rss_2.0Social Change Review FeedSciendo RSS Feed for Social Change Review Change Review Feed Romanian Students’ Orientations Towards Entrepreneurship: A Survey Study in Sibiu<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>This study aims to identify the factors that explain students’ attitudes towards entrepreneurship and their intentions to pursue entrepreneurship. The study used a quantitative methodology and collected data from 204 students through a questionnaire survey. The research hypotheses derive from established theoretical models, such as experiential learning theory, planned behaviour theory, social learning theory, and push-pull theory applied to entrepreneurship. The results show that career aspirations, exposure to entrepreneurial models, and the number of people students know as entrepreneurs play a significant role in explaining entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions. Other variables, such as academic performance, residential environment, and gender, also explain students’ entrepreneurial intentions.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue return or to stay? The situation of Romanian badanti in Italy during the Coronavirus pandemic<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The study explores the situation of Romanian work migrants employed in elderly home care (badanti) in Italy, in the context of temporary restrictions on the freedom of movement within the European Union during the coronavirus pandemic. The general objective of the research consists in contributing to the understanding of how a particular situation of crisis and the subsequent restrictions enforced may impact the socio-professional category in question. In this context, an exploratory investigation was conducted, by the use of semi-structured interviews with people who have or used to have this occupation in Italy. The aim of the interviews was to identify particular, subjective aspects of their experiences, and, at the same time, to investigate their perception of the transformations occurred due to this crisis. The results of the study offer insight on the individual decision-making process in the matter of remaining in Italy, returning to the country of origin or re-migrating, and the ways in which short-time legislative changes affected these decisions, as well as the effects of the pandemic on this specific socio-economic category.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Traits of Engagement in Solidarity Actions in Romania: An Analysis of Findings from Social Values Studies with a Comparative Emphasis<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Social solidarity is increasingly under scrutiny in the contemporary world. Modern phenomena such as individualization, globalization, and migration have sparked inquiries into the dynamics and transformations of solidarity. Within this context, our study seeks to address one dimension of solidarity: the actions that embody it. We embark on a two-fold mission. On the one hand, we delve into the characteristics of the people engaging in solidarity actions. On the other hand, we compare results regarding acts of solidarity in Romania across different time frames. Our analysis mainly draws from the data collected through the European Values Survey in 2018. Comparisons are made with results from previous analyses and data from the 2012 World Values Survey. To accomplish these ends, we rely on both descriptive and multivariate analyses. Results suggest that approximately two-thirds of Romanians engage in solidarity actions. The likelihood of involving in solidarity actions is mainly influenced by age, religious behaviour, individualization, membership in associations, and recent volunteering behaviour.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue starts from within: Migration and processes of social and cultural change. A Romanian case<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>This paper analyzes Romania’s dynamic migratory process with a focus on the return migration from Norway and the sociocultural changes that it might involve for Romanian migrants and their home societies. The focus on Norway as a case study can bring a valuable, accurate, and deep understanding of Romanian immigration. These indicate that Romanians faced many challenges in their migratory journey in Norway, but that for a source country like Romania, return migration could, in the long term, contribute to its social and cultural changes. This research resulted in three key findings. Firstly, through their migratory experience from Norway, Romanian returnees internalized social remittances, and changed their attitudes, behavior, values, and expectations before disseminating their knowledge in their family -and social environment. Secondly, the prevalence of social remittances might be dependent on the motivation of returnees to transfer their knowledge, ideas, and practices in the scope of contributing to social change. The prevalence of social remittances might also be dependent on the way the societies of origin receive the resources that returnees attempt to transmit and culturally diffuse. Thirdly, Romania, as an emigration society, has had a relaxed attitude towards change. However, repatriated Romanians maintain a confident outlook on the potential of their skills and know-how conferring them influence over certain cultural aspects in the spheres of work and social relationships.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Introduction: Exploring Return Migration and its Transformative Potential in Romania and Beyond or there, who do you trust? Patterns of social trust following the migration experience of Romanians in Spain and France<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>This paper links the concept of social trust and that of migration by exploring the interactions and dependencies between Romanian emigrants and returnees and various institutional and social actors. Consequently, the underlying question of the research is: ‘What are the ways in which migration experience is associated with social trust?’. This research discusses how experiences with public agencies in Romania or in the host country determine trust or conversely, induce the feeling of distrust. Common specific elements were taken into account, such as determinants and effects of trust, life experience as immigrants, level of integration, and level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with public entities, which linked empirically the two concepts. Drawing on a set of interviews with Romanian emigrants and Romanian returnees1, this research tackles the peculiarities of emigrants’ and returnees’ experiences as key factors in identifying the levels of social trust.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue to the Future: How the Convergence of Globalization and Technology is Changing Labour and Mobility<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Throughout this research we reflect on how the convergence of technology and migration is changing highly skilled labour mobility and the relationship between place and value production. We reflect on the impact of these transformations on the tech sector and IT labour market in Cluj-Napoca. We aim to understand how the pandemic coupled with the current trends in labour mobility and value production have affected labour markets and highly skilled labour migration. The paper stems as reflection from a fieldwork which are currently conducting in Romania with a focus on transnational entrepreneurship, social networks of innovation and labour migration in the tech industry. The article brings forward findings from the field, drawing on the developments that accelerated and changed the way we work in the post-pandemic period and analysing what implications these trends could have on the nature of migration and the connection between value production and place.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Reviews Diaspora’s influence on Regional Innovation Performance – a new theoretical and empirical approach toward understanding it<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The occurrences of “brain-gain” and “brain-loss” are significant concerns for both the countries experiencing the departure of intellectual talent and those that ultimately receive such individuals. The phenomenon holds significance for stakeholders and their policy recommendations on social, economic and political areas. Moreover, there exists extensive literature elucidating the reasons behind certain nations encountering the phenomenon of “brain loss” while simultaneously observing the return of individuals to their homelands. Simultaneously, there is a limited amount of research conducted regarding the observation and comprehension of the activities in which the returning diaspora is involved post their return. Even more, there is less research done on the way the return diaspora is influencing regional innovation performance. To enhance comprehension, this article introduces a novel theoretical and empirical approach aimed at understanding the engagement of the returning diaspora in the innovation process and its impact on regional innovation performance. The novelty of this approach consists in the combination of classical theories on returning diaspora, Regional Innovation Performance and Social Fields Theory. As a result, the focus will be on the combination of the three social forces (institutions, networks, and cognitive frames) and returning diaspora. The evaluation of diaspora’s impact on regional innovation performance primarily hinges on the combination and comprehension of these two factors. However, this article serves as a theoretical proposal aimed at enhancing understanding of the phenomenon and establishing a model for systematic data collection. The empirical results could lead to policy recommendations for various stakeholders and bring improvements for helping and encouraging innovation activities in the region.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Social Work Department Students Perceptions of the Online Learning Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The spread of COVID-19 has led to the physical closure of universities, accelerating the expansion of online learning methods. West University of Timișoara has adapted to the pandemic context using different online teaching methods, useful also for students that needed to enhance interpersonal relationship skills, such as future social workers. Thus, authors explored social work students’ perceptions regarding the effectiveness of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemics. The main goal of the study was to determine the perceptions of WUT students, Department of Social Work, about their online learning experience, assessing the effectiveness of online learning with four indicators: Interaction with professors and faculty colleagues, Student comfort in online learning, Motivation to learn online, and Advantages and disadvantages of online learning. The data was obtained through an online questionnaire applied to 107 students. The results indicate that students were generally satisfied by the online learning experience, 60.7% feeling satisfied with the way the university made the transition to online education and 45.7% appreciating that teachers were prepared for the online environment. Their perception is influenced by their ability to technically access online courses and the educational outcomes. Over 50% of the students expressed satisfaction regarding communication with teachers and colleagues. An important conclusion of the research is that university education can benefit from this glimpse of online education, which has challenged, but in the end, has adapted to a hybrid, alternative, way of education. However, to have a sustainable education, e-learning tools should be constantly adapted to students’ needs.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue COVID-19 pandemic and refugees. A scoping review<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Refugees increasingly become part of the European societies. Afghans, Syrians, Ukrainians fled their countries due to war, conflicts, persecution, and settled, temporary or not, in more stable countries. During pandemics, with openness towards foreigners shrinking, and borders closing, the situation of refugees might become uncertain. Our scoping review explores what academics considered relevant about refugees to Europe in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings reveal increasing resentment against immigrants, a need for redesigning European migration policies, preparing welfare systems, asylum protection mechanisms, and societies as a whole, in order to prevent disruptions in the eventuality of large-scale crises. Such implications are to also be considered for the consequences of the current Russian aggression on Ukraine.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue centricity and technology advances research in social sciences: A literature insight on artificial intelligence<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>Evolving technology and human-machine interaction are two major stances that question human centricity as a core dimension for the future placement of human variables and social perspectives inside intelligent systems. The present paper explores present challenges and an up to date research synthesis concerning social sciences dimensions, theories, concepts and implementation with regard to the study of human centred artificial intelligence. The main scope consists of drawing several red lines for future research and theoretical social insights on artificial intelligence at work. Following a scholarly literature insight and several reference works, the study explores major topics of interest analysed so far and proposes new directions for the evaluation of human variables and machine learning at work in an organizational setting. Results showed there is a vital need for expanding research from human centricity point of view on the present matter, where studies are still scarce and heterogenous. Moreover, concept clarification and theoretical explanations are yet to be sufficient in explaining people interactions and management of artificial intelligence at the workplace. In conclusion human empowerment at work through ethical and person oriented intelligent systems in a given organizational context can ensure a fair and efficient development of people’s skills, professional objectives or level of performance while promoting human values, ethical principles and preserving the well-being. The paper presents also several practical implications of social sciences domain on artificial intelligence exploration and a few future directions for research.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue fair access of the third country nationals to successfully integrate in the Romanian society<abstract> <title style='display:none'>Abstract</title> <p>The present paper presents the experience and situation of third country nationals living in Timisoara, Romania. Their experience is relevant to the region of Banat, in the West of the country, but broadly speaking, also mirrors the situation of various types of migrants who come to Romania. Through both individual interviews and focus groups, we obtained information concerning 4 main topics that are relevant to integration: education, health, housing, and employment. The respondents were adults who came from a background that is diversified professionally, culturally, and geographically. Thus, the sample, consisting of a total of over 50 persons, is relevant to our purpose: finding out what the needs of the third country nationals are and how can both state institutions and civil society organizations better meet those needs. After having studied material stemming from previous research and after having analysed the discourse of those whom we have encountered, we conclude that, though the Romanian state has the legal basis and premises to ensure the successful integration of TCNs in Romania, there is still work to be done in the field of putting the theoretical framework into common practice on the ground, thus ensuring the fair access of the TCNs to the tools and support they need to successfully integrate in the Romanian society.</p> </abstract>ARTICLEtrue Transfers, Thwarted Voters and Newcomers in the 2009 Presidential Runoff in Romania<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title><p> This article investigates the role of thwarted voters and newcomers in setting the result of the December 6<sup>th</sup>, 2009 presidential runoff in Romania. For this purpose it employs panel survey data from the Romanian Election Studies, collected across three waves: pre-election, between the two rounds, post-election. Initially, it draws a picture of the main evolutions in turnout and vote between the first and the second round, with a special emphasis on vote transfers and risks associated to turnout and pro-winner overreporting. Then it analyzes the thwarted voters and their rationalities of making second-order electoral choices in the presidential runoff. The influence of campaign developments and long-term party/candidate preferences is assessed. Finally, the article investigates the profile of newcomers (people only voting in the runoff) and the mechanisms of political mobilisation in their case. A special attention is given to how newcomers make the electoral choice in the presidential runoff and to the influence of the campaign developments on that choice.</p></abstract>ARTICLEtrue Practitioners on Professional Community and Sense of Community<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title><p> The study aims to address two areas regarding preschool education: the participation of preschool practitioners in professional groups and communities and the views and understandings they hold on the ‘professional community’ concept. A survey was completed by teachers and specialists working with preschool children in all kindergartens of Sibiu (N=308) in July 2011. A quantitative and qualitative approach of the data was used, for processing a part of the survey’s items. Results show a high participation of practitioners in professional groups within their own institution, but less implication in national or international groups and communities. The respondents’ views on professional community show a basic understanding of it, as a place for interaction and communication in order to get support and advice when needed. Several practical implications are drawn after discussing the results.</p></abstract>ARTICLEtrue in Special Education: Discriminating, Segregating, and Limiting Opportunities to Roma Students by Placing Them in Special Schools<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title><p> In social and educational practices, a number of ‘negative’ descriptive categories such as minority or disability determines inequalities and deepens the vulnerability of such groups. We focus on the Roma students enrolled in Special Education and analyse the mechanisms of (re)producing stereotypes and discrimination. We interpret qualitative research data, conducted in a technical high-school from Cluj-Napoca. Our study concludes that Roma schoolchildren enrolled in special education, whether or not really disabled are discriminated against (on behalf of an educational practice that reinforces the stigma of an inferior ethnic group, socio-culturally marginalized) and thus, their opportunities are severely limited, since their very youthful years, spent in school education.</p></abstract>ARTICLEtrue and the ‘Ideology’ of Journalism in Romania: Results from Local Case Studies<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title><p> The paper approaches the ‘ideology’ of Romanian post-communist journalism as identified in local news media organisations. We focus on the practical philosophy of journalism, emphasizing elements such as autonomy, truth, objectivity; and the relationship of journalists and news organisations with political actors. Special attention is given to the interplay between this practical philosophy and the political and economic constraints influencing news media organisations in Romania. We approach this topic using in-depth interviews with journalists and editors from news media organisations in three Romanian cities. We argue that two different ‘ideologies’ of journalism as a profession exist. These are complemented by a tendency toward reducing journalism to a simple occupation, linked to the politicization of media ownership in Romania and the widespread use of media organisations as vehicles for the free speech of their owners.</p></abstract>ARTICLEtrue and Hiding Online. Pleading for Prevention of Online Violence among Teenagers<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title><p> The present paper discusses disclosure, hiding and self protection in the current online interactions among teenagers. It focuses on disclosure of inner feelings and attitudes, and hiding as a form of self protection online. We explore more specific the following questions: How the feelings and attitudes are disclosed and understood online when teenagers use instant messenger; For what do teenagers choose to disclose themselves on instant messenger and control the conditions of their interactions online? The qualitative research method we used to explore the mentioned questions was the offline and online interview. Two hypotheses emerged and are presented as the results of this study. These are analysed, illustrated by teenager’s responses, discussed and on hand to be verified with statistical method in further quantitative research. Reduced nonverbal cues online reduce the accuracy of empathic understanding which do not stop teenagers to disclose and develop sympathy online. Teenagers choose to disclose themselves online in order to get and/or to maintain a sense of belongingness, to get help or to exercise assertiveness and self-confidence. They learn to control the conditions of their online interactions in order to play with each other or to protect their selves from potential hurts and unwanted intrusions: they choose either to gossip, attack or to hide them online. The present study pleads for action research and building social programs in order to prevent online and offline violence.</p></abstract>ARTICLEtrue Victims of Domestic Violence: Analysis of Their Perceptions of the Criminal Justice System in Romania<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title><p> Criminal justice interventions are important to reduce domestic violence and protect women. In this study we will tackle the unwillingness of women in two regions of Romania to press charges and the failure of the criminal justice system in providing them protection and justice. “Why don’t women press charges?” was the main question that stood at the basis of the international research WOSAFEJUS<sup>1</sup>, where Babeş-Bolyai University (UBB) was the main Romanian partner through its Faculty of Sociology and Social Work. In our paper we will analyse the studies relevant to the field of domestic violence and we will pay a special attention to those that take into consideration the functioning of the criminal justice system. We will present a preliminary analysis of the women’s perception of the criminal justice system in Romania. Our results are based on 76 semi-structured interviews with women in a situation of domestic violence. Atlas.ti was used to aid a thematic analysis of the qualitative data. The results will highlight women’s expectations regarding the justice system, the perceived usefulness of the legal intervention as well as the main factors that come into play when they decide to stay or to leave the criminal justice process. Even though in most of the cases police intervention can’t or doesn’t provide safety and the rapid elimination of danger, the importance of non-legislative factors of intervention has nevertheless been emphasized.</p></abstract>ARTICLEtrue to Create Safety for Battered Women? Conclusions from Several Decades of Research and Practice in Europe<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title><p> A two-year project on ‘A Comparative Analysis of Community-Focused Initiatives Aimed at Supporting Women, Children and Young People who have been the Focus of Violence, Exploitation or Trafficking in Three Regions of the United Kingdom, Germany and Romania’ which was funded by the Daphne programme, was carried out by Newman University College in Birmingham/England together with the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences, Berlin/Germany and Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu/Romania. Service users, in particular, and policy-makers and professional helpers were asked about their experiences with the care structures in their respective countries. The results show that even after many decades of providing professional support for women in violent relationships services are still frequently unable to help the victims to find a ‘safe place’ which could allow them to escape from the violence. The article collates the results of the Daphne project and recent international research on the subject of trauma and domestic violence, reflects on the causes of this gap in care provision and suggests how professional approaches to solving this dilemma could be improved.</p></abstract>ARTICLEtrue