rss_2.0Social Communication FeedSciendo RSS Feed for Social Communication Communication Feed Linguistic and Typological Features of Clickbait in Youtube Video Titles<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>This exploratory study aims to identify which linguistic and typological features commonly associated with clickbait in online news headlines are indicative of clickbait in YouTube video titles. A comparative corpus analysis is conducted to compare YouTube video titles commonly associated with clickbait to titles not associated with clickbait. Results indicate that a majority of the typological and linguistic features associated with clickbait in online news headlines are found to be indicative of clickbait in YouTube video titles. However, the role which each of the features plays seems to differ to that of online news. The findings contribute to the understanding of clickbait in non-news contexts from a linguistics perspective, an area which has been relatively unexplored in the current literature.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Values Exemplified in a Catastrophic Media Image of New Technology and Media Usage in Black Mirror Based on Selected Examples<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The modern world is strongly correlated with the media and new technologies. The human system of values is constantly threatened and subjected to numerous tests and challenges. Axiology faces a huge challenge in the face of modernity. Thanks to the serial productions these threats are strongly highlighted and accentuated, while the consequences of the use of media and new technologies are clearly depicted in the dystopian and catastrophic storyline. The communication of the image of the degradation of human values is superbly presented in the series <italic>Black Mirror</italic>, which has an ethical and educational dimension.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue in the Anthropocene Epoch. On the Importance of Visual Materials in the Pro-Animal Movement<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The article aims to discuss the importance of visual materials in the pro-animal movement in terms of their use in various areas of pro-animal activity, i.e. promotion of a plant-based diet or investigative activities. The starting point of the considerations is an outline of the issues related to Anthropocene and anthropocentrism (in the context of the current status of animals), and the characteristics of pro-animal activities, undertaken mainly by the third sector. Based on the analysis, it has been shown that visual messages perform an important role in shaping convincing messages, and therefore constitute an invaluable communication tool in the pro-animal movement. They have both a documentary and informative as well as a persuasive character, which is also illustrated by selected examples. In addition, the article emphasizes the role of the media in cooperation with the pro-animal movement, which is an important element of its communication strategy.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue and Communication Competences of Foreign Language Teachers in Poland<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Language education is directly related to the phenomenon of communication competence. This is important since the knowledge of foreign languages is intended to develop communication activities that are implemented in their nature. Communication competence is, however, a much broader concept, and in the context of language education, it not only refers to recipients (pupils) but also to broadcasters (teachers). This article presents the relationship between teachers’ activity in the field of mass media, their communication competence and social media. The purpose of this study is also to indicate the correlations between the opinions of teachers surveyed and the features of communication competence of students, as well as to assess the level of teachers’ competences. The methods used in this study included a questionnaire and interviews. A set of closed, open and mixed questions, as well as an in-depth interview based on a traditional questionnaire is included. It is difficult to prove the correlation between teachers’ communication and media competences and the effects of their work. Nevertheless, the high self-assessment of teachers’ competences seems to be related to the growing trend of English language skills in Polish society.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Marketing Communication Competences of the Future - Expectations of Polish Students<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Higher education in specific professional competencies is each time a challenge to combine the expectations and capabilities of universities, the expectations of the labor market and the expectations of students. With regard to the competencies of the future, relevant to the marketing communications sector, the situation becomes further complicated due to the dynamically changing digital media and modes of communication. In Polish conditions, numerous research results are available, indicating the expectations of employers of the marketing communications sector. However, there is a lack of research dedicated to the competence offer of universities in this regard, as well as the expectations and interests of students. This article attempts to fill this gap. It presents the results of a survey of 156 students at Polish higher education institutions regarding the assessment of the presence of future competencies in the study plans of the majors they study and their perceived professional usefulness of these competencies. The results of the survey indicate the existence of a competence gap both between the offer of higher education institutions and the expectations of employers, as well as between the expectations of students and employers. This article was written as part of the implementation of the “Media and Communication in Education and Science” project, under the International Partnerships program, funded by the National Agency for Academic Exchange.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue of Communication in Science in the Context of the Development of Modern Information and Communication Technologies<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The article presents the idea of freedom of communication and science in the context of contemporary trends related to the development of modern information and communication technologies. The research was carried out by means of literature analysis, observation, desk research, and statistical surveys, including estimated data on changes, for example in the labour market. Reference was made to the paradigm shift in the use of information and communication technologies as a result of the pandemic. Attention was also paid to the influence of technology on the sphere of scientific and public information. As a result of the research, changes related to the use of artificial intelligence have been noted, including threats related to the impact of technology on humans and the environment. Another problem is the lack of knowledge about these threats and the uncritical adoption of new technological innovations. Automated decision-making systems do not follow clear rules on accountability for the possible effects of adverse reactions. On the other hand, the development of technology is causing a revolution in the field of open access to scientific data, free of charge and without legal and technological barriers</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Therapy to Technological Enhancement: A Socio-Ethical Perspective<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The classical distinction between the natural and the artificial is gradually losing its original sharpness. Biotechnology can be used not only for therapeutic purposes but also to enhance human cognitive, emotional, moral, or physical abilities. This article discusses three of the most important socio-ethical issues related to the impact of neuroenhancement on individuals and on society. It closely examines threats to the principle of autonomy in the case of two selected technologies for neuroenhancement: the Brain – Computer Interface and gene technologies applied to the enhancement of other beings. The article also discusses the influence of social pressure on autonomous decision-making by individuals and whether social pressure is a sufficient reason for not accepting neuroenhancement. Finally, within the context of many concerns about the widening of social inequality as the result of the spread of enhancement practices, this article examines whether such disparities can be avoided and whether the principle of equal opportunities can be regarded as a sufficient criterion of equality.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue of Visual Public Relations. On Visual Meaning-Making in PR Practice<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The paper presents the functions of public relations from visual communication standpoint. The argument for iconic turn application into public relations theory is provided. Next, the paper describes three main functions of images in PR: informative, persuasive and aesthetic. The essay is a theoretical realisation of socio-cultural paradigm in a public relations theory. Contemporary public’s interactions with visuals are dynamic. The constructivist approach stresses the role of knowledge in perception and therefore it is against the simplistic nativist approach to perceptual activity. It allows recipients’ behaviour to be generally appropriate also to non-sensed object characteristics. The publics remaining in the dialogue with an organization, learn specific aesthetics and perceive specific institutional visual stimuli. The paper indicates the need for interdisciplinary research in both visual and organizational communication domains. Such application of PR encompasses constant researching, conducting and evaluating communication programs to achieve the informed public understanding necessary to the success of an organization’s aims.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Stock Market Fluctuations Be Predicted? Wig.Games Index Secret on the Example of CD Project<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Do the announcements of listed companies issued under ESPI have an impact on the increase or decrease of stock exchange quotes? Or maybe the visual aspect of the company’s communication is more important? Can we talk about a specific „butterfly effect” when one screen before the game’s premiere or an entry in social media is able to shake the facades of the gaming giant from Poland? The company CD Projekt was subject to the audit. The basic research thesis assumes that the announcement issued by a company as part of the legally established communication of listed companies has an impact on the company’s quotation and capitalization on the market. The selected research method consists of two elements: statistical (quantitative) analysis and qualitative analysis. It is time to start the journey to the world of Cyberpunk 2077 and back.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Quality in Scientific Journals: Whose Responsibility?<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Is it journal editors’ role to decide whether the language of the manuscripts submitted to their journals is fine? Among so many duties they have, this one seems to be all-too-often forgotten, or ignored, affecting the quality of scientific publications. Their indifference can also lead to unnecessary arguments between authors and reviewers, or to situations in which the authors have no idea what to do. Left alone, authors seldom win, even if they are right. This paper discusses whose role it is to keep writing quality of journal articles.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Political Parties on Facebook: Literature Review of the Two Main Political Parties in Ghana<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Ghana currently has over 25 registered political parties. The two key political parties in Ghana are the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and National Democratic Congress (NDC). Before the introduction of social media, especially Facebook, political parties in Ghana employed traditional communication strategies, such as TV, Radio, and News Papers, to execute political communication. However, since 2012 political parties in Ghana have deployed and relied heavily on social media platforms, particularly Facebook, as a political communication tool to disseminate their political manifestoes to the electorates in order to clinch political power.</p> <p>This article adopted a purely descriptive approach with an emphasis on document analysis to review relevant information and literature for the study. Hence literature is sourced from secondary sources like a pool of online libraries, political party’s websites/Facebook pages, and other scholarly research related to the subject under investigation. The objective of this paper is to carefully explore political parties on Facebook, emphasizing the two main Political parties in Ghana, thus the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and National Democratic Congress (NDC).</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Attitudes of Voters on Twitter in the Second Round of the Polish Presidential Elections 2015<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>This study aims to answer the question of whether and how the voting attitudes of Polish Twitter users correlate with the election results. It also attempts to understand the online mechanisms of expressing political preferences. The data sample consisted of 8698 tweets attributed to 3508 users concerning attitudes towards the two candidates in the second round of the 2015 presidential election in Poland. Research included semantic analysis and word count techniques. Both approaches yielded similar results and were extremely close to the official post-election outcome – smallest offset amounted to less than 0.1. Moreover, experimental exploration of tweets, users’ behaviour, interactions and dynamics of tweet activity was conducted.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue in the Field of Marketing Communication. Divergent Expectations of System Participants -Experiences of 4 Countries<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The marketing communication sector is experiencing a particularly intensive development, mainly due to the ongoing dynamic changes in the area of media, which are the driving force of communication changes. Numerous market studies prove that in the conditions of such rapid transformation processes, it is particularly important to provide students with current and desired by employers’ professional competences. The presented article verifies the system of shaping the so-called competences of the future in the sphere of marketing communication by analysing the practical form of education of Polish universities and the expectations of students from four European countries: Poland, the Czech Republic, Latvia and Slovakia. Conclusions regarding the lack of correlation of expectations within the triad: employers - academia - students were supplemented with the presentation of partial results of research carried out under the project “Media and Communication in Education and Science” (project financed by the National Agency for Academic Exchange under the program “International Partnerships”).</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue of Discourse Bridging Conflicting Cultural Realities<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Conflict is rooted in diverse sources of reality and language cannot alone solve conflicts. It is necessary to know the party’s grammar and ways of discourse. There cannot be compromise without understanding each parties’ reality truths and the rules of discourse relating to the platform of reality with these embedded truths. This work of theory posits that multiple platforms of discourse, each with differing rules, underpins every type of human interaction, political polarization, cultural and ideological clash, and all international relations including that of war. This understanding leads to an engagement strategy for compromise and agreement between the seemingly irreconcilable.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Relations in Polish Police – Rules and Tools of Social Communication Empirical Research Results<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The existence of press offices in public administration, in uniformed forces, is not a new phenomenon– even in Poland. This profession did not appear in the nineties as it may have seemed, but had been present much earlier. The fact is that after the political transformation in 1989, it became less propaganda orientated and leant towards public relations. Nowadays, almost every uniform service has a smaller or bigger structure of media-related officers, who are capable of using strategies, tools and techniques from the field of social communication for the fulfilment of various goals. The Polish Police force is a service which was the first that started developing press services and built a system for managing media relations effects. Specific operation of uniform press services which is described in the article was based upon the internal police data and field research based on a research project “Marketing communication of uniformed forces in Poland”.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Internet Language – Selected Forms<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>One of the most interesting phenomena observed in the Polish language today is the unquestionable, non-rigorous ability of the language to adapt to the latest social trends like the development. This article provides an overview of the selected most network communication’ important forms of linguistic expression of contemporary Internet Polish language in the communicative aspect. The basic formations and structures used by Internet users are characterized and the current state of the Polish language of online communication is presented, paying attention to the less and less noticeable disproportions between communication in the Internet space and traditional interpersonal communication. The excerpted forms, based on the well-known and completely new abstract units of the dictionary system, allowed a synthetic analysis of an interesting linguistic and communicative phenomenon, which is the marriage of both traditional and new-fangled structures of the Polish language with modern and flexible forms of digital network communication.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue the Social Media Culture of Commenting: Youtube Users Sentiments of “Misinformation” on International News Media Sphere.<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>In the 21st century, the Internet has continued to play a role in breaking news and especially in emergency situations. Social media as an alternate public sphere provides users a platform to seek out clarification, debate, and spread information. Information that might be perceived to be misinformation has become a challenge in both the local news and the international media sphere. Although different scholars have debated this aspect, a review of the relevant literature indicates that few scholars have explored this issue in line with the culture of commenting. The culture of news consumers in the digital age shapes the development of news stories as they seek to find a credible source of information for consumption. This study recognizes that the assumption of misinformation is a very complex problem that is subject to diverse cultural analysis and incessant discourse among experts. Therefore, this study explored the sentiments of YouTube users in the international media sphere in regards to perceived misinformation and the social media culture of commenting. The study investigated YouTube as a communicative platform through the analysis of the content of YouTube channels owned by the media. The study utilized, a data extraction tool to extract both quantitative and qualitative data from the YouTube channels, and conducted a thematic content qualitative analysis of the comments. This study contributes to the overall public sphere theory. It is imperative for the media to adapt to pro-truth while audience engagement and news media literacy are vital in the age of fake news.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Media, Extremism and Terrorism: An Unintentional Business Relationship<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Although the goals of the press and terrorists are not the same, the two groups engage in a mutually beneficial relationship that often appears confusing to scholars and the public. Both the press and the terrorists need and crave the attention of the public. In this paper the authors examine the motives and the methods that the media and the terrorists attempt to achieve their goals. The terrorists need the attention to create terror and spread their propaganda to further their political causes. The media needs the sensationalism created by the terrorists to attract viewers or readers and to positively effect ratings. The study found that the stories about terrorism increased media ratings while unintentionally benefiting the terrorist by publicizing the terrorist cause.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Practice of Peace Journalism in the Coverage of Rohingya Crisis: A Study on Bangladeshi Newspapers<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>In modern journalism conflict resolution has become one of the significant issues. This paper evaluates the print media coverage of Rohingya crisis, which is one of the world’s most discussed topics in recent years. This study is based on the notion that media has potential to impact conflict prevention and its resolution. Based on their circulation, this study selected four Bangladeshi national daily newspapers. The aim is to examine Rohingya conflict-related news and editorials. The primary results confirmed that the issue’s coverage is negatively presented and consistently concentrated on abuse, violent incidents and the lack of peaceful solutions. It concludes that Bangladeshi print media did not play any crucial role in the peaceful resolution of the Rohingya crisis.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Polish Nationwide Catholic Weekly Newspapers Support Andrzej Duda in the Presidential Campaign in 2020? A Case Study<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The aim of the article was to determine the degree of political involvement of the most important representatives of the Polish Catholic press, i.e. “Gość Niedzielny”, “Niedziela”, “Idziemy”, and “Przewodnik Katolicki” in the 2020 presidential campaign in Poland. The periodicals took into account the important context of the campaign, i.e. the coronavirus pandemic, the lockdown and its social and political consequences, as well as the problem of polarisation of the Polish political scene. “Gość Niedzielny”, “Niedziela” and “Idziemy” gave clear support to Andrzej Duda. The political involvement of the above press titles should be assessed as going beyond Catholic social science. “Przewodnik Katolicki” was the only one to point out both the strengths and weaknesses of the incumbent’s programme and political activity.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue