rss_2.0Transport technic and technology FeedSciendo RSS Feed for Transport technic and technology technic and technology Feed the Availability of Public Passenger Transport by Individual Car by Using Travel Applications<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>The article deals with the implementation of the co-modality in public passenger transport. The article includes a brief description of the co-modality and the selected region and describes the benefits of the co-modality. The article concludes with a proof of concept and isochrones showing how public transport becomes more accessible to society using co-modality.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Perspective Trends in the Development of the Logistics Services Market in Russia: Rail Transport<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>An urgent issue in the development of logistics in Russia is the improvement of the supply of goods by rail. This is due to the influence of many external factors: the complication of the geopolitical situation, the introduction of economic sanctions against Russia, the loss of old and the opening of new territorial markets, as well as the emergence of new directions of transportation. At the same time, the need to maintain and improve the quality of logistics services remains. The study results presented in the article are based on official statistical sources and press data and represent an overview of the main trends in rail transport, considering the prospects for contract logistics.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Traffic Prediction System Using Deep Neural Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)<abstract><title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>The development of a road traffic model has numerous benefits, including the reduction of congestion in cities and precise estimated travel times. This study proposes a travel time prediction model based on a deep neural multilayer perceptron trained on GPS data collected in the city of Bechar, Algeria. GPS data was collected using an Android application and a learning model was built using Artificial Intelligence and deep learning techniques. The model was integrated into a web application that allows users to choose a route and make traffic and time predictions. Tests conducted in comparison with Google Maps and real travel experiences in Bechar showed promising results with high accuracy values for most tested routes. However, the accuracy was low in some tests due to the short duration of the data collection process. To improve the project, a data collection phase should be renewed to obtain high accuracy for all destinations and time periods.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Economic and Energy Impact of Slow Orders in Slovakia on Railway Operators<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>This paper looks at the current state of the railways in Slovakia and the economic losses which result from trains passing through locations with an increased incidence of sections of line with slow orders imposed. A calculation of time and financial losses due to a high number of slow order sections will be performed. We shall also focus in more detail on the development and related financing of Railways of the Slovak Republic (ŽSR) and make a number of comparisons with some neighbouring countries. Attention will also be paid to the actual status of completed and unrealised projects in the most recent period, exploring the reasons behind project delays and cancellations. The paper will also calculate how individual train journeys along slow order sections translate into actual operation. The actual impacts on railway operators will also be examined in terms of economics, time, and energy, with an emphasis on the sustainability of current practices and potential areas for improvement.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Impact of the Change Type of Wagon on the Efficiency of the Single Wagon Consignments<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>The transportation of shipments by rail is usually more expensive than other modes of transport. The costs are dependent on different factors, like the length of the train route, energy consumption based on traction, or the number of crew members in the train. The total price for using the railway infrastructure is also calculated, as is the total weight of the railway vehicle—the weight of the shipment and the weight of the wagon. The different types of wagons have different properties. For the operators, it is an ideal situation to have good values of the technical coefficient of tare. In the case of good values, the operator has effectively used their vehicle park. Railway transport should be affordable for customers. By operating non-efficient wagons, transport is more expensive and has low efficiency. By reducing the dead weight of the wagon, it is possible to reduce the cost rate. In synergy with this, more efficient and eco-friendly transportation can be achieved by reducing energy consumption. By reducing energy consumption, it is possible to get closer to the goal of the European Union, which is to reduce greenhouse gases from transport.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Spatial Decision-Making for Identifying Road Hazardous Road Segments in Rural Areas<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>Road safety has now become a major concern in many countries. In Algeria, as elsewhere, many factors are involved in the phenomena of road accidents. In this field of research, our study aims to spatial identification along a road network the hazardous road segments which present a dangerousness index. We proceeded the use of geostatistical approach, in particular global G(d) statistic and local Gi*(d) statistic of Getis-Ord. However, in an operational framework, this approach is highly dependent on hypothesis on the process of the measurement of the spatial proximity based on the distances between the BSUs. Thus, the interpretation of empirical results based on the optimal choice of the weighting structure and the critical distance. Methodologically, this work allowed to test an approach for assess the safety levels experimented in the case of road network specifically higher accidents risk in the Wilaya of Mascara (north west of Algeria). The first results confirm the validity of the method and allow a recoverable mapping by managers in the choice of measures of preventive management.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Study of Delhi Metro’s Magenta Line to Assess Commuter Satisfaction Post Covid-19<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>This study looks how satisfied people are with the Delhi metro, which is crucial for sustainable transportation. The study focuses on security, comfort, travel time components. The research shows how important the quality of service is in public transportation and how it affects what people think and if they would recommend it to others. In the research, 430 passengers surveyed and used statistical analysis to understand what factors influence people’s opinions. The study reveals that age, gender, comfort and security are important factors. The study also investigates the alternate PT modes and found that metro fare, seating/standing facilities are important aspects especially for different genders. It’s important for the DM to think about how people feel about the cost of using it, the seating, and the different preferences of men and women. Making changes like lowering fares and making the metro more comfortable could make it a better option for everyone in Delhi.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue of Implementing Augmented Reality in Railway Freight Transport<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>The analysis of technological procedures in transport and logistics with the aim of innovating the usual procedures is an ongoing process, not only in the present. The development of information technology in recent decades has created new opportunities for innovative procedures, but the innovations themselves do not take place as quickly as the development allows. There are many reasons for this, from the point of view of operational safety to the relevance of technological progress to rail transport. Based on the analysis of technological processes in rail freight transport at the Žilina - Teplička marshalling yard and the characteristics of Augmented Reality, the aim is to assess the possibilities of implementing Augmented Reality technology in the conditions of the processing procedures of sets of vehicles of the destination train in freight transport. The implementation options will be evaluated based on their feasibility in three variants. The implementation of augmented reality must always represent a simplification, acceleration, or cost reduction of the usual technological procedures.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue of Rail Transport: The Application that Delivers Faster and More Efficient Services<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>The article analyses the use of modern technologies in rail freight transport with a specific focus on the process of transferring information from transport documents through automatic identification technology. The main transport document in this context is the consignment note, where automatic identification is required. The automatic identification technologies investigated are RFID/NFC and QR code, with the analysis suggesting that QR code is more accessible and convenient in the current railway environment. However, in practice, limitations have emerged regarding the capacity of the stored information and the readability of the QR code data. It concludes that the use of modern technologies in rail freight transport brings new opportunities and increases the efficiency of information transfer associated with transport documents. Despite the advantages of QR code technology, limitations have been identified, in particular in terms of capacity and readability. The results also show that users with access to modern technologies, such as internet-enabled mobile phones or computers with internet access, are able to handle this technology efficiently, suggesting potential process improvements in rail freight transport. Overall, the paper highlights the importance of integrated technology solutions within this sectoral area and suggests that technological advances are opening up new opportunities for more efficient management and monitoring of rail transport processes.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue of Secondary Rail Lines as Alternative Routes for Freight Rail Transportation<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>Rail transport is currently facing a number of problems. The European Union wants to shift as much freight as possible from road to rail and this is one of the key objectives of the Green Deal. This objective also requires rail carriers to improve their service quality in order to retain existing customers and attract new customers currently using road transport. However, there are a number of factors that are making the railways less competitive. One of these is the closure of the main lines. These lines are crucial to the successful organisation of transport. The article looks at the train costs incurred by carriers when main lines cannot be used for various reasons (line reconstruction, lack of capacity, etc.). The article compares the cost of a train running on a main line with two alternative lines. It examines and describes in detail the efficiency and economic impact of using the alternative routes in the event of an emergency on the main line, and also identifies the advantages and disadvantages of the secondary routes. The paper provides an insight into the usability of secondary routes when an alternative route is required.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue of Current State of Alternative Propulsion in a Sector of Passenger Railway Transport<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>Green railway transport (RT) is not always a completely green transport solution, as there are still many nonelectrified or partially electrified lines in operation with polluting engine traction. Although electric rail is the most environmentally friendly, electrification of lines is a time-consuming and costly project, especially on less busy lines where electrification would be inefficient and unprofitable. Even though electric railway is the most environmentally friendly solution, electrification of lines is a time-consuming and expensive project, especially on less frequented lines where electrification would be inefficient and unprofitable. Alternative propulsion (AP) in RT is not only a way to reduce the operational emissions of passenger trains, but also to save energy and fuel, save time due to vehicle changes, and reduce the overall carbon footprint from transporting goods and people.</p>
<p>The aim of this paper is to examine in detail the current state of development and availability within the AP railway industry, specifically for passenger transport needs, and to transparently present the results in a simple and clear way. In addition, the paper explores the possibility of applying the alternatively powered system to the conditions of the H0 model railway and research with this model.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue the Efficiency of the Transport of Single Wagon Consignments – A Tool for Sunsaitable Freight Transport<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>The segment of transport of single wagon consignments is specific in comparison with the transport of complete trains in terms of significantly higher technological complexity, which increases the capacity requirements for means of transport, railway infrastructure, consumption of traction energy, employees involved in this transport, and ultimately the cost of transport. In many EU countries, the transport of single wagon loads is supported by the State on the basis of the Community Guidelines on State aid to railway undertakings. This aid may be granted as aid for the use of infrastructure or aid to reduce ancillary costs. This aid is allowed by the EU with a view to achieving sustainable freight transport if it is demonstrated by a study that the transport of single wagon loads has lower ancillary costs than alternative modes of transport. In the long term, there is a need to increase efficiency in this transport segment. One option is to change the technology of the operator. This paper uses a case study to show how a change in technology can reduce the carrier’s cost of transporting single carload shipments and thus increase the overall economic efficiency of this transportation segment.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue in Traffic Flow Characteristics Caused by the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>Changes in traffic flows in cities occur over time due to several circumstances. Regulation and proper coordination of transport is conditioned by sufficient input data. The sensor network ranks among the resources that provide an overview of operation in road traffic. The city of Žilina was chosen to support the building of a sensory network with applied research of available data with subsequent use in practice. The sensor network offers a database for the subsequent evaluation of inputs from several points of view. The COVID-19 pandemic was associated with restrictions and many block measures that changed the dynamics of traffic journeys. The aim of this paper was to evaluate traffic flow deviations in connection with the continuation of the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue of the Method of Increasing the Practical Throughput Performance in the Conditions of the Slovak Railways<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>Rail transport is a continuous process that must be coordinated at all levels of management and is determined by technological processes. From a technological point of view, it is important to correctly determine the practical throughput of the track section, also called the railway infrastructure capacity. This means how much train traffic can be used to load the track section so that it shows sufficient train traffic stability even in the event of operational irregularities. The article is focused on the method of increasing the capacity of the Drienovská Nová Ves - Kysak track section with using the application of the method of determining the practical throughput performance in the anticipated timetable. Detailed determination of the occupation times of the section in the current state and in the application of individual proposals to increase the capacity of the investigated railway line provide us with information on other possibilities of modernization of the railway infrastructure in Slovak Republic. The article describes and evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of individual proposals to increase capacity of the track section. As part of the future modernization of the railway infrastructure of this track section, it is necessary to implement these measures, as the track section under investigation is part of the AGTC and TEN-T international railway corridors. When designing new corridors, it is necessary to analyse and optimize the current railway network. The intention is not only to increase the quality of railway infrastructure, but also the quality of goods and passenger transport.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue the Quality and Efficiency of the Transportation Process in Railway Passenger Transport in the Case of Another Pandemic Period<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>During the individual waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, several areas have been significantly changed in our society. Especially during its first wave in the spring of 2020, lockdowns began to be introduced practically overnight and several strict anti-pandemic measures were adopted in most countries of the world, which changed the lives of all residents. The mentioned changes also significantly affected the public passenger transport sector and the transport process. Many times, they were implemented into practice immediately without conceptual systematic preparation. This contribution is focused on a progressive proposal of measures to improve the quality and efficiency of the transport process in railway passenger transport in the next potential period of the pandemic. In the process of providing a passenger with a travel document during the pandemic, new technical and technological elements are implemented in railway stations and trains to reduce the risk of virus transmission in order to protect the health of the passenger and the carrier’s employees. By introducing more modern passenger equipment systems in railway passenger transport in the form of automation and digitization of processes, it is possible to streamline and improve the quality of the transport process.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue for the Development of International Rail Passenger Transport Between Slovakia and the Czech Republic in the Post-Covid Period<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>The contribution is focused on the analysis of the current state and development of traffic service in international rail passenger transport between Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The current situation in the post-covid period is analysed in more detail from several points of view. The frequency of passengers at individual border crossings in the monitored period is also briefly analysed. Part of the analysis of the work is a proposal for ways to improve the current traffic service at individual border crossings in international rail transport.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Top Five Exponential Logistic Technologies During the Covid-19 Pandemic<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>In a pandemic situation such as Covid-19, it is essential to keep contact to a minimum, but it is also important to maintain an acceptable supply level to the population. This paper presents a general analysis of selected exponential logistics technologies, particularly the possibilities of their use in the implementation of logistics chains, or the segment related to storage and distribution during a pandemic. Exponential technologies are those whose performance doubles yearly, but whose cost is halved. Five logistics technologies have been selected that meet the exponentiality criteria and can address pandemic-related issues under certain conditions. Each of these technologies can be used in specific segments of logistics systems. The technologies meet the exponentiation criterion and contribute to increased performance, efficiency, and process automation These technologies are becoming part of a new approach to logistics and are directly related to the advent of Industry 4.0. This paper analysis and subsequent application concern logistics technologies such as internet of things, automated guided vehicles, drones, digital twins, and artificial intelligence.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Impact of the Pandemic on the Daily Mobility of Residents<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>The COVID 19 pandemic has created blocks in our society that have affected all areas of our lives. One of the areas that have been affected most significantly is the transport sector. Due to the restrictions against the spread of the pandemic, public transport suffered huge losses. The aim of this contribution is to point out the changes in the traffic behavior of the inhabitants of Slovakia due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For this purpose, the data obtained using a questionnaire survey, which was carried out during 2021 by the inhabitants of Slovakia, served this purpose. It was found that during the strongest waves of the pandemic, residents avoided using public transport and switched to other modes of transport, primarily individual car and pedestrian transport. The main reason was safety and health concerns.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Development in the Service of Railway Undertakings<abstract>
<title style='display:none'>Abstract</title>
<p>Railway undertakings face many challenges and obstacles to competition in the transport market. Strategic management methods in relation to quality assurance of services provided by carriers, used not only in transport sectors but also in industrial sectors, are a way to continuously improve the quality of services and thus the competitiveness of railway undertakings. Nowadays, customers are becoming more and more demanding, also in view of the wider range of services offered by other modes of transport. For this reason, quality requirements are increasing. Most business strategy evaluation systems are only partial, limiting themselves to the assessment of certain factors where many shortcomings remain hidden. In the same way, a strategic plan for the economic growth and development of a transport organisation does not always ensure the achievement of the set objectives.</p>
</abstract>ARTICLEtrue Evaluation Project Using Feedback<abstract>
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<p>At present, in business practice, we meet the requirements of the employer for employees to work better, faster and better in order to satisfy the customer as much as possible. It often happens that this requirement on the part of the employer is evaluated subjectively and then subsequently the presentation of the results of the employees’ work is not objective. Several methods can be used to improve the evaluation process, and in our case we used an evaluation system using a full-fledged feedback methodology.</p>