rss_2.0Prace i Studia Geograficzne FeedSciendo RSS Feed for Prace i Studia Geograficzne i Studia Geograficzne Feed i zasięg przestrzenny uczestników konferencji „GIS w nauce” (2012–2023) w procesie integracji środowiska naukowego<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The article presents the results of a study of the structure and scope of the cyclical conference “GIS in Science” held in Poland in 2012–2023. The literature related to the study of the scope of events or institutions was referred to. The research used the programs of the conferences, which made it possible to indicate from which cities and institutions the conference participants came. In addition, their academic degree and the discipline represented were examined. Simple quantitative and cartographic methods were used. It was found that the conference had a national scope, with universities dominating. The active participants were representatives of fourteen disciplines but the dominant disciplines were Earth and environmental sciences, followed by socioeconomic geography and spatial management, and in turn civil engineering, surveying and transportation, environmental engineering, mining and energy. It was noted that the conferences were not only a venue for scientific speeches but could influence the processes of integration of all event’s participants (organizers, spectators and performers).</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Północny a klimat Europy. Mechanizmy wpływu. Część 2<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The work discusses the mechanisms operating within the climate system leading to variability and changes in the atmospheric climate over Europe. The second part presents the impact of SLP changes over the Barents Sea modifying the effect of NA THC on the course of circulation processes in the Atlantic-Eurasian circulation sector. SLP changes over the Barents Sea, which are the result of the time-delayed action of NA THC, significantly influence the variability of climatic elements over Poland and Europe. The combined synchronous effect of NA THC changes and SLP changes over the Barents Sea as determined by the North Atlantic Climate Index (WK<sub>NA</sub>) explains 76% of the variance in annual mean temperature over Europe over the period 1951–2020. The additional inclusion of radiative forcing (ΔF), which is generally considered to be the main factor forcing temperature increases, increases the explanation of temperature changes to only 80%. This allows us to put forward the thesis that the impact of changes in CO<sub>2 </sub>concentration on the increase in air temperature over Europe plays a negligible role in relation to the action of natural factors. The main role in shaping climate change over the last 70 years has been played by changes in the intensity of meridional ocean heat transport in the N Atlantic.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue hab. Andrzej Gocłowski 7.10.1942 - 13.10.2024 [wspomnienie] city – from concept to practical dimension. Complexity of housing estates: a proposal for a measuring tool<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The constant development of cities leads to many changes, including negative ones. These include overpopulation, urban sprawl, unequal access to goods and services as well as environmental pollution and, consequently, a deteriorating quality of life. One of the new approaches to the concept of city development is Carlos Moreno’s concept of the 15-minute city. The success of any concept depends on many factors, but above all on the possibility of its implementation under given conditions. Determining the effectiveness of the approach requires empirical verification. This paper presents a proposal to measure the effectiveness of the implementation of some of the components of the 15-minute city concept and those related to the supply of services in each residential area.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue for the development of geotourism in Crete, Greece<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Geotourism is an alternative form of tourism that has attracted global interest in recent years as it is considered that it can contribute to the sustainability of destinations. This paper focuses on the island of Crete, Greece, a popular holiday destination, and seeks to explore the level of geotourism development in the island and its contribution to sustainable tourism development. In order to meet this aim, qualitative research using semi-structured in-depth interviews with ten key informants was conducted. Crete has the unique advantage of having two geoparks in its region, which are included in the Global Network of UNESCO Geoparks. According to the participants these geoparks are an integral part of the natural heritage of Crete and can be the basis for the development of geotourism on the island, which can contribute to the protection of the geological environment, the promotion of geoheritage, the environmental education and the sustainable development of local communities. However, geotourism in Crete is in its infancy, but the future prospects are positive as long as serious problems and pathogens are effectively addressed. Findings and discussion of this study are useful to policy-makers, academics and industry practitioners interested in geotourism.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue and temporal analysis of urban crime factors in Kaunas City, Lithuania<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Crime is a negative phenomenon that can highly influence the economic and social state of an area and is relevant to every country in the world. Crimes are recognized to be one of the main factors that disrupt a healthy society, as it can cause a disruption of its state, by leaving the limitations of insecurity, anxiety, and mental distress among the citizens. This article aims to investigate spatio-temporal dimensions which affect the urban crime level in the city of Kaunas. The research question – to what extent do population density, age and unemployment rate affect the Urban Crime in the city of Kaunas, Lithuania (2008–2021)? The mapping of crime prevalence has demonstrated that population density in different parts of the city has a direct correlation with the amount of crime. However, this relationship weakens as one moves away from the central parts of the city. Also, crimes are the most prominent in the middle of the city of Kaunas and become rarer when moving out. The relationship between mean age of population and crime prevalence showed a bell-shaped curve, and therefore the hypothesis that there is an association between age structure of population and crime prevalence is partially supported. However, due to lack of data, the relationship between the age structure of the population and the crime prevalence in that area could not be found statistically reliable.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Północny A Klimat Europy. Mechanizmy Wpływu Część 1<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The work discusses the mechanisms operating within the climate system leading to variability and changes in the atmospheric climate over Europe. The first part discusses the operation of the main factor regulating the variability of atmospheric circulation, which is the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation (NA THC). The variability of NA THC, through its influence on the shaping of the mid-tropospheric circulation and the distribution of geopotential heights, determines the variability of the lower circulation, and thus the variability of climatic elements over Poland and Europe. The analysis showed that the variability of NA THC largely explains the variability of sunshine duration, air temperature and relative humidity, but does not satisfactorily explain the variability of other climatic elements.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Arrival of the Tramway in Algeria: What Impacts on the City? Case Studies of the Oran and Constantine Tramways<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>With the introduction of tramway systems in major cities, the Algerian government aims to promote the urban transport sector and foster opportunities for development within the urban fabric through the transitions and effects of tramway projects. Oran and Constantine, the capital cities of Western and Eastern Algeria respectively, are two regional metropolises that catalyze dynamic growth in their surrounding territories by providing employment opportunities and essential services.</p> <p>The implementation of tramway lines in Oran and Constantine has led to several significant changes: an enhancement of the transportation network, a revitalization of neighborhoods traversed by the tramway, and shifts in mobility behaviors, particularly towards sustainability. By adopting a comparative approach and referring to fieldwork, this article attempts to identify the effects of the tramways on the cities of Oran and Constantine. The objective is to identify the transitions induced by the arrival of this new infrastructure, including socio-ecological, urban, and economic impacts, as well as impacts on urban transportation.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrueóżnicowanie Warunków Bioklimatycznych Między Centrum Lublina I Obszarem Podmiejskim W Półroczu Letnim<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The aim of this study is to assess the differences in the occurrence of harsh bioclimatic conditions between the center of Lublin and non-urban areas in the warm half of the year (April-September) and to determine the rate of changes in these conditions in both analysed meteorological stations in the years 1973–2022. To assess the bioclimatic conditions, the biometeorological index Humidex was used. In the first part of the study period, the number of days with unfavourable bioclimatic conditions prevailed in the city center, while in the last two decades the differences have decreased, mainly as a result of the development of concentrated buildings in the suburban area. In both measurement points, there was a significant increase in the number of days with strong thermal and hygric loads on the human body. The study also presents the reasons for the occurrence of selected cases with significant differences in the index values in the Lublin region, as well as the synoptic conditions on the day with the highest recorded Humidex value during the study period.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue, Język I Przestrzeń – Co Mówi Nam Krajobraz Multilingwistyczny Kuala Lumpur O Mniejszości Chińskiej W Malezji<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The aim of this paper is to present the traces of the Chinese minority and their language in the urban space of Kuala Lumpur, based on a field survey of the multilingual landscape conducted in the capital of Malaysia in March 2023. The presented results prove the dominance of English over both Chinese and Malay in the urban space, which is a testament to Malaysia’s colonial heritage and contemporary globalization processes. On the other hand, the presence of the Chinese language, not only in Chinatown but in each of the surveyed streets outside the district, is evidence of the still vibrant need to preserve and display this element of Chinese culture in the city’s public spaces. However, considering current regulations and monolingual state policy, the future of the Chinese minority in Malaysia is in question.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Turystyki Kajakowej W Województwie Podkarpackim. Stan Rozwoju Oraz Ocena Odwiedzających<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The aim of the article is to identify and assess the possibilities of the Podkarpackie Province in building a product offer for kayak tourism. The analyses presented in the article are based on data from several sources. Among others, the results of the Study on the Tourist Image of the Podkarpackie Province and the Study on Tourist Traffic in the Podkarpackie Province, which were conducted in 2021, were used. In addition, data from the Podkarpackie Regional Tourism Board was obtained. They concerned kayak events organized by this institution in 2021–2022. The estimation of potential relationships between the analyzed variables was carried out using the nonparametric chi-square test of independence (due to the size and distribution of results in the research sample). The analyses and interpretations carried out in the article allow us to state that in the scope of active tourism, water tourism, right after hiking and cycling, is the reason for coming to the Podkarpackie Province. Within the scope of water tourism, kayaking is an important position, especially for one-day visitors and above all in counties with lower tourist traffic intensity. It is a much more accessible form of water tourism than sailing or motorboat sports, both in terms of time, required permissions and qualifications, equipment, and finances. Water tourism, including kayaking, is in some places (e.g. Lake Solina) a significant source (direct and indirect) of income generated, among others, from tourists and organizers. It has a positive impact on socio-economic development and creates a positive image of the region “open to water” on the national and international arena.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue to Urban Settlement Geography in India. A Critical Review of Selected Literature<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>India, the home to one of the earliest urban civilizations on this planet, has a very long tradition of research and writings on urban issues. The fundamental objective and chief motivation of writing a review of urban settlement studies in India is to fabricate a legible synthesis of the relevant sources, obtainable from the literature to answer a salient research question that may interest all geographers as well as other social scientists. Since urban settlement geography has emerged as a systematic sub-theme of urban geography after World War II, the post-independence period (1950–2019) of India has been taken into consideration for the present review. This research, therefore, is a humble effort to analyze and interpret over 60 publications, published between 1950 and 2019, on various aspects of urban settlements in India and to provide a brief critical review of them. The review indicates that diversified aspects of physical, functional, economic, and historical dimensions of urban settlements belonging to different parts of the country were discussed and interpreted by scholars from India and abroad. On the grounds of the present study, papers are organized under the following broad themes, such as location, distribution, configuration, and morphological studies of urban settlements; studies on urban settlement systems, economic linkages, and spatial-functional characteristics of urban settlements; studies on the typology of urban settlements; and historical studies of urban settlements. Eventually, this endeavor seeks to get a place in the vast body of literature, on the subject of urban geography, by offering a brief review of the select literature in the sub-theme of urban settlement geography to enable readers to acquire an overview of the scholarly literature in the area, so that they can enhance their understanding of what is found, how it is found, and in which way to communicate this information.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrueŚcieżka przyrodnicza – atrakcją geoturystyczną i kluczem do zrównoważonego rozwoju miasta<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The Pruszków Abiotic Nature Trail, a collection of 12 Scandinavian erratic boulders, has been a municipal geotourism site since 2022. It has an educational, pro-environmental and educational function, demonstrating that the local geological heritage should be protected to ensure the balance of the city’s geo-ecosystem. The Geotrail uses abiotic natural elements for tourism and recreational functions. Architecturally designed and equipped with information panels and paratourist facilities, it decorates a small square in the middle of the urban fabric. Through the skilful transfer of know-how, it becomes an effective generator of sustainable socio-economic development in a town which, in the case of Pruszków, functions mainly as a bedroom community for the capital.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Professional Problems of Travel Agencies and Tourist Guides Operating in Istanbul<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>This study aimed to compare and analyze the professional problems between travel agencies and tourist guides operating in the tourism sector in Istanbul. The research was conducted with a total of 26 participants, including 13 tourist guides and 13 representatives from travel agencies, using a semi-structured interview technique. The data obtained were analyzed under the headings of “mutual problems of travel agencies and tourist guides”, “problems related to guests”, “problems related to accommodation enterprises”, “other problems”, “illegal and shadow guiding problem”, and “base fees and adequacy”. It has been determined that the main problem that tourist guides experience with the travel agencies they work with is tour fees. Tourist guides underlined that travel agencies are very sales-oriented and this situation negatively affects the guides. In addition, it has been determined that intensive tour programs also cause significant problems for tourist guides. Agency representatives, on the other hand, stated that they had problems with inadequacies in the individual characteristics of tourist guides. In addition, non-compliance with the tour program, demanding high prices, and discrimination of guests were among the problems experienced by travel agencies with tourist guides. When the problems encountered by the two important stakeholders of the tourism sector other than the problems encountered with each other are taken into consideration, tourist guides stated that they encountered the problem of delays with their guests, the problem of insufficient personnel with accommodation establishments, and the problem of traffic in Istanbul. Travel agency representatives, on the other hand, emphasized the problems caused by high and different expectations with their guests, the problems experienced by accommodation businesses when purchasing rooms, and the traffic problems in Istanbul. Both stakeholders agree that the illegal and shadow guiding problem should be inspected and sanctions should be imposed. Stakeholders who evaluate the base wages of tourist guides have different opinions on this issue. While a significant portion of tourist guides think that the wages are adequate, agency representatives think that the base wage is high.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrueść w procesie rewitalizacji. Przykład kompleksu fuzja w Łodzi<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The paper presents deliberations on the observed evolution of the process of urban regeneration of degraded urban areas. In addition to the common formula of transformations, which result in the creation of multifunctional, representative public space zones, more and more often activities leading to the creation of intimate areas of local importance are taking place in underserved areas. The resulting new enclaves with diversified functional structures are an interesting example of integrative urban regeneration aimed at achieving a high quality of life for residents and stabilizing the comfort of using space. The presented approach is illustrated by field research carried out in 2019, 2021 and 2022 in the Fuzja complex in Łódź, located in the successively revitalized former Karol Scheibler factory complex.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue dziecięce – przedmiot i podmiot badań, założenia teoretyczne, podejścia i popularność subdyscypliny<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Children’s geographies is a relatively young sub-discipline of human geography, dating back to the 1990s. Drawing attention to the marginal consideration given to children in geographic research in the past, as well as other problems that scientific studies of the time overlooked or struggled with, it was possible to formulate a set of basic assumptions that continue to guide those studying children’s geographies today. The subdiscipline is constantly gaining popularity among researchers from around the world. We are currently witnessing its unprecedented flourishing. This article attempts to achieve two goals. Firstly, the characterization of children’s geographies based on a review of the literature. It includes basic information about this subdiscipline, such as a description of its origins, main assumptions and scope of research, an explanation of key terms, a characterization of the location of children’s geographies in the structure of scientific and geographic knowledge, as well as outlining the main problems and challenges within this subdiscipline. Secondly, the identification of the undertaken research issues within the framework of children’s geographies based on bibliometric data – indicating the most popular issues undertaken in research, identifying the popularity of the subdiscipline, as well as recognizing the leading centers and researchers working on children’s geographies. This work is intended to be a comprehensive coverage of the issues of this subdiscipline for those interested in gaining basic information on child geographies and conducting research in this area.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue aktywizacji transportu wodnego w regionie Zalewu Wiślanego wyrażone w dokumentach strategicznych i planistycznych<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The Vistula Lagoon region has well-established maritime traditions, but socio-economic and geopolitical problems make it difficult to exploit the potential of this location. In the study, a multi-criteria qualitative analysis of strategic and planning documents at four levels (national, supra-regional, regional and local) was carried out in terms of including in them issues concerning the activation of water transport in the Vistula Lagoon region. The results indicate that the water economy is a strategic economic sector for the lagoon municipalities. The navigation channel through the Vistula Spit is mostly perceived as a key investment for the activation of water transport in the region, although its assessment among municipalities is not uniform. Particularly important areas of intervention include the need to modernise the existing infrastructure and actively maintain it to ensure proper navigable conditions, as well as cooperation between different levels of government for effective planning and implementation of these visions in the functional area of the basin.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue jako metoda kształcenia studentów – przyszłych nauczycieli geografii<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>An essay is one of the written forms of expression commonly used in literature. It can also be a method for correctly and ingenious formulation of written statements by pupils and students in the process of their education at various stages of learning and studying. The aim of the article is to present the features and values of the essay as a method used in the process of educating geography students – developing various language skills, including: freedom of expression of one’s own views, subjective assessment of facts and events, and creative involvement – i.e. competences useful to geographers, especially candidates for work in as teachers. The article also includes the results of a survey conducted on the subject of the essay among students of geography teaching specialization or teaching unit / module at five Polish universities, as well as considerations on the advisability of using it as a form of passing a course.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Tahar Kharchi, Jean-Marie Miossec, (seria „Territoires de la Géographie”, L’Harmattan, Paris 2024) reintegracji a remediacja cyfrowa geografii<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Nowadays, geographers and specialists in other disciplines perceive information and communication technologies, including GIS software, as part of the inevitable changes in practice and science (including geography). Recent ways of generating, processing, storing, analyzing and sharing data, creating and sharing texts, visualizing, mapping, analyzing, communicating ideas, video, podcasts, and presentations, sharing information, social networks and mainstream media are entirely dependent on computing technologies. Modern science in the digital age uses big data, artificial intelligence – machine learning methods (data mining, pattern recognition, geovisualization, spatial statistics, optimization and spatial simulation), which in turn have renewed interest in and ties with the fields of computational social sciences and data-driven geography, to gain deeper insights into quantitative, time-scale, multi-resolution and multi-scale research. The tool and product of a geographer’s research is, among other things, the map, a medium, a vehicle for geographic theories and ideas and a tool for conveying geo-information. However, the remediation of a traditional map into a digital map involves the transformation, addition, restriction or change of the meaning system of the original. The new digital medium arouses different attitudes, different emotions and triggers new practices of receiving geo-information among professionals and the public. Undoubtedly, this also applies to researchers–geographers who apply in their geospatial research multi-, interor transdisciplinary approaches based on different research paradigms. Integrated and problem-focused scientific discourse in geographic research and digital remediation of maps allow us to look at the future of (currently diversified) geographic research with some hope for its reintegration. The aim of the paper is to identify the possibilities, current and prospective paths and research topics of geography in Poland, which are interdisciplinary, combining the field of interest of physical, socio-economic geographers and specialists of space economy, using the modern instrumentarium of information and communication technologies in geography, i.e. geographic information systems.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue