rss_2.0Polish Journal of Educational Studies FeedSciendo RSS Feed for Polish Journal of Educational Studies Journal of Educational Studies Feed of Refugees from Ukraine —Tasks for Education in Poland<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>On February 24<sup>th</sup>, 2022, the situation in Ukraine changed dynamically due to political events that had a significant impact on the lives of many people. Among the most affected groups are women and children who, forced to flee the threat, have found shelter in Poland. Since then, many countries neighbouring Ukraine, including Poland, have faced the unique task of providing organised assistance and integration to these people. In this article, I present the situation of women and children of refugees from Ukraine, highlighting the challenges they face, as well as the hopes and initiatives that can help them rebuild their lives in a new environment. The role of Polish society, institutions and NGOs is becoming a key element of this process, which requires cooperation on many levels. In this article, I present an attempt to define the concept of autonomy and a sense of personal effectiveness, as well as the tasks that Polish education faced in order to help refugees create autonomy and agency in the new reality in two directions: the individual experiences of refugee women and the educational situation of their children.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue of Return Migrants in a Polish School. Linguistic and (Inter)cultural Challenges<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Return migrations are a special type of migration experience. Children from migrant families returning to their home country face many challenges when they start their education in a new education system, which often also concern foreign students. The aim of the article is to present the functioning of children from families of return migrants in Polish schools in terms of linguistic and (inter)cultural challenges, especially important during the first period of adaptation to the new school environment. The text is theoretical in nature and is based on the analysis of the available literature on the subject. The two types of challenges required to focus on the linguistic perspective, especially the glottodidactic one, and the pedagogical perspective based on the approach and research in the field of intercultural pedagogy. The analysis will allow to formulate conclusions important for the educational practice of children from families of return migrants, taking into account the specificity of this group.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Same Song, Different Melodies —A Comparative Analysis of TV Coverage of the Crisis on the Polish-Belarusian Border<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>“The Song” is about the crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border, which began in the second half of 2021 and has been going on to this day. It is related to the unexpected appearance of newcomers from the Middle East and Africa (mainly Muslims) on the border. They tried (and are still trying) to cross the Polish border on their way to the West or to stay in Poland. There were thousands of them. Their appearance on the eastern border has triggered a crisis that we have known so far only from previous media reports on the southern border of the European Union. Due to the introduction of a state of emergency by the Polish authorities, it was also possible to follow their fate only through the media. However, these messages did not allow the recipient to obtain an integrated picture of the situation. Rather, they created quite contradictory narratives, different “melodies” about the crisis. In the text, I present the messages of two antagonistic television stations, i.e. TVP and TVN. On their example, I outline the rather schizophrenic social reality in which Polish citizens currently find themselves, its interpretations and proposals for overcoming the impasse. David Altheide’s Ethnographic Content Analysis is used as a theoretical framework for the analysis. It emphasizes the interaction of the researcher with the collected research material, thus classifying such analysis as fieldwork. At that time, it was the only opportunity for a fieldwork.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue of Children From Refugee Families in the Context of Their Experience of Stress and Trauma<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The aim of the article is to theoretically consider the adaptation of refugee children in relation to the stress and trauma they experience. The adaptation of children from refugee families is not easy, as they have experienced traumatic events, and the situation of forced migration results in the occurrence of many stressors. Children coming to Poland face many difficulties that arise as a result of their experiences. Trauma, stress and its effects affect the child, who can often feel lost in a new situation. Therefore, the Polish education system creates opportunities to learn Polish and organizes psychological and pedagogical support. Working with children from refugee families is challenging, so learning about the problems that affect refugee children is crucial to help them effectively.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue for children and families, including those arriving in the face of the war from Ukraine, offered in specialist day care facilities in Bialystok<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Day care centres provide families with assistance in the care and upbringing of their children. Various forms of classes, from pedagogy of play to specialist therapeutic help, planned in the annual calendar of the institutions constitute a great support for families. Classes, free time activities, trips are free of charge, which is important in the case of families struggling with life and financial difficulties. Specialist day-care centres are a bridge between educational institutions and the family house.</p> <p>Such places constituted a mainstay for children coming to Białystok from a war-torn country, from Ukraine. This article is a summary of methodological activities that took place in specialized day care facilities with the participation and great commitment of students of the Faculty of Education of the University of Bialystok. The article presents good practices that can also be promoted in other institutions in the country.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Trauma of Young Children as a Pedagogical Challenge in the New Model of Early Childhood Development and Family Support<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The aim of the article is the attempt to implement solutions of a new model of child and family support for aid activities addressed to children and families of war refugees from Ukraine. Such a model would have to take into account the main effect of hostilities in their country, which is usually trauma, and the fact that the sense of security associated with the necessity to migrate, being a refugee, is lowered. The text contains both an analysis of research on the experience of war trauma and proposals for the selection of effective, adequate work tools as part of the project to support such families. The new model of early support for children and families assumes the revitalization of the existing systemic solutions, broadening the spectrum of diagnosis and taking into account the entire family system as a support entity, using all its resources. Therefore, it is a new space in the area of helping children with special needs, and refugee children can be considered as such.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue and War: The Creative Process as a Form of Working with Trauma<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The article combines the medium of theatre with the experience of war, analysing its therapeutic role in the context of working with both cultural and individual trauma. By citing examples of theatrical activities, the article considers the importance of stage work in the process of taming trauma and in social education about its long-term consequences. The discussion is contextualized by theoretical considerations on memory and trauma, both on a cultural and individual level, with particular emphasis on the therapeutic role of theatre.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue and Language. Teaching Polish to Refugees from Ukraine— a Motivating Perspective<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Teaching Polish as a foreign language to refugees from Ukraine is an experience at the intersection of intercultural education and glottodidactics. The specificity of the social situation—refugeeism—generates special needs of learners and special learning strategies. The need for integration behind language learning is primarily the ability to communicate in a new language as soon as possible. The record of the experience of working with refugees shows that building on cultural difference and the strategy of developing a “rich point” provides opportunities for motivating work on language learning in a difficult refugee situation.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Trauma and the Family System— “Contagion” Processes Homeostatic Processes<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The aim of the article is to confront the knowledge about the specificity of the functioning of the family system in the situation of exposure of its members to traumatic phenomena, which are undoubtedly the hostilities in Ukraine. The wave of war refugees, that we have been encountering in our country for two years, requires developing ways of helping to contain traumatic experiences, rebuilding a sense of security and restoring homeostatic mechanisms natural to the family system. Knowledge of the mechanisms that govern, regulate and order the family system can be helpful in developing a methodical approach. What can potentially hinder this type of work is, on the one hand, the accumulation of a large number of traumatic stimuli ( war, refugeeism, cultural and linguistic differences, different levels of social and personal capital), and on the other hand, the fact that methods of working with post-traumatic disorders are used to work with this type of families, in a situation where trauma is an ongoing experience.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Situation of Parents of Children with Autism in the Context of Refugeeism and War Trauma<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>With the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, the lives of a huge number of families have irrevocably changed, forcing them to leave everything behind and flee their country. Juxtaposing this with the fact of raising a child for whom constancy and repetition are the most important framework for functioning, makes an already difficult experience much deeper and more traumatic. The aim of the article is to analyze the situation of parents of children with autism in the context of refugeeism and war trauma. As numerous studies show, these parents experience high stress and their well-being is reduced. Juxtaposing this with the perspective of war and refugeeism may be the basis for better listening to the needs of this group and reviewing the forms of support available in our country.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Education? Survival Strategies for Ukrainian Refugee Students and Teachers (Based on Feedback from General Education Teachers)<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The aim of the article was to describe the strategies used by refugee students from Ukraine and teachers in upper secondary schools after Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Under these extraordinary conditions, students were enrolled in a school that differed in structure, organization, curricula, assessment system and culture. The article is based on qualitative research in an interactionist perspective, which was conducted by means of interviews among teachers of various upper secondary schools. Teachers had to face previously unknown challenges related to the implementation of the teaching process with students who do not speak Polish. The article describes the strategies of students and teachers that were created to cope with this situation and their functions in the context of the educational process. The identified strategies of students include: the strategy of distancing, avoiding engagement and the strategy of not learning Polish. The article also contains a description of the strategies implemented by teachers who had to face the problem of teaching refugee students. In their everyday educational practices, they developed and applied the following strategies: bracketing students, minimizing expectations, and the strategy of double standards. As a result, these strategies have led to the production of façade education and practices that exclude students from the educational process.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue and Perspectives of Intercultural Dialog Between Poland and Belarus. Based on Biographies of Prominent Personalities<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The aim of this article is to draw attention to the constant relevance of intercultural dialogue as the way to go beyond stereotypes and ignorance between nations and as a key factor in preventing conflicts and developing intercultural communication skills. A special emphasis is put on the mutual awareness of the historical and cultural heritage and the great input made to it by the outstanding personalities living in the Rzeczpospolita I, the interwar and post-war periods. The text briefly describes the biographies of Kościuszko, Ogiński, Skirmunt and Niemen as characters belonging to two cultures. The literature on the subject was selected in a way to emphasize the intercultural nature of the above-mentioned personalities. The article also names the scientists, writers, political activists who are currently working on maintaining a dialogue between Poland and Belarus. The present state of cultural exchange between the two countries is briefly described in the text, the existing difficulties are defined and the attitudes aimed at preventing the mutual alienation of the two neighboring countries in the next generations are designated. In conclusion it is stated that Polish-Belarusian dialogue, considered from the perspective of mutual cultural heritage, has the potential for further development, under the condition of mutual appreciation of the cultural background of the past and the memories of it preserved by the nations.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue of Higher Education Curriculum as a Strategy for Preparing Future Youth Workers<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Educating future youth workers is a particular challenge for higher education. It results not only in the acquisition of basic knowledge and skills, but also in the implementation of the glocal perspective. In this aspect, the process of internationalization of higher education is a key element enabling optimal shaping of future youth workers’ vocational identity.</p> <p>The article presents an international strategic partnership project enabling such activities in the area of bachelor’s studies. Its theoretical layer (Positive Youth Development) and intellectual outputs were presented. Moreover, learning, teaching and training activities, which are the result of the testing of the educational module, were introduced. The opportunity to participate in such international activities enables future social professionals to creatively approach youth problems at the local level using a broader perspective and mechanisms based not only on identifying risk and problems but also on resources and opportunities for positive development. The results worked out in the project can form the basis to develop learning, teaching and training activities for future youth workers outside partner universities.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Academic Gaps: How to Assist Underprepared Students whose Academic Background was Highly Suppressed by Covid-19?<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The objectives of this study were to investigate the degree to which first-year students are underprepared for university physics due Covid-19 pandemic, and get insight on what could be the intervention strategies with which their conceptual gaps can be bridged by higher education institutions. This was achieved by conducting a qualitative study on a sample of 72 students who are enrolled in extended engineering programmes in a South African university. The collected categorical data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of this study show that more than half of the respondents did not complete the matric physics syllabus and were extremely underprepared for their university physics lectures. In particular, they lack conceptual understanding of Newtonian mechanics. These students welcome the idea of being given lecture videos and/or in-person lectures/workshops, by the university, with which they could revise the matric syllabus before they start attending university physics classes. Moreover, the results reveal that the majority of students appreciate the coupling of the foundation physics and mainstream physics modules. The results further show that it could be more effective to have students simulating half of their physics experiments in a computer before they conduct them in a laboratory.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Górak-Sosnowska, Urszula Markowska-Manista (Eds.), . Bloomsbury Academic, 2023 with Professor Jerzy Nikitorowicz: On the Challenges Resulting from Modern Migrations Result of the Meeting of Voluntary Migrants with Forced Migrants at the Volunteering Background – Research Report<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The aim of the paper is to present the specificity of voluntary work of Erasmus+ Spanish students (voluntary migrants) in aid of children in Polish primary schools attended by foreigners (often forced migrants). The first – theoretical part of the text presents the outline of migration issues, including forced and educational migration as well as voluntary work. The second part of the text shows methodological assumptions of qualitative research, which was conducted using the method of individual cases in June 2022 among Spanish volunteers working on behalf of the Dialog Foundation in Bialystok, Poland. Chosen research results concerning the activities undertaken by the volunteers, their motivation to act and the multilateral benefits from their work have been shown. In the light of the results of the research, Spanish volunteers contributed to the integration of pupils in the primary schools, in which they conducted workshops. The results of the research may hopefully be useful to develop further educational research concerning volunteering in aid of children in an intercultural environment.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Assessment of Transformational Leadership Theory against a University EAP Pre-sessional Course<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The evolution of leadership theory since the Industrial Revolution has been characterised by a shifting of focus from leaders’ qualities to the construction of effective leadership systems and methods. Transformational leadership, as one such theory, has gained traction in educational settings thanks both to its democratic principles and the applicability offered by its value profile modelling. A set of capacities are provided by the theory, with the intention of providing a toolkit for effective leadership which can be adopted by a range of leaders, thus avoiding the need for inherent leadership qualities. The theory continues to face charges of promoting despotism, however, and most importantly of lacking relevance to real-world settings. Through the reflective analysis of a university-based English for Academic Purposes pre-sessional course – a fixed-term, high-stress setting – a grounded assessment of the real-world applicability of transformational leadership theory can be conducted. It is proposed that such courses within the higher education sector pose specific challenges to leadership, due to time constraints, staff retention and pressures on student achievement. The scope for meaningfully engaging staff in structural processes is thus restricted and there is a clear need for an accessible theory which supports a democratic, pluralistic approach to leadership, such as transformational leadership. However, reflective analysis of the leadership methods employed on the course, and an assessment of their correlation to the principles of transformational leadership, reveals a deficit in real-world applicability of the theory and a failure to convincingly avoid the pitfalls of the cult of the leader.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue