, need proper interventions and works to support the development of more valuable plants and to reintegrate them into the natural landscape. The research presented in this paper aims to identify the necessary steps in order to accelerate the pedogenesis process on mining dumps and, as a result, a logical scheme type method was developed that could be easily applied to any type of mining dump. Also, the logical scheme was applied and verified through an experimental study carried out at the level of the interior dump of North Pesteana open-pit from Rovinari mining basin, Romania.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Friendly Technologies Of Integrated Open Pit-Underground Mining<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Kryvyi Rih iron ore basin is one of Ukraine’s oldest. Over 150 years of open pit mining has resulted in significant areas of arable land disturbed by open pits, dumps and tailings facilities. In Kryvyi Rih region, operation of open pits, dumps and tailings facilities results in worsened environmental conditions.</p> <p>Deep open pits and high dumps change the topography of the region. Open pits, dumps and tailings facilities not covered with vegetation contribute to bad air pollution by emitting large amounts of dust.</p> <p>To settle the environmental issues and preserve the nature in the basin, gradual transition from the technology of open-pit mining to integrated open pit-underground and subsequent underground mining is developed and proposed.</p> <p>In addition, the present paper addresses one of the main problems of geomechanical stabilization of the rock massif when constructing underground mines in areas of possible influence of open pit fields, and studies issues of controlling the stress-strain state of the rock massif during transition from the open-pit to integrated technology of deposit mining.</p> <p>The research conducted enables substantiation of technologies involving formation of internal waste rock dumps during integrated open pit-underground mining. The paper presents the results of the research on the stress-strain state of the massif during transition from the open-pit to integrated mining technology and proposes environmentally friendly technologies of integrated open pit-underground mining of deposits with waste disposal in the worked out space of underground mines and open pits.</p> <p>The Results Obtained Are Highly Relevant And Very Important In Both Scientific And Practical Fields.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue of the Pollution Level and Determination of the Geo-Accumulation Index of Heavy Metals in the Soil from the Old Funicular Dump Area – Uricani<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>As a result of the mining activities carried out in the Jiu Valley, tailings dumps resulted. Currently, some of these tailing dumps are greened, some are inactive, and some of them are still active within operational exploitation perimeters. In order to capture the negative effects of these deposits, in this work an assessment of the degree of contamination will be carried out and the level of geo-accumulation of heavy metals will be determined in the soil in the area of the Old Funicular dump, an inactive one for about 12 years. The dump was formed following the deposition of tailings resulting from coal mining in the Uricani mine. The main purpose is to identify the types and concentrations of heavy metals present in the soil and determine the level of accumulation of these metals in a certain area. The study involved the collection of soil samples from 17 sampling points, followed by detailed chemical analyses to determine the concentrations of heavy metals present in the soil at the tailings dump. The results indicated variable levels of heavy metal contamination, with concentrations exceeding the normal value of these heavy metals in soil in certain areas. The geo-accumulation index (I<sub>geo</sub>) was calculated to assess the degree of accumulation of each heavy metal in soil. The I<sub>geo</sub> values obtained varied from slightly polluted to moderately polluted, suggesting a significant influence of mining activities on the soil in this area. The conclusions of the study emphasize the need to implement phytoremediation measures and continuous monitoring to prevent ecological and human health risks.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue of Post-Quarrying Land Uses in Western Macedonia, Greece, Using a Hybrid Multi-Criteria Method<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The region of Western Macedonia is rich in mineral resources. Over the past decades, it has been primarily focused on lignite mining, while also maintaining smaller-scale extraction activities for olivine, attapulgite, talc, calcium carbonate, dolomite, gypsum, marble, slate, and aggregates, which hold significant economic value. This study recorded active public, private, and municipal quarries as well as inactive public and municipal quarries requiring rehabilitation. Furthermore, a methodology was developed and applied for screening three of the inactive municipal quarries and selecting the more suitable land use for each one. For this purpose, the authors assessed opportunities and risks at the regional level and identified strengths and weaknesses specific to each quarrying site carrying out a SWOT analysis. Criteria for selecting between alternative land uses were then determined. An expert panel including geologists, mineral resource specialists, environmental engineers, regional and municipal officials, legal experts, chamber of commerce representatives, and quarry company board members was convened to evaluate these criteria, with weights assigned using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Attributes with spatial variation were mapped using GIS, and the final ranking of land uses for each quarry site was determined using a simple algorithm. The scope of this study was to contribute to the development of communities located close to quarries by supporting the selection of the optimum post-quarrying land uses.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue of the Suitability of Non-Productive Land for Biomass Cultivation and its Energy Recovery<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The work is part of the efforts to restore unproductive land in a green and circular economy. The results of the research carried out on non-productive land in the Jiu Valley are presented regarding the suitability of the soil and the cultivated biomass for its energy utilization and obtaining the digestate as fertilizer. The traceability of heavy metals from soil to biomass and the suitability of using biomass for its energy recovery are evaluated.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Mining’s Green Revolution – Sustainable Techniques and Technologies Shaping the Future<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>This paper traces the evolving landscape of copper mining, delving into the industry’s shift towards sustainable practices and technologies. In this context, a critical case study is presented, with an emphasis on the mining of copper ore from Roșia Poieni. This case study analyzes the application of sustainable techniques in mining operations, assessing their effectiveness, feasibility and potential challenges. It is also evaluated the implementation of renewable energy sources, waste recycling initiatives and the adoption of clean technologies within the operations of the Roșia Poieni quarry. In addition, the study investigates the socio-economic ramifications of these sustainability efforts on the local community surrounding the mine. The research begins with an overview of traditional extraction methods and highlights the importance of adopting green alternatives. Examining sustainable technologies in copper mining and processing, the paper explores the integrate ion of renewable energy, waste recycling and clean technologies to reduce emissions. The social impact of these sustainable practices is explored, including the benefits to local communities and increased workplace safety. Despite the challenges faced, the industry holds economic opportunities in adopting sustainable techniques. The paper concludes with a comprehensive overview of the industry’s outlook, highlighting the importance of balancing technological advances with environmental responsibility in shaping the future of copper mining.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue the Position of the Center of Gravity by Tensiometric Measurements for the Machines with Bucket Wheels Used to Remove Coal from Deposits<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The machines with bucket wheels used to remove and to put coal in deposits are intended to dump and remove coal from quarries and power station deposits. The paper presents how to determine the gravity center of a machine with bucket wheels used to remove coal from deposits, by tensiometric measurements, in various positions of the arm of the bucket rotor (wheel). The machine with bucket wheel used for taking out from deposits is within Arcelor Mittal Galați. The measurements have been made in limit positions of the arm of the bucket wheel, horizontally and vertically, respectively, and have been made because of determining an additional weight that should be added in the ballast box of the equilibrium arm, if appropriate.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Influence of Blast Holes Stemming on the Breaking Yield of Rocks Fragmented with Explosives<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Stemming of blast holes is an essential operation for controlled explosions, serving the purpose of filling the voids left after loading with explosives. This process prevents the escape of gases produced during the explosion, which have a pressure of around 10,000 daN/cm&amp;sup2;, and enhances the breaking effect while reducing dust and noise. Efficient use of stemming can significantly reduce the consumption of explosives and, consequently, the costs of rock fragmentation through drilling and blasting operations, allowing a reduction in explosive consumption by 20-25%. Furthermore, improper stemming of blast holes results in low breaking efficiency, large material granulation, misfires, and, in other words, increased costs for drilling, blasting, and crushing operations, as well as potential accident hazards due to misfires. In this article, we will explore the materials used for stemming, the technologies employed, and improvement proposals to maximize the efficiency and safety of mining operations, leading to more efficient and safer use of explosives in rock fragmentation operations, enhancing breaking efficiency while reducing associated costs and risks.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue of the Rock Destruction Influence in the Increased Rock Pressure Zones on the Stability of Preparatory Mine Workings<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The issue of determining the size of pillars of various types and purposes is very important, as it is closely related to the issues of completeness of excavation of mineral reserves, as well as ensuring the stability of protected workings.</p> <p>The purpose of this work is to study the behavior of the massif in the zones of increased mining pressure, to evaluate its stress-strain state for justification of the optimal parameters of pillars, which is a very urgent scientific task in the conditions of the converged formations of the Western Donbass.</p> <p>To analyze the stress-strain state of the rock massif area in the area of preparatory excavations, falling into the zones of increased mining pressure, the volumetric problem was solved using the finite element method. The problem was solved using Cosmos Works software. In order to determine the size of the pillar satisfying the requirements of completeness of excavation and safety of preparatory workings, this parameter was varied from 25m to 40m with an interval of 2m.</p> <p>The work contains the results of monitoring the condition of mine workings as the longwall is approaching up to its stoppage. On the basis of modeling of the stress-strain state of the massif with linkage of the actual state of the drifts according to the monitoring results, the optimum parameters of the pillar are determined, which in the considered conditions are 37 meters.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Study of the Gas Dynamic Regime of a New Open Salt Mine Turda, Valea Sărată<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The opening of any underground mining work requires a check and the establishment of the regime of explosive and toxic gas emissions (methane and carbon dioxide). Establishing the regime of gas emissions is necessary to clearly establish the correct choice of specific machinery in construction Ex. or not, as well as the correct sizing of the vent. The purpose of this paper is to determine the rate of methane (explosive gas) and of carbon dioxide (axphysants gas) in the mine workings of Valea Sărată salt mine newly opened salt mine. For the preparation of the documentation, the following elements were taken into account: -The geological conditions of the salt deposit in the Valea Sărată mining perimeter;</p> <p>-Existing records and documentation regarding previous occurrences of gas and their manifestation;</p> <p>The results of quantitative and qualitative measurements in underground mining works, regarding:</p> <p>-circulated air flows;</p> <p>-gas concentrations: methane, its counterparts and carbon dioxide;</p> <p>Establishing the release of gases in the underground atmosphere of the mining works. Based on the measurements and observations made, as well as the analysis of the previously mentioned elements, the underground mining works were included.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue of Safety Factors and Geometric Elements of the Waste Dumps in the Berbeşti Mining Basin<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>As a result of mining operations, large amounts of sterile rocks result, which involve the occupation of some land surfaces and which can generate risk situations such as geotechnical phenomena (especially landslides). The risks the population is exposed to in the event of landslides and their increasing incidence in mining areas, make more and more researchers interested in investigating, inventorying and characterizing the conditions and landslides risk areas. The stability conditions for any engineering construction are evaluated right from the design phase. Since the physical and mechanical characteristics of the rocks that define the working slopes and the dumps in the mining perimeters cannot be significantly improved in order to increase stability reserves, the emphasis remains on their appropriate design. The paper aims to develop a fast method to provide indications of the safety factor for different geometric configurations of slopes. Based on the stability analyses, two nomograms were built that graphically represent the dependence between the geometric elements of the slopes and the values of the safety factors, the case study being carried out for the waste dumps in the Berbești Mining Basin, known for its lignite mining activity.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue