rss_2.0Polish Hyperbaric Research FeedSciendo RSS Feed for Polish Hyperbaric Research Hyperbaric Research Feed Application of Botulinum Toxin in the Prophylactic Treatment of Migraine<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p><bold>Introduction</bold>: Migraine is a common disorder that affects about 2% of the general population, with a prevalence of 7% in men, 24% in women and 4% in children. Migraine is the fourth most disabling condition among women and the seventh most disabling worldwide. It is characterized by paroxysmal, throbbing headaches, often unilateral, accompanied by hypersensitivity to noise, light, nausea and vomiting. Migraine is divided into episodic and chronic, with chronic meaning headache for at least 15 days a month for more than 3 months, with 8 migraine days. Treatment includes non-pharmacological and pharmacological methods, but often ineffective and fraught with side effects. Chronic migraine can lead to significant disability.</p> <p><bold>Material and methods</bold>: The purpose of this article is to discuss the treatment of migraine with botulinum toxin. Information was collected from the English-language databases Google Scholar, Scopus and PubMed.</p> <p><bold>Results</bold> :Onabotulinum toxin A, approved for the treatment of migraine, works by blocking acetylcholine release at the synapse level, leading to reversible flaccid paralysis and blocking neurotransmitters such as CGRP. Injection sites include peri-cranial and neck muscles, allowing the toxin to be transported to the meninges and trigeminal ganglion. In recent years, injections near the cranial sutures have been preferred. BTX-A therapy has shown efficacy in reducing the frequency and severity of migraine pain, with fewer side effects compared to topiramate. Side effects, such as hematoma or ptosis, are rare and their frequency decreases with subsequent sessions. The cost of migraine treatment is high, but botulinum toxin reduces headache days and is cost-effective.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue of Hyperbaria on the Electrical Exitability of the Vestibular Organ in Rabbits<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>This paper presents a study of the effects of hyperbaric conditions on the vestibular organ during sham air exposures in an animal model. The proper functioning of the vestibular organ determines diving safety due to the limited role of the organ of vision underwater, especially in our latitudes.</p> <p>The study was conducted on 16 rabbits by recording the animal’s head movements generated by a ‘galvanic test.’ The tests were performed during compression at positive pressures of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 atm and then during decompression at the same overpressures.</p> <p>A decrease in the sensitivity of the vestibular system to stimuli was found as the pressure increased.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue of Digeorge Syndrome<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>DiGeorge syndrome is a primary immunodeficiency caused by the abnormal growth of the third and fourth pharyngeal pouches throughout prenatal development. It is typified by a triad: hypocalcemia due to hypoparathyroidism, some heart defects, and thymic hypoplasia or aplasia. This syndrome is associated with a microdeletion in the chromosomal region 22q11.2. DiGeorge syndrome together with other dysfunctions like velo-cardio-facial syndrome and Takao syndrome have overlapping traits. The symptoms are hidden under the name CATCH22. It describes signs like a cardiac defect, abnormal facies, thyme hypoplasia, cleft palate, hypocalcemia, and chromosome 22q11.2 deletions. Its incidence is estimated to be approximately 1:3000 live births. The disorder is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern or arises from de novo mutation. 22q11.2 microdeletion is associated with an increased risk of developing mental diseases, including schizophrenia. In the general population, 1-2% of people suffer from schizophrenia. In DiGeorge syndrome this ratio is much higher, around 25-30%. Nowadays, the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is a gold standard method for the diagnosis of microdeletion syndrome. Currently, there is no effective therapy to prevent the development of the disease.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue of Water Suitability for Drinking in the Spring in Leśniów (Southern Poland)<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Natural springs are one of the potential sources of water supply. Increasing anthropogenic activity, inadequate sanitary conditions and intense rainfall are important factors that threaten the maintenance of adequate water quality in springs. Physicochemical and microbiological tests were performed in two measurement series for water from the spring in Leśniów (southern Poland). The test results were compared with the permissible limits for drinking water and the Nemerow Pollution Index (NPI) value was calculated for these parameters. The average conductivity of water in this spring is approximately 390 µS/cm, pH is about 7 and due to its alkalinity, water can be classified as hard. The NPI values varied, i.e. from about 33 to about 3, which was due to the high mercury content measured in the first sample. Additionally, the number of coliform bacteria reached 35 cfu/100 ml, and the total number of microorganisms at 22±2°C reached 27 cfu/ml in the first measurement series. Such values indicate water contamination, which may pose a significant threat to human health when consuming such water. The second series of measurements showed lower pollution values, but the previously obtained results suggest that it is necessary to control the water quality in the springs and control nearby pollutant emitters.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue in Selecting a Decompression Table for Saturation Diving for Commercial Purposes in Poland. Part I<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The article analyzes the issue of saturation diving needs within the Polish Baltic shelf. The existing and proven saturation diving systems used worldwide are reviewed and compared, and differences, similarities and development trends are identified. The boundary conditions to which all diving technologies must conform are discussed, as well as the directions and trends in development.</p> <p>A range of possibilities were identified as to which of the technologies used to date are most suited to the conditions in the southern Baltic. Furthermore, it was found that the saturation conditions devised in Poland at the end of the twentieth century, with the participation of one of the co-authors of the article, were in line with the currently considered leading technologies.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue in the Hyperbaric Chamber Review of the Literature<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Introduction: The authors of the article reviewed the available scientific literature, library resource bases and media reports in order to present the topic of safety in the hyperbaric environment and fire accidents in hyperbaric chambers. Since the topic of the safety of the use of the chambers in the context of the threat to the life and health of both patients, staff and safe personnel is an important medical issue, an attempt was made to present the topic, description of accidents and numerous observations were made.</p> <p>Material and methods: Review of scientific literature and multimedia materials from the library collections.</p> <p>Results: A fire in a hyperbaric chamber, which exposes patients, staff and technical staff to the risk of loss of health and life, is the lack of compliance with procedures and the use of adequate algorithms based on them.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Reduction in the Number of CO Defects in the Process of Obtaining Breathing Air for Hyperbaric Oxygen Conditions<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Maintaining a stable carbon dioxide content in the process of obtaining breathing air is essential for safe underwater operations and the reduction of the cost of losses resulting from a poor quality product. The paper addresses the modification of the hyperbaric breathing air production process in terms of eliminating harmful carbon dioxide contaminants. It presents the effects of the modifications made to the process in order to minimise the proportion of defects. A description is given of the status of the process before and after the correction in terms of the identified areas of improvement leading to the achievement of the defined critical requirements of the process. Achievement of the objective to rationalise the breathing air production process was confirmed by results of tests carried out at KTPP AMW<sup>1</sup> based on the compressed air supply system of the DGKN - 120 complex<sup>2</sup>.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Causes on Guarded Swimming Basins in Poland. Experimental Approach<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>This study aimed to identify the factors that may prevent an early response to a drowning episode and the lifeguard perceptions about the critical signs possessed by a drowning victim. Study 1: The level of lifeguard surveillance (n=29) was video recorded prior-, during- and after two simulated drowning episodes that occurred in 7 Polish aquatic facilities. Study 2: A survey assessed the lifeguards’ perceptions about the critical signs they would expect from a drowning victim to be alerted (n=236) and the criterion χ2 was used. Results: The sampled lifeguards were not able to perform effective surveillance of bathing pools because they were unable to identify the simulated victims due to failure in maintaining an organized scanning strategy and because they were placed at the shallow side instead of being spread around the pool. Water safety organizations need to undertake major updates in their manuals and education. Aquatic facilities need to introduce daily operating procedures that would involve weekly staff training, frequent lifeguard rotations, application of various models and continuous professional development. Finally, the aquatic facilities patrons should not depend their safety only on lifeguards.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue and Economical Significance of Millipedes<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Millipedes as saprophagous epigeic fauna members are involved in the decomposition of organic debris. Diplopod’s activity improve circulation of nutrients, elements and accelerate environmental reclamation. Beyond mentioned above Diplopoda can provoke sanitary and epidemiological threats especially during swarming or seasonal migrations activities. Considering following aspects: contact with defensive secretions, pseudo-parasitic activity that imitates helminthiasis or passive transmission of pathogens, we can discuss direct or distant effects on human health. Education and proper prophylactic remain neglected. Variety of substances from millipedes are checked for their medical action: direct body extracts and active chemical components from defensive secretion. Millipedes may serve as source for zoo-pharmacology and zoo-indication development. This issue review shows that both pros and cons of the Diplopod’s influences should be considered. Literature was carried out from middle of 20th century article till recent papers. The nowadays literature were found in Google Scholar, PubMed, Medline search base.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Effect of Selenium on the Health of Patients With COVID-19<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Selenium (Se) is one of the trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Deficiency or excess of this element may pose a potential threat in maintaining the homeostatic mechanisms of the body, including disruption of the immune system. Se deficiency significantly reduces the body's immunity by facilitating infections with various pathogens, including SARS-COV-2 infections. This paper reviews the literature covering issues of the impact of Se deficiency on the incidence and course of COVID-19, and considers its preventive significance.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue in Justification for the Intensification of Upward-Kicking in Dolphin Swimming<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Scientific opinions about the importance of dolphin upward leg movements for swimming performance are still divided. Research on the efficiency of propulsion, similarly generated by a relatively larger the monofin surface, showed that quality of the upward movement phase is a measure of swimming performance. Therefore, the forces generated as a result of upward and downward kicks in butterfly swimming were analysed. The ability of the swimmers to kinaesthetically control of the upward dolphin kicking was also researched. Ten international level butterfly swimmers (mean 18,2±1,4 years) took part in the research. They performed three trials on 25m distance, at maximum speed using the monofin device (The plate of standard monofin was removed and two strain gauges were affixed in the middle, between the toe). They randomly swam: 1) butterfly stroke (BS), 2) dolphin-kicking only (LK) and 3) swam being focused on activation of upward-kicking (AUK). Time dependent signals of the force sagging the fin in reaction to the water resistance were registered. The impulses of force sagging the fin in each stroke were lower in upbeat than in downbeat. The lowest difference was in AUK trial. First, Wilks's test and then Duncan’s post hoc tests for each of the trial showed (at p≤0,05) that: downward impulses for LK was significantly higher than for BS. Upward impulses did not differ between the trials. Downward times for AUK, the same as total trial times, was significantly longer than for BS and for LK Upward times for AUK was significantly longer than for BS. The results demonstrated, that butterfly arms action leads to intensification of both kicking phases. The swimmers were well skilled for kinaesthetic controlling of the dolphin upbeat. They did not obtain the equal proportion between propulsion effect of both kicking phases, but it has been suggested, that this level of skill mastering is out of the human motor abilities. Opportunities for conscious controlling of the efficiency of the upward movement are seen in the modification of the time structure of this phase. These results could be used for improving the leg-kicking performance in butterfly swimming, as well as after stars and turns.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Optimisation of the Rescue Device for the Argo Profiling Float-SWOT/TOWS Analysis of Design Variants<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Presented in this material is the development work carried out within the ARGO-Poland scientific consortium related to the design of rescue systems for ARGO profiling floats used for in situ exploration of the world ocean. The material below contains an excerpt from a multi-faceted analysis of the design solutions described in PHR 3(80)2022, providing a SWOT/TOWS analysis methodology and detailed results with conclusions.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue on the Prevalence of the Use of Life Jackets and Safety Jackets Among Amateur Kayakers in Poland<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Safety is one of the main aspects related to physical activities conducted on or in the immediate vicinity of water. Many people drown every year in Poland. The use of a kayak has numerous legal aspects. In the light of Polish regulations, a kayak is a ship. Vessels used on inland waterways must comply with the technical requirements and requirements for life-saving equipment set out in specific regulations. One of them is the obligation to equip the ship with life jackets in the number corresponding to the number of passengers on the ship. With the proviso that to meet the requirement it is enough to equip the ship with life jackets, and not to use them, understood as putting a life jacket on a person staying on the ship. The study was aimed at determining the attitudes and behaviors of Polish kayakers in the field of kayak use, especially regarding safety and comfort, with particular emphasis on the life jacket as a popular means of increasing safety on the water. The study was conducted in the form of an original questionnaire placed in groups of kayakers on a popular social networking site. In total, all kayaking groups in which the survey was placed count nearly 15,000 participants. The survey was anonymous and voluntary, it did not collect data about respondents.</p> <p>The study involved 257 people, including 172 men (67%) and 85 women (33%). The participants of the study assess their kayaking skills as: intermediate 43.6%, advanced 38.9%, beginner 9.7%, expert 7.4%, one person declared the level of "instructor". 42% of respondents declare that they kayak several dozen days a year, 37.4% - several days a year, 15.6% - one to several days a year, 4.3% - several times a week, some people gave different answers . Most respondents (72.8%) have their own life jackets. 27.2% of respondents do not have such vests, which suggests that they rent them together with kayaks.</p> <p>Conclusions: <list list-type="order"> <list-item><p>There is lack of coherent and clear laws regulating the safety obligations of persons using kayaks as amateurs in Poland.</p></list-item> <list-item><p>Among the surveyed intermediate and advanced kayakers there is high level of awareness regarding the safety of using a kayak and measures to increase safety.</p></list-item> <list-item><p>Among interviewed kayakers there is significant popularity of life jackets in the absence of a legal regulation considering them as basic and sufficient safety measure when kayaking.</p></list-item></list></p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Studies on Saturation Diving and Practical Application of Their Findings. Part III B Technical and Organisational Issues of the Implementation of Saturation Diving in Poland from the 1990s Onwards. Part 2<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>This article is another in a series of articles on the research and implementation of saturation diving technology in Poland. It discusses the specificities related to the implementation of this technology against the background of economic and historical conditions in our country. In Poland, the issue of saturation diving for the needs of the emerging offshore mining industry has been for over a dozen years dealt with by the Department of Diving Equipment and Technology of Underwater Works (Polish abbr. ZSNiTPP). In parallel, deep diving technologies were developed, in the first stage, as a basic diving technology and, since 1994, as complementary to ensure the full backup for saturation diving. Since 1995, saturation diving has become an everyday occurrence in the Polish economic zone of the Baltic Sea. This article shows the difficult path that the implementation of saturation diving took during a period of economic instability when the scale of the domestic offshore industry’s facilities was small compared to global companies. Selected animators and participants in the implementation are recalled for two periods: one marked with the cooperation with the Italian underwater services company RANA and the other one, a period of implementation of long-term underwater works based on national capabilities. The article also considers the technical and organisational conditions for the implementation of saturation diving for the Polish mining industry. In 1990, the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Company Petrobaltic (today LOTOS) played one of the key roles in the implementation of saturation diving in our country. The implementation of saturation diving in Poland was linked to the only operational diving system of Italian production, the Af-2, which enabled scientific research related to the application of new technical solutions and testing under operational conditions, as well as contributed to the development of scientific, engineering, and medical staff for the Polish offshore industry. The company played one of the main roles in the implementation of saturation diving in our country The 1995 became a landmark year in the history of saturation diving in Poland, as well as in the Baltic Sea. Through this technology, the process of installing the first two underwater exploitation heads on production wells B3-7 and B3-10 was initiated. The saturation diving was possible thanks to the leasing of the Af-2 diving system by Petrobaltic and its subsequent purchase by the Naval Academy in 1998.This system, after a series of upgrades, is still in service today.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Significance of Nematodes<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Nematodes are invertebrates that can cause parasitic diseases in humans, animals and plants. These organisms also participate in the decomposition of dead remains of organisms. In recent years, new reports have appeared on the possibility of using intentional nematode infections in the treatment of autoimmune and neurological diseases.</p> <p>The aim of this work is to summarize information about nematodes pathogenic to humans and the possibilities of therapeutic use of some nematodes. 36 original and review publications from 2008-2022 were analyzed.</p> <p>Information was collected on 13 diseases caused by parasitic nematodes in humans (reservoir, routes of infection, susceptible organisms, symptoms of infection). Current publications on trials of using <italic>Trichuris suis</italic> eggs (TSO) in animal models, in healthy humans and in people with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or multiple sclerosis (MS) are summarized. Clinical improvement was observed in some of the subjects. However, researchers draw attention to the depletion of the biodiversity of the host’s intestinal microbiota in the presence of TSO.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results of research on the therapeutic use of TSO remain inconclusive.</p> <p>There are many more diseases caused by parasitic nematodes in humans than there are documented therapeutic effects of TSOs.</p> <p>Exposure to parasitic nematodes’ eggs (especially <italic>Toxocara canis</italic> and <italic>Toxocara cati</italic>) is still very common.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Psychological Aspects of Recruiting Candidates for Diving and Scuba Diving<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>This paper presents the results of a pilot programme to include psychological tests in the recruitment rules for candidates for military divers and scuba divers. A total of 207 candidates to undertake training at the Polish Army Divers and Scuba Divers Training Centre were examined. They were subjected to tests of mental fitness, tests examining personality traits, tests of psychomotor fitness and tests of general fitness.</p> <p>Numerous psychological contraindications to undertake diving training and service were found; the most common was a low degree of mental fitness.</p> <p>In conclusion, it was suggested that, following the example of other countries, psychological testing should be included in the selection of candidates for divers. The results of the tests, although not obligatory, were partly taken into account in the opinion issued by the Military Medical and Maritime Commission.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Lysine Salt Has No Gastroprotective Effect in Comparison with Ketoprofen in Female Rats After Ethyl Alcohol Intoxication<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Ketoprofen lysine salt - a new non steroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) is an improved formulation of ketoprofen. The former is believed to have gastroprotective properties, the latter to kill acute pain and increase the risk of gastric mucosa damage. In East Europe binge drinking and taking NSAIDs on the day after is common. The aim of the study was to verify the hypothesis about the gastroprotective effect of ketoprofen lysine salt after exposure to 50% alcohol. The experiment was carried out on 36 female Wistar rats divided into 6 groups of 6:</p> <p>1. 50% ethanol</p> <p>2. 0.9% NaCl</p> <p>3. 0.9% NaCl and ketoprofen</p> <p>4. 50% ethanol and ketoprofen</p> <p>5. 0.9% NaCl and ketoprofen lysine salt</p> <p>6. 50% ethanol and ketoprofen lysine salt</p> <p>On day 7 animals were sacrificed. Their stomachs were dissected for histopathological examination.</p> <p>Microscopic examination of stomachs from groups 1, 3,4,5,6 revealed non-specific, high-grade lymphocytic-plasmocytic inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Conclusions - Ketoprofen lysine salt and ketoprofen damage gastric mucosa in female rats after and without alcohol intoxication. Ketoprofen lysine salt has no gastroprotective effect</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Studies on the Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Vitro<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The aim of the study was to determine the effect of hyperbaric oxygen on the growth and metabolism of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in vitro. The experiments were carried out on agar media and blood culture plates. Bacterial culture plates were exposed to hyperbaric oxygen under varying conditions of pressure and exposure time. Significant inhibition of bacterial growth and proteolytic activity was observed. Hyperbaric-treated pathogens also showed less virulence after the infection of experimental animals.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Test on the Effects of Explosively Generated Plasma on Aerial Depth Bombs Plab- 250-120<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>In order to gain access to the booster and main explosive charges of PLAB-250-120 aerial depth bombs, i.e. the TNT charge and the TGAF-5M explosive composition of TNT, hexogen (RDX), aluminum powder and phlegmatizing agent respectively, Explosively Generated Plasma (EGP) devices were used to perforate their steel bodies. EGP devices were made in two versions. The first used a cylindrical TNT charge, while the second used a cylindrical charge shaped from SEMTEX PW4 plastic explosive. The explosive charges were supported by waveguides with conical cavities tapering towards the bomb. The structural components of the EGP devices, i.e. the bodies housing the explosive charges and the waveguides, were made of plastic by 3D printing. The effects of the EGP on the bomb were studied depending on the explosive material used, its mass and the distance of the EGP device waveguide from the side surface of the bomb. Simultaneous firing of an array of two EGP devices inserted with SEMTEX PW4 explosive, contacted their waveguides with the bomb, resulted in its detonation, while simultaneous firing of the analogous array of the same type two EGP devices inserted with SEMTEX PW4 explosive, with their waveguides at a distance of 10 mm from the bomb, resulted in perforation of two circular through-holes in the bomb body. Firing single EGP device inserted with TNT, being in contact through its waveguide with the body of the bomb, resulted in local rupture of the bomb body with crushing the bomb explosive charges, so allowing easy access to bomb explosive charges and sampling them.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue effect of cooper, zinc and selenium on skin condition<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Trace elements are essential for the maintenance of the homeostasis of the body, and condition the proper functioning of the human organism. Micronutrients influence a number of metabolic processes in the dermis and epidermis. An excess or deficiency of trace elements may represent a potential threat to human health with implications for skin condition. This study reviews the literature on the effects of copper, zinc and selenium on skin condition.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue