rss_2.0Management & Marketing FeedSciendo RSS Feed for Management & Marketing & Marketing Feed potential for sustainable biomass in the Romanian energy sector. Value chain analysis for potential black pellets investments<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>A value chain analysis was conducted to assess the potential of substituting coal with black pellets for energy production in Romania, including an evaluation of feedstock availability. The biomass production landscape in Romania is evolving due to rising demand and a growing number of pellet producers competing for raw materials. This shift is also driven by a decline in wood processing and exploitation activities, primarily due to reduced access to forest resources, legislative instability, and administrative complexities. Romania harvests 19 million cubic meters of wood annually, utilising only 50% of its sustainable harvesting capacity, which is equal to the natural growth rate of its forests. The operational costs for the value chains involved in power generation from black pellets and coal in a 50 MW power plant were also estimated. For the black pellets value chain, the annual operational costs are approximately 100.68 million lei–more than five times higher than the estimated 18.18 million lei for coal. This significant cost difference arises from higher expense of biomass harvesting compared to coal mining. The black pellets value chain also involves biomass pretreatment and steam explosion processes, which require electricity for feasibility. Additionally, the higher ash content of coal could increase the overall expenses due to ash disposal costs, although these costs were not included in this analysis.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue of Website Quality and User Satisfaction on Consumer Loyalty in Lithuanian C2C E-Commerce Platforms<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>This study was commenced to understand the effect of consumer satisfaction and website quality on loyalty in the Consumer to Consumer (C2C) E-Commerce business. This study used a survey method with the questionnaire as an instrument to gather the data required. As many as 400 respondents participated in this study, whereas all data was collected from those living in Lithuania and have used this website before. All data was then further processed and analysed using SPSS software. Descriptive statistics and regression analyses was used to determine website quality and satisfaction impact for consumer loyalty. After analysing all the gathered data, it can be concluded that website quality, and satisfaction positively affect customer loyalty in the C2C e-commerce business.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue influencing brands’ reputation on social media<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Social networks considerably impact brand reputation, influencing consumer behaviour, perceptions, and purchase intentions. The content of brands on social media is central to consumer attitudes and behaviour and the formulation of opinions about the brand and its reputation. Therefore, this research aims to identify the factors that influence the reputation of brands on social media. A quantitative methodology was adopted using the online questionnaire data collection technique through a non-probabilistic convenience sample (N=185). After statistical analysis using PLS-SEM, the results show that social media influencers contribute to brand reputation on social networks. This article contributes to understanding the role of social networks in brand reputation by showing the aspects that most influence reputation and providing marketing professionals and managers with the most effective tools for their brands’ reputation.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue preferences: Unveiling omnichannel behavior in sports and leisure product purchases<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Current customer segmentations in omnichannel retail are based on channel usage and tend to be rather descriptive. In comparison, this research focuses on the role of “need for touch” (NFT) and channel preferences (attractiveness, appropriateness, satisfactoriness) introduced as antecedents to channel choice. The aim of this research was to develop a predictive model of omnichannel purchase behaviour and use its results to identify customer segments in the so far under-researched sports and leisure category, where the key decision factor of NFT seems to dominate when considering information and purchase options. We have examined its role and incorporated it as an exogenous variable and channel preferences as mediating variables in a SEM model to predict omnichannel purchase behaviour. Using the latent scores of channel preferences, we performed a cluster analysis and introduced various segments. In the proposed structural model preferences towards the information channel and the purchase channel serve as key mediators. Webrooming behaviour is negatively related to offline search channel preference, but showrooming is positively related to it. Meanwhile, webrooming behaviour is positively related to offline shopping channel preference, but showrooming is negatively related to it. Competitive mediation results indicate cross-channel synergies and complementary mediation results point out lock-in effects. Six customer segments were identified, and we found significant differences in their shopping behaviour. Lock-in effect arises in the case of online information enthusiasts and online shopping enthusiasts. While in the case of the webrooming-oriented cluster, offline shopping was more appropriate and satisfactory, and positive cross-channel synergies appeared to be prevalent.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue challenges and insights in cloud Enterprise Resource Planning systems adoption: A case study of the Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The migration from legacy systems to cloud Enterprise Resource Planning systems is driven by technological advancements and competitive pressure, prompting companies to seek more agile and scalable solutions. Although developers and vendors aim to ease the adoption process, significant challenges persist and can lead to potential disruptions to business operations and affect the organisations’ reputation. Starting from a qualitative approach, this study aims to explore and uncover the difficulties faced by end users across different roles and industries. An inductive examination of these challenges is undertaken using a thematic approach, focusing on one of the most acclaimed cloud Enterprise Resource Planning solutions, Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP. Continuing with a quantitative examination, the study comparatively analyses the challenges in terms of industry and their evolution from 2020 to 2023. The research sheds light on the breadth and depth of issues faced by direct beneficiaries, demonstrating that even highly regarded solutions exhibit a myriad of challenges. Therefore, our research provides valuable insights for businesses, practitioners, and researchers, enhancing their understanding of the subject and providing insights into strategic decisions related to adopting and using cloud Enterprise Resource Planning systems. Acknowledging and addressing these challenges is crucial for companies navigating the complexities of cloud Enterprise Resource Planning adoption to achieve the full potential of solutions and achieve sustainable competitive advantages in today’s fast-paced business environment.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue impact of social media marketing efforts on buying intentions within the brewing sector<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Social Media Marketing Activities (SMMA) encompass several dimensions that enhance brand engagement on social media platforms: Entertainment focuses on engaging users through fun; Interaction emphasises the two-way communication between the brand and its consumers; Trends involves leveraging current cultural and market trends; Personalisation deals with tailoring messages; Advertising refers to the direct promotion of products; e-WOM Intensity measures the frequency and spread of information; e-WOM Emotional Value evaluates the emotional impact of this information; and e-WOM Content evaluates the quality of information shared. This study used a quantitative methodology to explore the impact of social media marketing activities (SMMA) on Instagram on users’ purchase intentions, with specific reference to the SuperBock brand. Data collection was carried out using an online questionnaire. The survey was administered to a non-probabilistic convenience sample of 202 individuals recruited primarily from social media platforms where SuperBock has an active presence. The convenience sampling method is preferred due to its ease of implementation in research design, cost effectiveness and time efficiency. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out using SPSS software. The results indicate that all dimensions of SMMA on SuperBock’s Instagram have a positive impact on consumers’ purchase intentions. The dimension ‘Advertising’ exerts the most significant positive impact, followed by ‘Emotional Value’ and ‘Intensity of e-WOM’. It was found that e-WOM dimensions play a significant role in influencing consumers’ purchasing decisions. This study advances our understanding of how Instagram influences purchase intentions for SuperBock. The use of a non-probabilistic convenience sample limits the generalisability of conclusions.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue based merger & acquisition forecasting<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>While there is no doubt that M&amp;A activity in the corporate sector follows wave-like patterns, there is no uniquely accepted definition of such a “merger wave” in a time series context. Count-data time series models are often employed to measure M&amp;A activity and merger waves are then defined as clusters of periods with an unusually high number of M&amp;A deals retrospectively. However, the distribution of deals is usually not normal (Gaussian). More recently, different approaches that take into account the time-varying nature of M&amp;A activity have been proposed, but still require the a-priori selection of parameters. We propose adapting the combination of the Local Parametric Approach and Multiplier Bootstrap to a count data setup in order to identify locally homogeneous intervals in the time series of M&amp;A activity. This eliminates the need for manual parameter selection and allows for the generation of accurate forecasts without any manual input.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue of workplace well-being of Slovakian employees during a crisis<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The economic crisis of recent years has had a significant impact on the well-being of employees at work. The coronavirus that appeared in 2019 and the economic crisis have become one of the most powerful influencing factors in terms of workplace well-being. The actuality of the topic is given by the fact that the effects caused by the coronavirus crisis have still left a noticeable impact in many areas of working life. The primary goal of the study was to analyse the workplace well-being in Slovakian small and medium-sized enterprises. The methodology of the research was a questionnaire survey, interviewing a total of 772 employees in 2023. According to the research hypothesis, a significant correlation can be shown between workplace anxiety, nervousness, and sadness (negative emotions) and the achievement of workplace well-being. The obtained results support the correctness of the hypothesis that there is a significant correlation between the prevalence of negative emotions and the achievement of well-being at work. The results also showed how the order of the elements of the negative emotional factor affects the achievement of well-being at work: first of all, sadness at work, then anxiety at work, and finally nervousness at work, had an impact on the development of job satisfaction.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue event quality and athlete’s behavioural intentions at the World Wrestling Championship<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The COVID<italic>-19</italic> pandemic caused unpredictable times and led to changes in tourism, sporting society, and events organisations. Sports events were postponed or cancelled. Indeed, there was a need to reconstruct the event circumstances for safety reasons. Therefore, this study aimed to provide insights into relationships between sports event quality, satisfaction, and behavioural intentions (repeated destination visits, positive word-of-mouth communication) during the implementation of COVID-19 security risk measures. The sample included 150 athletes from the U23 World Wrestling Championship organised in Belgrade, Serbia, in 2021. The sport event quality, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions were measured with a questionnaire. The proposed model was assessed using a confirmatory factor analysis with structural equation modeling using Smart PLS, SPSS, and AMOS. Results revealed a significant direct effect of the sport event quality (core dimension) and an indirect effect across satisfaction (tangibles and COVID-19 risk measures) on the athletes’ behavioural intentions. As wrestlers lived in a „bubble” and competed without spectators during the competition, it is not a surprise that the core dimension of service quality, including the competition itself, the opening ceremony, organisation, time schedule, medal ceremonies, and the total quality of the event, has a significant impact for wrestlers’ likelihood of coming back to the city or the country and to recommend the destination to others. Thisstudy contributes to advancing the general scientific knowledge concerning understanding sports events from the aspect of sports tourism and event organisation, especially in the post-COVID-19 era.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue criteria for lifestyle applications – The role of MAUQ factors in satisfaction<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The most common health-related apps are lifestyle apps, i.e., fitness, nutrition, diet, and meditation apps, which account for half of all m-health apps on the market. Mobile app-based interventions have been shown to be effective in improving diet-related health outcomes. The aim of this study is to map the usage patterns of lifestyle apps (fitness, diet, and relaxation apps) and identify the role of each factor in the usability of MAUQ (m-Health App Usability Questionnaire) factor - ease of use, interface satisfaction, and usefulness - in overall satisfaction. Data were collected through an online survey in Hungary with 348 users of various lifestyle applications, i.e., fitness (30.2%), nutrition (31.3%), and mindfulness (38.5%) apps. Respondents showed a preference for free apps over paid ones and predominantly used iOS operating systems. The partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) method was used to identify the role of usability dimensions in overall satisfaction. The satisfaction of lifestyle app users is positively influenced by ‘Ease of Use’ and ‘Interface and Satisfaction’. However, effectiveness (positive physical and mental health outcomes) negatively influences satisfaction. Research can be particularly useful for app developers, as usability and design (features) play a particularly important role in satisfaction, so these are primary considerations in development.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue determinants of labour costs in the EU: a comprehensive panel and cluster analysis<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Labour costs are a fundamental component of production expenses, significantly impacting both the quantity and quality of output. This study explores the determinants of labour costs within EU member states that have implemented minimum wage policies over the past two decades. The research technique includes a comprehensive panel analysis of EU member states to identify significant variables influencing labour costs, as well as cluster analysis to discover underlying patterns across the nations under examination. Our findings reveal that higher minimum wage levels, higher employment rates, increased labour productivity, and greater trade openness are positively correlated with higher labour costs. Specifically, increases in these variables lead to higher wages and a broader tax base, while greater trade openness results in elevated labour costs due to expanded market opportunities. Conversely, gross fixed capital formation negatively affects labour costs, as investments in production assets tend to reduce labour requirements or hours worked. The cluster analysis led to the identification of three distinct groups. The first cluster consists of well-developed economies with modest labour cost increases and average minimum wages. The second cluster includes countries with substantial labour cost increases, low minimum wages, and significant productivity gains. The third cluster features nations with high minimum wages and high employment rates. This paper contributes to the field by highlighting the complex interplay between labour costs and economic factors, offering insights for decision-makers to tailor macroeconomic and company-level strategies to specific local conditions. The findings emphasise the importance of balancing wage policies with sustainable economic development to enhance competitiveness while ensuring fair labour conditions.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue marketing strategies: analyzing guerrilla marketing, brand image, and brand awareness impact on Gen Y purchasing decisions<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The rise of digital technology and social media platforms has made traditional marketing approaches less effective in capturing the attention of the tech-savvy Generation Y. There has been an increased interest in guerrilla marketing tactics, which employ unconventional strategies to engage consumers. This study investigated the impact of guerrilla marketing, brand image, and brand awareness on the purchasing decisions of Generation Y consumers. The study adopted the Hierarchy-of-Effects Theory and conducted an empirical study the following constructs: viral marketing, ambush marketing, buzz marketing, street graphics marketing, brand awareness, brand image, and purchase decision. Data was collected from 442 Generation Y respondents in Thailand. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to analyse the model and construct's reliability. At the same time, the partial least squares structural equation modelling technique was adopted to explore the relationship of the study constructs. The results indicated that the purchase decision of Generation Y was significantly influenced by ambush marketing, buzz marketing, and street graphics marketing. The research revealed that brand image and brand awareness exerted a substantial impact on purchase decisions and served as key mediators in the relationship between guerrilla marketing and purchase decisions among Generation Y. The study emphasised the importance of guerrilla marketing techniques and leverage of the power of social media to influence purchase behaviour. Marketing managers should consider these techniques to attract Generation Y.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue ChatGPT for Sustainability: A Framework for SMEs to Align with UN Sustainable Development Goals and tackle sustainable development challenges<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outline a global agenda for sustainable development, but need more detailed implementation guidelines for businesses, particularly Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Given their limited resources, SMEs face significant challenges in adopting sustainability practices aligned with the SDGs. This study explores the potential of ChatGPT, a large language model, to assist SMEs in overcoming these challenges. The research introduces a ChatGPT-aided framework through a novel methodological approach to help SMEs develop sustainability roadmaps, engage stakeholders, and identify key sustainability goals, risks, opportunities, and Key Process Indicators (KPIs). The case study of an SME in the electronic measurement equipment industry is used to validate the framework. The findings, corroborated by a Focus Group with the participation of academics and SME top managers, demonstrate the framework’s potential to enhance SME sustainability practices, contributing to academic discourse and offering practical insights that will inform and empower industry stakeholders. Furthermore, several actions are presented to respond to concerns about the accuracy and reliability of AI-generated recommendations. Finally, future research should seek to validate the proposed framework across a broader range of industries and SME contexts and assess this methodology’s application with organisations other than SMEs.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue the impact of the biomass sector on economic growth in Romania using econometric modelling<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The growing importance of sustainable energy sources, driven by environmental concerns and energy security, has led to increased interest in the biomass sector's impact on economic growth. This study employs multiple linear regression analysis to examine how the biomass sector influences Romania's economic landscape. The aim of this research is to unravel the sector's dynamics, understanding its contribution to the national economy, and exploring its potential in advancing sustainable development objectives. A comprehensive literature review delves into past studies probing the relationship between the biomass sector and economic growth, with an emphasis on the Romanian context. Key economic indicators and variables are identified and included in the regression model. The empirical analysis is based on data obtained from various sources, allowing for a robust examination, and the results of the multiple linear regression analysis reveal significant insights into the dynamics of the biomass sector's impact on economic growth in Romania. Furthermore, potential confounding factors are considered, and their influence on the findings is discussed. The paper also includes a stakeholder analysis for using black pellets as the biomass option of choice in the energy sector. Contributing to existing knowledge, the research sheds light on Romania’s biomass sector specific context, while discussing practical and policy implications, and offering guidance to stakeholders and policymakers in sustainable energy and economic development. Emphasising the pivotal role of biomass in economic growth, the study underscores the need for informed decision making and policy development to nurture this sector in Romania.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue of mobile stock investment application adoption and its impact on intention to recommend the applications in emerging countries: a case study of Indonesia<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Commonly used research models analysing technological adoption, such as the Technology Adoption Model, Theory of Planned Behaviour, and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, mostly emphasise technology-related variables. In the context of mobile stock investment application adoption, this study extends the existing technological adoption models by adding digital financial service-related variables. The purpose of this study is to investigate the main determinants of mobile stock investment application adoption in emerging countries, specifically in Indonesia. The study deployed a quantitative type of research with an online survey questionnaire by recruiting 256 respondents of stock investors who have used mobile applications for a minimum of one year. Data was analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) with advanced analysis tests. The results confirm the significant influence of performance expectancy, finfluencers, perceived financial risks, perceived financial benefits, perceived technology security, financial literacy, and e-reputation on adoption behaviour. The results also find a significant influence of adoption behaviour on the intention to recommend. Meanwhile, effort expectancy and facilitating conditions were insignificant toward adoption behaviour. These findings signify that the comprehensive research model could contribute to enriching studies on adoption of the mobile technology by extending TPB and UTAUT with specific variables related to stock investment and its impact on the intention to recommend the applications. Finally, the implications of the proposed new model for future research and FinTech practice are discussed.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue systems and consumer neuroscience in the age of computational advertising<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The main goal of this article is to provide an overview of the use and characteristics of intelligent systems and neuroscience tools applicable in the field of contemporary advertising. The newly emerging field of computational advertising is undergoing dynamic development, and this concept is now placed in the context of advanced intelligent systems, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality. According to the specified parameters, a systematic literature search of scientific publications was carried out and subsequently evaluated. The research questions are focused on the identification of intelligent systems and current consumer neuroscience tools finding application in the current trend of computational advertising. It follows from the processed systematic literature review that there are currently a number of intelligent systems and also a number of tools in the field of consumer neuroscience that can find application within the broader concept of computational advertising. These more or less intelligent systems and neuroscientific tools are already affecting all phases of the advertising life cycle. At the same time, a number of ethical issues associated with the use of both these technologies and tools have been found, which still need to be explored. The article attempts to fill the gap in the lack of literature dealing with this issue. Last but not least, the article contains a critical view of these new technological possibilities and also describes a number of new ethical challenges arising in this area.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue or trendy-chic? Decoding consumer preferences in sustainable and fast fashion across the EU<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The ongoing transformation of the fashion industry is driven by an increasing focus on sustainability, ethical practices, and responsible consumer behavior. Simultaneously, social media platforms have emerged as influential forces in this field, shaping fashion trends and consumer preferences. Despite a substantial body of literature investigating consumer preferences between fast and sustainable fashion, a gap in understanding the intricate relationship between fashion preferences, socio-economic profiling, and social media engagement is evident. Thus, this research was aimed at comparatively decoding EU consumers’ preferences for fast fashion against sustainable fashion by exploring the interplay of demographic factors ‒ age, gender, and geographical location ‒ on fashion preferences, as expressed through the digital engagement with fashion-related content on the Meta social platforms. The research methodology implied resorting to logistic regression analysis, aiming to uncover the underlying patterns that fundamentally characterize consumers’ preferences for fashion in the EU. The results provide novel insights into how digital engagement with fashion-related content can act as a barometer for regional fashion identities and preferences, useful for the identification of both convergence and inflection points. Moreover, findings offer a robust foundation for crafting strategies that promote sustainable fashion practices, tailored to specific EU age, gender, and location demographics, by leveraging the insights gained about EU consumer preferences.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue the influence of inspirational value on experience quality and electronic word-of-mouth in non-formal music education settings in Indonesia<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Non-formal music courses are currently experiencing rapid development in emerging countries, many young people are voluntarily taking music courses in addition to their formal education. With the increasing number of music courses, the level of competition is getting tougher putting marketing issues upfront. Unfortunately, research on consumer experience in the setting of marketing music courses owned by private parties is still limited. This study focuses on the examination of positive electronic word-of-mouth (EWOM) behavior which supports the business performance from experience quality in music education institutions. To that end, this study applied the theory of perceived value and added a new proposed variable “inspirational value” to the combination of epistemic, emotional, sensorial, and social values. This quantitative survey study aimed to analyze the influences of perceived value on the experience and further the positive EWOM among music school students. Over two months, data was collected from 176 students of two music courses, to then be analyzed using the PLS-SEM method. As a new concept, inspirational value was determined as distinct from emotional value, where it more on appeals and driving factors arising from future orientation. The findings of the study emphasize the significance of sensory value in improving experience quality, followed by inspirational, epistemic, and emotional values. Furthermore, this study suggests that music courses should focus on creating inspiring, emotionally resonant experiences to foster positive EWOM that can support the marketing activity.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue and Inclusion: Assessing the effects of the Shadow Economy and informal labour in Europe<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The informal economy, often characterized by unregulated and untaxed economic activities, has significant yet understudied implications for sustainable development and inclusivity. This paper explores the influence of the size of the shadow economy and undeclared work patterns (envelope wage, without a formal contract and bogus self-employed) on the Leave No One Behind Index and the Sustainable Development Index developed by the United Nations across European countries from 2000 to 2021. Employing panel data regression models, the research investigates the differential impacts of informality on these indices, revealing a negative correlation with the informal economy and a positive association with various forms of undeclared work. The analysis, comprising 18 models segmented by region – Central and Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and Europe – demonstrates that the adverse effects of the informal economy are more pronounced, whereas the positive contributions of undeclared work patterns are subtler, yet significant. The study’s findings suggest a complex interaction between informal economic activities and sustainable development goals, challenging the conventional perspective on informality and its role in inclusive development. The results indicate that while the shadow economy may hinder broad development efforts, informal labor arrangements support vulnerable populations, underscoring the need for nuanced policy interventions that recognize the multifaceted nature of work and its impacts on development.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue driven crypto assets market reactions<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>In the burgeoning realm of cryptocurrency, social media platforms like Twitter have become pivotal in influencing market trends and investor sentiments. In our study, we leverage GPT-4 and a fine-tuned transformer-based BERT model for a multimodal sentiment analysis, focusing on the impact of emoji sentiment on cryptocurrency markets. By translating emojis into quantifiable sentiment data, we correlate these insights with key market indicators such as BTC Price and the VCRIX index. Our architecture’s analysis of emoji sentiment demonstrated a distinct advantage over FinBERT’s pure text sentiment analysis in such predicting power. This approach may be fed into the development of trading strategies aimed at utilizing social media elements to identify and forecast market trends. Crucially, our findings suggest that strategies based on emoji sentiment can facilitate the avoidance of significant market downturns and contribute to the stabilization of returns. This research underscores the practical benefits of integrating advanced AI-driven analyzes into financial strategies, offering a nuanced perspective on the interaction between digital communication and market dynamics in an academic context.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue