rss_2.0NIM Marketing Intelligence Review FeedSciendo RSS Feed for NIM Marketing Intelligence Review Marketing Intelligence Review Feed Mundane to Creative: How AI Unburdens Sales Agents Campaigns: How Generative AI Is Transforming Digital Advertising: Interview with Adam Singolda, Founder and CEO of Taboola Bias: What to Consider When Training Generative AI Models on Subjective Marketing Metrics Prompt Engineering: Skills Marketers Need to Deploy Generative AI Successfully Beyond ChatGPT: Applying Large Language Models in Marketing Contexts Impact: Harnessing Generative and Evaluative AIs for Effective Marketing Decisions AI for Marketing Content Creation: New Rules for an Old Game the Buzz: Creating Marketing Value with Generative AI into a New Reality: How Immersive Experiences along the Customer Journey Succeed<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>Brand communication is entering a new era. Immersive technologies such as augmented reality (AR) ) and virtual reality (VR) enable memorable experiences along the entire customer journey as the combination of real and virtual elements creates innovative forms of consumer-brand interaction. Read in our interview how to implement successful immersive campaigns that people care about and share on social media. Julian Weiss, co-founder and CEO of Hamburg-based agency headraft, expects many more XR (extended reality) applications as “retailing will increasingly become an experience space.” He sees their greatest potential in a symbiosis of real and virtual elements.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Brands with Augmented Reality: Why and When it Works<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>Augmented reality (AR) is gaining recognition among executives as a powerful marketing tool. Unlike virtual reality, AR integrates virtual content into the real world, providing consumers with interactive experiences. AR applications like IKEA Place and Dulux Visualizer allow users to visualize furniture or paint colors in their homes, while AR games like Pokémon Go generate new revenue streams. The increasing availability of AR capabilities in smartphones and the creation of efficient developer tools have contributed to ist breakthrough. AR offers various levels of local presence, ranging from simple overlays to highly immersive mixed-reality experiences. The potential of AR extends beyond virtual reality, as it can create a new form of integrated three-dimensional Internet. AR marketing can enhance brand evaluations and emotional consumer-brand relationships, particularly through inspiration and closeness. Companies should consider AR as a tool for branding, as it has shown positive effects on brand attitudes, product evaluations, purchase intentions and word-of-mouth. Managers are encouraged to experiment with AR to understand ist potential and stay competitive in the evolving digital landscape.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue E-Commerce to Virtual Commerce: The Exciting Opportunities of Virtual Shopping<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>Virtual commerce has the potential to transform the shopping experience. It is highly interactive and can create immersive experiences when consumers wear head-mounted displays. Benefits include increased telepresence, better size and proportion judgement, customizable shopping environments, highly personalized decision support and social interaction opportunities. Technological advances in VR hardware, such as improved display resolution and reduced motion sickness, contribute to a more seamless and enjoyable shopping experience. These benefits can lead to higher purchase rates. However, there are also privacy concerns due to the many ways in which data can be collected. While the future of VR shopping is difficult to predict, AR applications are already well established. Tech giants, research institutions, and startups will play a critical role in shaping the future of virtual commerce.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Goes Virtual: How to Measure Consumers‘ Responses in Extended Realities<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>The metaverse and extended realities offer new avenues for studying consumer behavior. Consumer neuroscience tools are being utilized to understand interactions in these virtual spaces. The 3S framework (Stimuli, Sensors and Signals) provides a foundation for applying these tools. Stimuli can be manipulated to study brand choices, and sensors capture physiological responses such as heart rate and facial expressions. Different interface devices like monitors, smartphones and head-mounted displays offer varying immersion levels and sensor compatibility. Augmented reality requires minimal additional technology, while virtual reality allows detailed tracking of user interactions. Mixed reality combines both. Applications of extended realities in consumer research include pretesting products and designs, virtual try-on experiences and analyzing the impact of virtual presences. The available technology and ongoing advancements present exciting opportunities for understanding consumer behavior in virtual and augmented spaces.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Search of a Head Start: Marketing Opportunities in the Metaverse<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>The concept of the metaverse, a virtual world with immersive 3-D environments, has gained significant attention and is expected to affect how we interact and communicate. While there is no consensus on its future, many brands are preparing for its potential. The metaverse offers unique marketing opportunities, enabling brands to provide offerings that are impossible in the real world. It can serve as a third space for retailing, where brands can create immersive experiences and overcome physical limitations. Metaverse advertising should be interactive and immersive to maximize its potential, while brand communities and events in the metaverse offer new avenues for engagement. The metaverse also allows companies to unlock new revenue streams through virtual products, NFT collections and digital twins. However, the metaverse brings challenges, including technical issues, privacy concerns, avatar misbehavior and the need for virtual and real coexistence. Brands must navigate these challenges and conduct further research to understand and maximize the benefits while minimizing risks in the metaverse.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Virtual Consumer Experiences the Customer Imagination Gap with Augmented and Virtual Reality<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>The “imagination gap” is experienced by customers when they struggle to envision product benefits or service outcomes. It continues to be a significant challenge across industries. This gap often leads to delayed or abandoned purchases, resulting in substantial revenue losses for companies. Businesses are increasingly turning to extended reality technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to address this issue. AR projects digital content into physical environments, allowing customers to visualize products in their surroundings and make more informed purchase decisions. VR, on the other hand, transports users to digital environments, creating immersive experiences that enhance learning, healthcare and other applications. Both AR and VR technologies have the potential to bridge the imagination gap and provide value to businesses and consumers. Strategic considerations include assessing the bottom-line impact of purchasing decisions, selecting the appropriate technology for specific objectives, deciding at what stages of the customer journey to deploy AR and VR and addressing privacy and falsity concerns. Looking ahead, neuro-enhanced reality, enabled by brain-computer interfaces, holds the promise of even more immersive experiences.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Homunculus in the Metaverse: Is Virtual Reality Prepared for Our SevenSenses?<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>Sensing in the physical world differs from sensing in virtual worlds. As visualized in Penfield’s homunculus, touch and taste play a big role in physical surroundings. In contrast, the “Homunculus Metaversensis” for virtual reality would look different, reflecting the dominance of visual and auditory perception in virtual experiences facilitated by technologies like head-mounted displays. To create truly immersive experiences, touch, balance, movement, smell and taste are all relevant. While some progress has been made in haptic feedback and olfactory stimulation, advancement in these fields is still limited. Therefore, augmented reality, which combines physical and digital experiences, may be a more viable option for satisfying multiple senses in the present. However, future breakthroughs in virtual reality technology could enhance sensory experiences in the metaverse.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Contact Matters for Consumer Trust – Even with Robots<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>The integration of AI into consumer services is transforming the way people make decisions. AI is becoming more human-like, with chatbots, voice assistants and robots adopting human features and behavior. Consumers react differently to assistants with a human-like appearance than to advice from a web page, and the behavior of AI advisors influences consumer trust and decision-making. The results of an experiment comparing human advisors, robotic advisors with and without eye contact, and text-based services show that human advisors are trusted the most, but robotic advisors are preferred over text-based services. Human-like advisors increase trust and satisfaction. Extended human features like eye contact are essential for establishing trust and positive consumer responses. Companies should consider using humanoid advisors and incorporating eye contact to enhance customer experience. Consumers should be aware of the influence of human-like AI and stay informed about AI developments.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Comes the Hyper-Connected Augmented Consumer<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p> Consumers have become always on and constantly connected. Search costs have plummeted, individuals’ abilities to digitally express themselves and their opinions increased, and the opportunities for superior business and market intelligence for companies have skyrocketed. This has given rise to more, richer, and new sources of consumer data that marketers can leverage, and has fueled the data-driven insights revolution in marketing. But there is more to come very soon. In marketing, we are quickly moving from the age of the connected consumer to the age of the augmented consumer. New technologies like wearable devices, smart sensors, consumer IoT devices, smart homes, and, critically, artificial intelligence ecosystems will not only connect, but will substantially and meaningfully augment the consumer in terms of their thoughts and behaviors. The biggest challenge for marketers will lie in how they approach marketing to this new type of consumer, particularly personal artificial intelligence ecosystems. This means marketing to algorithms, instead of people, and that is very different to how most marketing work is currently done.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Communication in a Digitalized World<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p> The way in which we communicate is changing radically. In the analog world, promotional communication was consumed rather passively. In today’s digital age, consumers have become more active. Especially, the younger consumer generation - referred to as iBrains- are increasingly spreading their own product experiences across digital channels into the virtual world. Stimulus-response communication still has its place, but must be supplemented with interactive offers that enable a dialogue with consumers. Diverse communication channels must be utilized - analog as well as digital - in order to reach the young target groups. As consumers tend to be “always on”, they use different communication channels simultaneously, leading to continuous partial attention. Therefore, not only new channels are necessary but the entire communication style and design need to be adapted. It is not enough to simply make contact. Instead of thinking about shortening the message, creativity should be put into creatively combining different building blocks of communication.</p>